Nissy's bionic knee


When I was injured and had to have my knee bionicized, lots of pals sent me super-duper cards.  They were all so beautiful! 


Oh, and in case you had forgotten about my knee bein' bionicized, you can read all about it 'cause I blogged all about it.  Yup, just check out the followin' posts!

"I'm starving!"
"the cone of shame"
"the great fancy feast grilled chicken pizza caper"
"hey...  I'm so cool"
"just call me Houdini"

Sammy from onespoiledcat sent this one.  I love the poem.

These beautiful balloons were from my pal, Nancy.

Savvy from Savannah's Paw Tracks sent this one.  Always so good to know you're loved.  purrs

This one was from the Zoolatry Girls.  Love it!

My BFF, Herman from It's a Wonderpurr Life sent me this.  That's me, writin' from my hospital bed.

This cutie pie card was from The Duchess.

JJ sent me this card.  Cute, huh?



  1. Such pawsum cardz Nerissa...we must reed about yer bye-onick knee...bery interestin fer shure!!! ;)
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum too xoxoxo


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.