Wednesday, 29 June 2016

hey Peepers!

Hey Peepers!  You wanna keep it down, out there? I'm tryin' to get some work done. I'm workin' on The Next Great Canadian Novel, and I need some peace and quiet, for sure. MOUSES!

What's that, Peepers? Why am I workin' on The Next Great Canadian Novel?  'Cause I'm a Canadian kitty, that's why.  Why do you think? MOUSES!

Sometimes I wonder 'bout my peeps.  Really and truly, I do.

Oh for mousin' out loud.

Peepers!  There's way too much noise goin' on outside.  What's with the ruckus?

Peepers!  PEEPERS!  Peepers?

Hmmm...  The peep does not appear to be out there.  Apparently, the ruckus bein' made is not her ruckus, after all.  MOUSES!

Hey Peepers!  You wanna tell those birds outside to keep it down?  I'm tryin' to get some work done in here, and they're makin' way too much noise and....

I don't know.  I have no idea.  Peepers, how am I supposed to know why they're squawkin' up a storm out there?  All I know is that they're squawking and their squawking is super loud.  I need you to tell 'em to shut up.  Would you mind doin' that for me?  Huh?  Could you do that now, please? Peepers?

Oh for mousin' out loud.


There, that's better.  Now let's see...  Where was I?  Ah yes, page two.  Hmmm...

Hey Peepers!  You wanna tell those squirrels outside to keep it down?  I'm tryin' to get some work done in here and...

Never mind.  I'll do it myself.  MOUSES!

Oh Peepers...  PEEPERS...  PEEPERS!  You're needed outside.

No, that's not why I called you.  I already told the birds to be quiet.  I told the squirrels to, too, but when I was out there tellin' those squirrels to be quiet, I happened to notice Tess and she...

Peepers!  Are you listenin' to me, Peepers?  Tess.  Outside.  Squirrel.

What's that, Peepers?  You don't understand?  You have no idea what I'm talkin' about?  Typical. Typical peep, for sure.  MOUSES!

Peepers, I was tryin' to tell you that Tess is trottin' down the driveway with a live squirrel hangin' from her mouth.  Well at least she was trottin' down the driveway.  I have no idea where she is now.  For all I know, she might have already brought that squirrel into the house like Nissy used to do with chippies and...

That got her attention.  Wanna see a peep run?  Just tell 'em a cat is bringin' a live squirrel inside the house and...

What's that Peepers?  You can't find Tess?  You don't know where she is?  You need my help?

Let me tell you somethin', Peepers.  You need way more than MY help, and that is for sure.  And not just 'bout Tess and the squirrel, either.  You need help in so many ways, I can't even begin to...

Pardon me, Peepers?  You need my help right now?  You want me to stop babbling 'bout how much help you need and come outside right this instant and help you find Tess?  Really?  Really? REALLY?

Peepers, I'd love to help you out there.  Really and truly I would but...  But I'm a little busy at the mo.  Like I said, I'm workin' on THE NEXT GREAT CANADIAN NOVEL and I'd really like to get it done by Friday.  You know, on account of Friday bein' Canada Day and all and...

How far along am I, you ask?  Let me check.  Hmmm...

I'm on page three.

Peepers, how long do these great Canadian-type novels need to be?  You know anything about that sort of thing?

Really?  That long, huh?  Hmmm...

Awww...  MOUSES!

You know, I'm thinkin' I'd be a whole lot further into this novel of mine if the birds and the squirrels weren't makin' so much noise outside and...

PEEPERS!  Just had a Tess sighting.  She's back on the driveway.  The squirrel ran up the oak tree.  Thought you'd like to know.

Now...  Now back to my book.  I mean, novel.  Hmmm...  Page three...

Peepers, are you SURE these Great Canadian Novels need to be as long as that?  Are you SURE you've never heard of a Great Canadian Novel bein' about five pages long?  I think I can probably manage five pages by Friday.  Especially if I say MOUSES! a lot, and stuff.  And maybe if I use a larger print and...

Well my other option is to push back Canada Day but that would mean havin' everyone change their calendars and stuff.  Everyone from right across Canada.  From coast to coast to coast and...  I'm not sure I can get everyone to agree to that.

So Peepers, you honestly don't think five pages is long enough for The Next Great Canadian Novel?  Really? You're not just yankin' my chain?  Not that I ever wear a chain to yank but, you know...  You're serious about this, huh, Peepers?  Serious about five pages not bein' long enough?

Well what about six?  Would six pages be...

Six pages is too short, too?

Awww...  MOUSES!

                 I hope you have a niptastic Canada Day, for sure.  MOUSES!


  1. Happy Canada Day to you and your furpals there and yes, your Peeps too. Have a great day!!!!!

  2. Happy Canada Day to all of you Seville, and to Tess and the squirrel too!

    1. Maybe that's it... Maybe Tess wanted the squirrel to join us for Canada Day celebrations... purrs

  3. Happy Canada Day! We think six pages is a good novel!

  4. Happy Canada Day!

    Seville, 6 pages is purrfect, don't let anypurrdy tell mew differently! MOL


    Basil & Co xox

  5. Happy Canada Day, Seville! I know you'll get that novel done.

    1. Unfortunately, I didn't get it done in time for Canada Day. Too much nip, I'm afraid. MOUSES!

  6. Happy Canada Day Seville (and to your fursibs and beans too)! Hey, a six page book would be purrfect for us kitties. We'd have time to read it between our naps.

    High paws to Tess for catching the bad it got away!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. I'm not sure if it got away or she let it go but she went and caught ANOTHER one. MOUSES!

  7. Replies
    1. And a Very Happy Fourth of July to you on Monday! purrs

  8. Happy Canada day to you and your family Sivvers,xx Speedy

    1. Awww... Thanks Speedy. You have an equivalent in Britain? Somethin' to celebrate the Queen, perhaps? purrs

  9. Well when it's NOISY, it's tough to write a novel OR a letter or certainly a blog! Gosh! Doesn't everyone know that a great author needs QUIET????!!!! Good luck getting that novel done in the midst of LIFE!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. I know! Caterwaulin' and peeps yellin' and cats chasin' squirrels should be banned in the interest of novel-writin' cats, for sure. MOUSES!

  10. "You need way more than MY help." Spoken like a true cat, Seville :)

    1. Well I've gotta tell it like it is, you know? Of course you do! YOU'RE a cat!!! purrs

  11. MOL Me thinks your novel will be purrfect no matter how many pages Seville. Now did Tessa get da squirrel or did she lose it? NOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. She let it go. Or it got away. Not quite sure which. purrs

  12. guys....happee canada day two ewe all...squirrel ore noe squirrel :) we hope yur dayz a grate one....BURD FREE & BURD QUIET......and dood....we think 7 pagez iz novel werthee !!! best fishes on yur book, let uz now when itz in print !! ♥♥♥

    1. I will! I WILL! Soon as I get it finished. 'Fraid it wasn't ready by Canada Day on account of my gettin' into some nip. MOUSES!

  13. Happy Canada Day ! Page 3 is a good beginning ! Purrs

    1. And would you say that by page five or six it would be okay to end? Not a lot of pages in between, I'm afraid. MOUSES!

  14. Happy Canada Day my friend! I feel maybe a bit of Whisk Time Travel is called for, that way you could get that novel done in no time, or is it, in lots of time? My novel is only two chapters long too, lots of mice and cream and nip, followed by cream nip and mice! and pictures of the same with scratch and sniff and lick pages! purrs ERin

    1. Two chapters? TWO WHOLE CHAPTERS? How many pages is that??? purrs

  15. Happy Canada Day! I bet your novel is great even if it is short, I think those are called novellas :)

    1. You think five or six pages is long enough for The Next Great Canadian Novella, then? purrs

  16. Happy Canada Day pal! Have a good one ;)

  17. I have hope that Canada Day will be very special. Do you have fireworks? :::shudders:::

    1. They had some last night but I didn't really hear 'em a lot. In Halifax there were probably more. purrs

  18. For some strange reason, hoomins get crazed about anything live in the house that they weren't adopted by.

    1. Weird, huh. Weird 'cause they go all nuts with dead things in the house, too. MOUSES!

  19. Well, you could at least have been on page 7 if you hadn't had so many interruptions! Happy Canada Day.

  20. Our human is working on a novel too... she would welcome the distraction of some birds and squirrels right now, procrastinator that she is... Purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang

    1. She is? How long is hers? Longer than five or six pages? Would you ask her if she thinks mine will be long enough, please? purrs

  21. Well, *I* say "for mousin' out loud"! ^ is enough for us kitties! Bring it on.

    1. I'm with you on that. I'm with you, for sure! purrs

  22. Hey Sev - Maybe you can get that novel written in time for next year's Canada Day. I think six pages is s good length.

    1. You think six pages is good? Hmmm.. I can DEFINITELY manage that by Canada Day next year. PURRS.

  23. Sivvers I have a feeling your novella, short for "short novel" ya gonna be a big hit! I betcha those publisher will be waiting in line to grab your novella up to publish it.

    1. I'm thinkin' it could win a Giller, for sure! purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.