Wednesday 28 October 2020

whoa, nelly!

Whoa, Nelly!  WHOA, NELLY!!!  There are some things a kitty can never unsee.


What the mouses are you doin' there, Peepers?  You wanna terrorise the kiddies, this Hallowe'en?

What do you mean, what do you mean?  WHAT DO YOU MEAN?

But I thought...

But it seemed...

I was so sure.

Gosh golly and darn it, a kitty sees his peep first thing in the mornin' before she's combed her hair and washed her face, and the next thing you know, SAID KITTY IS GETTIN' IN TROUBLE FOR THINKIN' THE UNCOMBED AND UNWASHED FRIGHTENIN' MESS BEFORE HIM IS A HALLOWE'EN COSTUME.


And to be fair, she did look super scary.

So Hallowe'en is comin' up this weekend and it's lookin' like it's gonna be a lot different from other years, for sure.  For one thing, peeps have been wearin' masks for the last few months, so puttin' on a Hallowe'en mask is gonna be like...


Like your normal day when grocery shoppin'.


Although truth be told, perhaps had Peepers been wearin' a mask this mornin', she wouldn't have scared me half to death when I saw her.

Good thing the litter box was nearby.


And speakin' of litter boxes...

Not MY fault what I deposited in it is frightening.

But alas, my friends, I'm afraid there's no Hallowe'en adventure this year on account of flyin' fryin' pan and teleportation - not to mention broomstick - travel restrictions.  Plus, with social distancin' and limits on gatherings, the Weasel Syndicate's activities have been placed on hold for the mo.  Of course, this is a good thing, even if a little boring, so...



So I thought to myself, what better way to enjoy Hallowe'en than by readin' some of my Hallowe'en adventures from Hallowe'ens past?

Did you know they say that if you say Hallowe'en three times in a row, somethin' super scary and grotesque will appear?

At least that's what I've heard.

*looks about*

Guess it's not true though.  Must be nothin' more than some kinda urban legend.


Sorry 'bout that.  It was just Peepers walkin' into the room.


But back to the topic at paw: my past Hallowe'en adventures.  I'm includin' the links to adventures of Hallowe'ens past, so feel free to pull up a chair and click on a link, and you'll be magically transported to a frightfully fun-filled Hallowe'en adventure.

Oh-oh.  I just said Hallowe'en three times again.  Bet Peepers will be walkin' back into the room any time now.


2019:  The Haunting

2018:  The Contest

2017:  The Hallowe'en Ball

2016:  The Hallowe'en Visitor

2015:  A Hallowe'en Adventure and And Now, the Conclusion

2014:  The Broom Closet


And remember:



Continue to practice SOCIAL DISTANCIN' measures



Remember to mask up, too.


  1. Poor Peepers. We bet she wasn't that scary, Sivvers.

  2. It's really going to be a strange Halloween this year for a lot of people. Not us, my human just sits around with the outside lights off, waiting for the trick or treaters to go away, every year.

  3. Darn it, I forgot about Halloween. But then so does Mrs H as we bolt up the doors shutter the windows andpost guards at every possible avenue onto the estate! Not that we're scared of ghosts or trick or treaters, no ma'am, it's about this time of year the Tax inspectory tries to do his visit, MOL

  4. dood....we haz de same kinda scaree over heer in TT with de food servizz gurl :) they SAY kidz can go out heer for a couple oh hourz but we ude knot noe if they even WANT two thiz yeer....ya noe

    any way, heerz two a happee howl o ween ☺☺♥♥

  5. You are too funny. Have a Happy Halloween!

  6. Severs, you have such a grrr-eat sense of humor! I hope you got to celebrate the holiday with some special Hallowe'en nip that grows in the garden by the Great Pumpkin. Purrs.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.