Sunday, 26 June 2016

adventures with primroses

So anyway, the peep was prickin' out some primroses the other day and...

Hmmm...  Perhaps I should point out that prickin' out primroses sounds a whole lot meaner than it actually is.  She was just takin' the little itty bitty witty...

Okay, perhaps I should point out that primroses are not actually known for their wit.  

But back to the peep and her prickin'.

So the peep was takin' the little baby primroses that germinated in the spring, prickin' them out, and replanting them into larger trays.  See?  Not mean at all unless, of course, the primroses did not want to be replanted into the bigger trays but so far, they've made no complaints.  Or at least I haven't heard any.

Hmmm...  Perhaps I should point out that primroses, along with not bein' known for their wit, are also not known for havin' a good sense of direction.  They probably didn't even know they were being moved.  MOUSES!

SO ANYWAY, the peep was prickin' out some primroses the other day and...

Well I thought she had been killed or somethin', for sure.  MOUSES!

You should have heard her scream.  Perhaps you did.  I'm pretty sure she was heard miles and miles away.  The peep screamed like no one else has ever screamed before.  It was, my friends, LOUDER than her caterwauling.  Can you believe it?  MOUSES!

My first thought was...

If someone has gone and killed my peep, who will serve me my dinner tonight?  MOUSES!

With the thought of dinner being served late, I immediately ran outside to investigate.  I ran 'round the side of the house and stopped short...

Not 'cause I am short.  I'm not, really.  I'm cat-sized and for a cat, I'm perfectly sized, for sure. Let's face it, all cats are shorter than your average peep.

But back to the bit where I stopped short.  I stopped, dead in my tracks, and stared at the peep. There she was, standing on top of the green bin, screaming at the top of her lungs and...

What's that, Peepers?  FINE.  MOUSES!

I have been informed, it's not nice to tell fibs. MOUSES!

So there was the peep, standing next to the green bin, rather than on top of it.  She had stopped screaming - thank goodness - but was staring at the green bin with wild disbelief.  Her eyes were as big as saucers and...

What's that, Peepers?  FINE.  MOUSES!

Apparently, exaggerations are as bad as fibs. MOUSES!

So anyway...

You can well imagine, I am sure, how relieved I was to see the peep alive and well.  I wiped the perspiration from my brow, knowing that my din-dins would be served on time after all.  I turned around and decided to head on back into the house. Perhaps there was a nip mouse needin' some sniffin' or somethin' and...

But then I thought to myself, I wonder what made the peep scream like no peep has ever screamed before?

So I turned back to the peep and headed on over and that's when I saw it.  That's when I saw...

My gosh, it was the biggest, baddest, meanest lookin' spider in the whole wide world.  It was SO big....

Well at least that's what the peep said.

Hey Peepers!  I thought exaggeratin' and fibbin' were naughty.  How come when YOU exaggerate and fib...

Hmmm...  No answer from the peep.  She has taken the fifth, I do believe.  MOUSES!

Anyway, the spider was 'bout as big as my longest claw and since I've recently had my claws trimmed, that's not very big at all.  As for bein' mean, I think he was just scared.  Scared 'cause the peep accidentally pricked him out of the flower pot with the baby primroses.  You know, the pot where he had made himself a home.  And then there was all that screamin'.  Imagine findin' yourself bein' rudely taken from your house and home, and then being screamed at like no one has ever been screamed at before.  That would pretty much scare anybody, for sure.  Poor little guy...

Or was he a she?  I honestly don't know on account of my not having asked him his name.  Or hers. Whatever.

But there's a lesson to be learned in all this.  Yup, a lesson to be learned by my peep.  When Peep #1 is prickin' out the itty bitty witty primroses, she should be more careful not to prick out the itsy bitsy spiders along with 'em 'cause if she does, I'm gonna blog 'bout her screamin' like a little wittle fraidy baby cat, for sure.  MOUSES!

Not that any cats are actually fraidy cats, mind you.  It's just a sayin' of sorts.  MOUSES!


  1. Well I sure am glad the peep is okay too, that was a bit scary on all fronts Seville!

    1. Yeah, and especially the screamin' part. Hearin' Peep #1 scream is VERY scary, for sure. Even worse than her caterwaulin'. MOUSES!

    2. Of course, her caterwaulin' is scary, too.

  2. Hey, Sivvers ... you mean there's a double standard for peeps and cats? Not fair. MOUSES!

    1. Apparently, yes. It's not right though. Nope. Not right at all. MOUSES!

  3. But how come she didn't let you have the spider as a treat? I bet my human would have done that!

    Okay, maybe she wouldn't have.

    1. Hmmm... Come to think of it, we're never really encouraged to eat the bugs. Doesn't stop some of us though. Especially the feline vacuum, AKA Anderson. MOUSES!

  4. Monster spiders! Wow, I wonder if they related to those in bathroom No.3 at the Palace? They're always pretty big, well they're not pretty in peep sense, but they make up for it in size so who am I to argue. Purrs ERin

    1. Yup, it was as big as my recently clipped longest claw, for sure. MOUSES!

  5. My peeps has to admit she is the same where spiders are concerned. The other day she let out a piercing scream and I rushed into the bathroom to see what was up. She was right though, the spider was huge. It covered the whole plughole in the bath. Then she blamed me for not catching it when I was in there having a drink. Okay, I used to eat them when I was younger, but I have more discerning tastes now.
    Years ago she used to keep the plug in because she thought they came up through the plughole, then she found out they fall in and can't get out again so she keeps the plugs out hoping they will fall down the hole, but they never do.

  6. Claire would have screamed like your Peep #1 MOL ! Purrs

    1. Peeps are so silly, aren't they? Silly peeps. MOUSES!

  7. Sounds like Angelique's momma - she HATES bugs and screams when she sees em.

    1. Peep #1 is especially bad when it comes to spiders. Ladybugs she likes. purrs

  8. dood....we think everee one screemz when they see a ta ran choola spiderz....

    ya noe... fora wee minit we thinked peepz haz seen like
    an anaconda snakez....frank lee...we wood be screemin two ~ ♥♥♥

    pee ezz...we cracked...... UP ☺☺☺☺☺

    "If someone has gone and killed my peep, who will serve me my dinner tonight? MOUSES! "

    1. Well it was a worry, for sure. Had someone gone and killed my peep, dinner would have at least been late. Late is bad. But never? MOUSES!

  9. Well Seville we gotta tell ya; this house full of girly's woulda been screamin' too. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. You scream at spiders, too? Hmmm... Maybe it's a girl thing, then. Peep #1 is a girl. Maybe that's why she screamed. purrs

  10. Seville, the mom bean is empathizes with the peep...she absolutely hates spiders too, especially big, bad mean ones!!!

    Concats on your nose to nose award at Blogpaws, definitely well-deserved.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Yeah, the biggest, baddest, meanest ones are the worst! Even if they are only as big as my longest claw which was recently clipped. purrs

  11. Some peeps get pretty nutso about spiders - like my Mom gets nutso about snakes......! I'm sure that spider wasn't too happy about all the screaming either....HAHA. Talking about primroses reminds me of Nissy hanging out in the primroses and how much we always looked forward to seeing pictures of the primroses every year. My peep LOVES them. I hope the dreaded 400 lb. spider your peep saw does NOT return.....!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Me too! Can't handle any more of that screamin', for sure. MOUSES!

    2. Nissy really did love his primroses. Peep #1 started even more this spring so next spring, there will be primroses, galore! Just hopin' they don't come with more spiders. purrs

  12. Yep. Hoomins are wusses, for sure. We've seen this too, with our own. Not with spiders but other things.

    1. Other things? There are OTHER scary things amongst the primroses? MOUSES!

  13. Whew. I'm sure glad your human survived that ordeal, Seville. I can't say I blame her too much, though, because I think those eight-legged freaks are pretty nasty myself. But, the important thing is that you'll be getting your dinner, Seville. Purrs!

    1. They ARE freaks, aren't they? I mean.. Who needs eight legs? MOUSES!

  14. Our Mum would have been a gibbering wreck if she'd seen a spider that size!

    1. Yeah, imagine a spider AS LONG AS MY CLAW! My LONGEST claw! Recently trimmed. purrs

  15. Tell her Anderson should have been on duty.

  16. Spiders are definitely scream worthy, but it's the lizards around our yard that get me hoppin' and yellin'! How does your mom feel about lizards, Seville?

    1. Lizards? LIZARDS! I've never seen one, myself. I'll ask the peep if she has and, if and when she did, she screamed. purrs

  17. Poor spider, I bet he ( or she) was afraid with all that screeching.

    1. I should think so. The peep's screeching is a very scary thing. MOUSES!

  18. Yeah, we just posted today on a screaming, food-throwing peep and spider. Must be a peep thing.

    1. Oh, it is. The peep-spider combo is ALWAYS accompanied by some screams. MOUSES!

  19. Mom L is neurotic about spiders! Doesn't matter the size, she freaks out every time. Probably cuz they bite her and she is always allergic to insect that bite. bummer, she ought to have furs over her silly pink human skin, don't ya think?

    1. Peeps would do way, WAY better if they were to grow fur like us. A disadvantage for 'em, for sure. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.