Sunday 20 October 2024

odds and sods

Odds and sods and some other silly stupid stuff.


Well maybe not so much stupid as um...



At least to me.


But not so unimportant that I won't blog about 'em today!  'Cause you know me, I'm always lookin' for stuff about which to blog.


So I spent this mornin' supervisin' ol' Peepers colourin' her hair.  I knew she was gonna do it.  Said so on the calendar.  So I KNEW today would be the day.

And in preparation of the big event, I hauled out my pen collection from under the refrigerator, thinkin' there might be some colourin' crayons under there.

No such luck.  Just a whole bunch of pens.  Which makes sense on account of it bein' a collection of...  pens.

But what would the peep do?  With no crayons on paw, how would she colour her hair?

I know, I know...  I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin' peeps don't use crayons to colour their hair.

Well I'm not so sure they shouldn't!  First of all, crayons would make a whole lot less mess.  And secondly, with crayons, one wouldn't risk the golden-brown-not-so-golden-but-actually-kinda-orange catastrophe of the spring of 2023.

Now as a marmalade cat, I appreciate a good head of orange hair.

On ME.


I know, I know...  I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin' Peepers was tryin' to imitate me by dyin' her hair kinda orange; and I can see your point, to be sure.  I mean, who WOULDN'T wanna look like me?

But there were way too many beepin' thises and beepin' thats 'bout the golden highlights lookin' oh-so-orange.  Way too many words I will not use on my blog 'cause this here is a family-FRIENDLY blog, to be sure.


Turns out, a second catastrophe was averted.  Apparently, medium brown does not turn orange.

And it's a good thing, too, for there's only room for one marmalade gorgeous gus around here.

And that would be me.


Now what else?  Hmmm...

Oh!  We had frost.  FINALLY.  Three weeks and two or three days late, this year; a fact about which Peepers complained, profusely.  

Now Peepers is complain' about all the stuff in the yard she couldn't do earlier because we hadn't yet had frost, and now has to all be done in the next couple weeks.

Typical peep.


And speakin' of yard stuff: the leaves are startin' to fall.  So, of course, they need to be raked.

Now I'm not too big on rakin' up leaves - too much like work, you see - but I do enjoy a good run-up-to-and-jump-into-the-pile-kickin'-leaves-every-which-way-and-about dance after the work part is done.

Word to the wise: First time you do it, peeps find it adorable and irresistibly cute.  But the second time?  Not so much.

And don't even think about goin' in for a third.

My ears are still ringin' after that one.


Oh, I almost forgot to tell you 'bout what I found on Saffron.  Should have mentioned it earlier, when I was talkin' about Peepers' hair.

Guess what I found on ol' Saffy.

Come on...  Guess!

Nope, not a tick.  He's been dabbed on the back of the neck, for that.

Guess again.  Again!

Give up?  Okay, on Saffron, I found a grey hair.


I know, I know...  I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin' that as a charcoal grey kitty with a silvery kinda aura thing goin' on there, Saffron is probably covered in grey hair.

True.  But this one was definitely outta place.

Cat's gettin' old.


And speakin' of old, there was a documentary on TV the other night about dinosaurs and asteroids and whatnot.  I asked Peepers if she remembered any of that happenin' when she was younger.

Word to the wise: Never ask a peep things like that.

At least not until AFTER you've had your fill of the extra good treats.


Anythin' else I should mention?


Yeah, I should probably mention how that sock Peepers lost in the laundry, last week, finally turned up.  Not sure where it had been hidin'.  It just suddenly appeared.

Socks will do that, you know.  Socks can be weird.

Which is why, as a cat, I don't wear 'em.


So that, my friends, is the end of my odds and socks...  I mean, SODS for the week.