I'll be celebratin' CAT WORLD DOMINATION DAY once again this year. Thanks ever-so-much, Sparkle for creatin' this wonderful graphic to get the celebrations started.
You all know Sparkle from Sparkle the Designer Cat, right? Right.
Hey everybody, I was interviewed! That's right... INTERVIEWED!!!
The gang over at Funny Farmer Felines interviewed me and the interview was featured in Mousebreath Magazine. Seville got to answer a question, too! Pretty neat, huh? Yes, definitely neat. purrs
And you can check out those who interviewed me over on Jan's Funny Farm!
Everyone loves a limerick, right? That's why I'm currently hostin' a special event on my Facebook fan page, Nerissa's Life, where all my pals can share their anipal-themed limericks. What fun! WHAT FUN!
Sammy from over at the world-famous blog onespoiledcat organized a trip to the moon and was it ever fun! Here's a picture of me wearin' my spacesuit and another one of the moon creature I met while there. MOUSES!
I entered Sammy's Hallowe'en 2013 Costume Contest. With a little help from Sammy's mom, I was able to go as a warlock!
I was the Best Man at Herman and Belle's wedding. That wedding was the TALK of the CENTURY, for sure. Best wedding EVER!
I belong to the Cat Blogosphere!
... of course.
Celebrated Cat World Domination Day again in great style thanks to this wonderful graphic from my pal, Sparkle over at Sparkle the Designer Cat. Thanks Sparkle! purrs
Remember this? 'Cause I was havin' such a hard time, gettin' astronauts to read my blog from the International Space Station and all, my pal Sammy from onespoiledcat got me my very own space suit so that I could visit the Space Station myself!
I helped Leo find his Forever Castle.
I survived Herman's #spyparty. You know Herman, right? He writes the amazin' blog It's a Wonderpurr Life.
It was so funny... some guy was upset 'cause the party was filled with cats and not spies!
I'm a member of the TABBY CAT CLUB! I'm actually one of the first hundred members. Neat, huh?
I joined the FBI! That's the FELINE Bureau of Investigation for those of you who don't know. Got my badge from Nellie and Cosmo from over on the Cat from Hell and everything.
I was named a HOT MANCAT OF THE BLOGOSPHERE by those two gorgeous gals over at Troublin' Times.
I accepted the A to Z Challenge and am still workin' on it. MOUSES!
I celebrated WORLD CAT DOMINATION DAY in 2012, of course!
Thanks so much to Sparkle from Sparkle the Designer Cat for the great graphic.
I was featured on Pet Blogs United!
Oh! Another great page creation!
ReplyDeleteJust Amazing love it all.xπ»πΎπΎπΎπΎπΎπ