"You gonna answer that doorbell, Niss?" Seville questioned. "Someone keeps ringing it."
Nissy glared at his brother, Seville, chowin' down on kibble, and pursed his lips. "You could have answered it yourself, Sivvers. Nothin' stoppin' you from answerin' the door."
"Peep #1 says we're not allowed to open the door to strangers. If someone's going to get in trouble, best it be you," Seville replied. "I get myself into enough trouble as it is."
Nerissa stomped over to the front door. Getting up on his hind legs, he pawed at the handle and pulled. The door swayed open, revealing a woman wearing a long dress and an extremely pointy hat. "You're two days early for Hallowe'en, kiddo," Nissy told the woman. "Peeps don't have the candy out yet. Come back Friday," and he began to push the door shut.
"I'm not here for candy," the woman purred. "I'm looking for Nerissa the Cat."
Nissy stopped in his tracks. "Ummm... Exactly what would you be wantin' with this Nerissa the Cat fellow? You sellin' somethin' or somethin'?"
"Do I look like a salesperson?" the woman asked, impatiently. "I'm here to pick up my order."
"Order? Order for what? This isn't a take-out restaurant, lady. This is my house."
"But this is the address on my bill," the woman explained. "See?" and she passed Nerissa a blank piece of paper. As if by magic, a quill pen suddently appeared and began to write on the paper, all by itself. The paper began to look very much like an invoice for a...
"SIVVERS!!!" Nerissa hollered. "You know anythin' about someone sellin' flyin' brooms and usin' my name to do so?"
Seville sauntered over to the door. "You must be Tabytha Stonehenge. Very pleased to meet you. I'm Seville," and he extended a paw to shake the woman's hand.
"What the mouses is goin' on here, Sivvers? What have you been up to, this time?"
"No worries, bro," Seville quipped. "Just a little business I set up over on your blog. I'm selling flying brooms now. Just a seasonal business. Only open for the month of October. You know, because of Hallowe'en. The shop is called The Broom Closet. Pretty smart, huh?"
"You're sellin' flyin' brooms? FLYIN'? BROOMS? ON MY BLOG? MOUSES!"
"No need to get your mouses in a dither," Seville said calmly. "I'll just finish up this little transaction with Ms. Stonehenge and explain everything later. Did I mention you were going to get a ten percent cut of the profits?"
"You didn't mention anythin' at all," Nissy answered through gritted teeth. He sat back on his haunches, contemplating his next move.
"Ms. Stonehenge, I have your order right here," and Seville pulled a large package out of the hall closet. "One custom-made, paw-crafted, one-of-a-kind, five foot broom. The sporty edition. Perfect for a lovely female witch such as yourself."
Nissy bit his lip, issuing forth a small cry.

Nerissa extended his tongue as if to wash a paw but rather, held it between his paws, thus preventing himself from interrupting Seville's spiel.
"This sporty edition was designed for maximum manoeuvrability," continued Seville. "You can turn on a dime on this thing, if you so desire. You've chosen an excellent model, Ms. Stonehenge. Your witchy friends will be mightily impressed."
Tabytha examined the broom closely. "You said it was one of a kind?" she asked.
Seville pawed at the carpet. "Um, yeah. Yours was my only sale so yeah, definitely one of a kind."
Unable to restrain himself any longer, Nissy pulled at Seville's tail with a paw. "We need to talk," he told his brother.
"Excuse us," Seville said to Tabytha. Turning to Nerissa he hissed, "Niss, I'm in the midst of finalising a sale. She hasn't paid for the broom, yet. Can't this wait?"
"No, it can't. I have some questions for you, Sivvers. How did you access my password protected blog to set up a business? Where did you get the brooms to sell? And finally, does the peep know you're sellin' flyin' brooms from the hall closet?"
"Niss, I access your blog ALL the time. Your password is nip. Not very difficult to crack. I ordered the brooms on-line, using the peep's credit card. Easy. And no, Peep #1 does not know I'm selling flying brooms from the hall closet and if my luck holds, she never will. Don't tell on me, okay Niss?" Seville pleaded. "I really want this business venture to work. I'm thinking that The Broom Closet could be the next big thing."
"Fine," Nissy scowled. "I won't tell the peep but you and I are gonna have a very long conversation about usin' my blog to promote your fly by night schemes when all this is over."
"Fly by night! I LOVE THAT! Niss, you're a genius. I'm going to use that in The Broom Closet's next advertising campaign."
"Awww.... MOUSES!" Nissy cried in frustration. Getting his brother to close up shop was going to be more difficult than he thought.
"It's perfect!" Tabytha suddenly squealed with delight. While the boys had been deep in discussion, the witch had been quietly inspecting the new broom and had found it to be to her pleasing. "I'll take it. In fact, I'm going to fly it home, tonight."
Seville smirked at Nissy. "See?" and he poked his brother in the side with a paw. "Another happy customer. The Broom Closet is going to do so well."
"Another? But I thought you said Tabytha was your only customer? Just how many schemes have you come up with, usin' my blog? Nissy asked Seville.
"Ummm... Never mind that, Niss. I'm workin' on this one now. With your blog and my business acumen, we're going to do so well. And I'll give you full credit for your Fly by Night motto thingy, there. That's brilliant, that is. Next Hallowe'en, I bet we'll double our sales!"
"You mean you'll sell two flyin' brooms, Sivvers? MOUSES!"
"Well, when you put it that way..." and Seville pawed at the floor. "Actually, when you put it that way, I bet we'll triple our sales. Yup, definitely triple them."
The boys watched as Tabytha Stonehenge flew off with her new acquisition from The Broom Closet. Seville purred to himself with satisfaction. Nissy cringed, waiting for the next shoe to drop, being thankful that neither he nor Seville actually wore shoes, thereby reducing the likelihood of any dropping.
That was fun gang, and I'm not even a big fan of brooms!!!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, neither am I, UNLESS there's a profit to be made. MOUSES!
DeleteHehehehe Sivvers is always up to something Nissy!xx Speedy
ReplyDeleteI sure am. MOUSES!
DeleteAww, that was sweet! Purrs...
ReplyDeletePURRS. Happy Hallowe'en!
DeleteHehe Nissy, Seville just swept you off your feet and you rode right in. *giggles* MOL Da bestus Halloween story, yea, gotta share this with me pals. ~Willy
ReplyDeletePlease do! I absolutely LOVE when my stuff is shared. I do. I really, REALLY do! purrs
DeleteLove the images!! Happy Halloween! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I'm usin' the last one as my Hallowe'en card this year. I just love that one, too. purrs
Deletelol a broom scheme for the ages. And with no shoes, one can't drop
ReplyDeleteYou've got a point there. Nothin' worse than a shoe plummeting to the Earth. MOUSES!
DeleteHey Nissy... If you get a this comment and it's the second from us just delete this one. Love your blog. It was funny. Just a few concerns. What if the witch makes a turn on a dime and slips through the wormhole? And what if she brings something back wif her. Keep on blogging, Nissy.
ReplyDeleteShould be okay. Wormholes are primarily caused with whisk usage and Seville only installed eggbeaters on the broom. Whew! Yeah, 'cause slippin' on dimes and fallin' into wormholes would NOT be good, at all. purrs
DeleteWow! That's a relief. You put our minds at rest. *relieved sigh*
Deleteseville...dood...sew does this meen we willna be gettin de sweep o matic broom & brush we ordered.......uh...sorry nissy, we couldna pass up a grate deel !!! ♥
You ordered one, too? Awww... MOUSES! purrs
DeleteOh my Ceiling Cat! Well... just imagine the extra green papers you could spend on nip with Seville's business ventures. We know how you luff your nip !
ReplyDeleteHmmm... I DO love my nip. It's true. purrs
DeleteMOL - just think of da money ya could make if it takes off - dat could pay for a lotta nip.
ReplyDeleteTakes off... TAKES OFF... Like in flight. MOUSES!
DeleteFly By Night!!! MOL Mizz Stonehenge is the cousin of Gaston Bury!! I know them well ;) Great story Nissy!! xx
ReplyDeleteSo happy to hear you liked it! PURRS
DeleteLOVE it! Seville clearly has a head for business. . . . whether it's good or shady is debatable! You'd better keep a close eye on him Nerissa!
ReplyDeleteCan't it be both? purrs
DeleteOMC - this was so funny. M said she's going to hide the whisks, broom, and eggbeaters!
ReplyDeleteProbably best. If I run out of whisks, I might ask to borrow a few. purrs
DeleteVewy cute Nissy. :)
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
Awww... PURRS
DeleteNice! You could make a whole lotta money, Seville and Nissy! :)
ReplyDeleteI know! Isn't it grand? purrs
DeleteHa ha! That is cute. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Hallowe'en! PURRS
DeleteBOL!!! Your adventures always crack me up!!! And I just love your photos!
ReplyDeleteღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
'Cause we're a photogenic lot? purrs
DeleteNissy, you can get yourself a nice Nip O' Lantern with that 10% for sure! Great job Seville, we love your cool broom!
ReplyDeleteNip O'Lantern... I LIKE THAT! purrs
DeleteMOL, that was a pawesome tail. Seville, we love your cool broom.
ReplyDeleteIt really IS a cool broom. PURRS
DeleteThat Rowlings lady better watch her back! YOUR stories are fascinating!
ReplyDeleteI'm purrin' with delight, over here. PURRIN' WITH DELIGHT! purrs
DeleteVery clever story- I like the egg beater power. What are you going to do when the peep gets her credit card bill? Please visit us at 15andmeowing for a giveaway.
ReplyDeleteMight have to hide that when it comes. MOUSES!
DeleteGoodness Nerissa, that brofur of yours sure causes trouble doesn't he? We hopes your peep doesn't check the credit card statement too closely, MOL
ReplyDeleteSasha, Sami, & Saku
I'll have to distract her when the bill arrives. purrs
DeleteNissy, you charmed both mom AND me. And that ain't easy. xxooox
ReplyDeleteAwww... PURRS. Happy Hallowe'en!
DeleteVery clever, Seville. Time for Nissy to change the password.
ReplyDeleteTo uh... Seville? purrs
DeleteOMC Nissy you had better be changing your password or Sivvy will be getting you in ALL sorts of trouble some day! LOVE it! Hope you all had a safe Halloween!
I'll have to help him with that. Help pick out a new one, that is. purrs
DeleteGreat story Nissy. Hope that broom doesn't get the best of all of you.
ReplyDeleteAt least Halloween is over for now. You all have a great week.
Yup, you've gotta watch your speed. purrs
DeleteWish I had one of those brooms!!