Sunday 17 October 2021

eighty-three weeks

Social distancin', Saffron.  SOCIAL DISTANCIN'!  If there's one thing I, Seville the Cat, know; it's that social distancin' saves lives.

Okay, so I, Seville the Cat, happen to know a lot of things.  I certainly know more than ONE.  Why, I know...


Well I just know lots of stuff, okay?  Lots and LOTS of stuff.  More stuff than I can possibly detail here on my blog.  Why, if I, Seville the Cat, were to detail all the stuff I know, it would take up a whole book!  And it would be a super duper long book, for sure.

Maybe even a trilogy.


Stuff Seville the Cat knows: Book 1.


But where was I?

Oh yeah, I was remindin' Saffron about social distancin'.  And WHY was I remindin' him 'bout social distancin', you ask?  That's a very good question, indeed.

Okay, so maybe not THAT good of a question.  I mean, we've been doin' this social distancin' stuff for like four hundred and fifty-one million, seven hundred and eighty-five thousand, six hundred cat seconds now.  We should all have it down pat.

And some of us do, actually.  Some more than others.

But I digress.


Point is, durin' a pandemic, social distancin' and limitin' one's social circles can save lives.  My soon-to-be brother, Saffron, has very much taken this to heart; which explains why he's still not ready to come live inside the house, I suppose.  What with his keepin' his distance from the peeps and all, but...


But he does get up close and personal to Peepers every mornin', now.  Sometimes in the afternoon, too!  Yup, and he rubs up against her legs and purrs and purrs and purrs.  It's true.  Saffron lets Peepers pet him and stuff.  He LOVES bein' petted, in fact, and said pettin' makes him purr all the more.  But when the peep tries to pick him up...

Well, Saffron is not into that.


But it has come to my attention this past week that Saffron and I are gonna have to have THE TALK.

Yup, that's the one.


Saffron, when it comes to social distancin', it's very, very, VERY important to apply this technique to not only stranger peeps, but also...



That's right, Peepers found a tick on the back of Saffron's neck the other day.  AND she found another one by his ear, today!  She got 'em both off, which is pretty darn amazin' considerin' the fact that Saffron is apparently still social distancin' with the peep to some extent but hey, my Peep #1 can be pretty resourceful when need be.

But the thing is...

The thing is...

The thing is, Saffron, it's very, very, VERY IMPORTANT to social distance from ticks!


And since you've failed at Social Distancin' from Ticks 101, don't be too surprised when Peepers comes at you with a dab of the stinky stuff for the back of your neck.  It doesn't hurt but yeah, it's definitely gonna stink.



And remember:



Continue to practice SOCIAL DISTANCIN' measures



Remember to mask up, too.


  1. I get the feeling that Saffron must have been vaccinated since he isn't into social distancing!

    1. Yup, it's like he's out there SLEEPIN' with the ticks!

      Oh wait a minute...

      Until Peepers can convince him to live indoors...

      He is.


  2. Yeah, distancing from ticks are important for sures!

    1. Yup, Saffron is gonna have to learn this ASAP. MOUSES!

  3. I, Marv, will NOT let anyone pick me up! Mom was expecting that it might take a year or two as I started off as a feral, but here it is 4 years in Canada and I STILL won't let any one pick me up. Don't get me wrong, I cuddle and snuggle and will sit on laps, but the minute someone tries to pick me up, I turn into TAC (Teeth and Claws) Mode! I bet Saffron is closer to coming in than you think.

    1. No teeth and claws mode in evidence yet - thank goodness - but yeah, Saffron is one cat who does NOT wanna be picked up, for sure. Best Peepers can do so far is to pick up his front paws leavin' the hind ones firmly on the ground. MOUSES!

  4. You tell him, Sivvers! Here, we will tell him, too: Hey, Saffron, definitely socially distance from those ticks!

  5. Saffron! You gotta let the lady peep help you get more distant form tick. Period. Minko had one and he might have gotten Lyme disease from said impossible, but we think otherwise...kt was likely the start of hi long battle with n ot feeling good and not being properly diagnosed...though a change of vets did help.
    And that's another thing, Saffron, one day you might meet one of those kind of (good) tell him Seville, OK?!

    Have fun teaching your brofur to be all the good stuff...

    1. Yup, as soon as he's in...


      It's a secret, you see. As soon as Peepers gets Saffron in and is able to get him in a crate, he'll be visitin' our Doctor T. purrs

  6. Yup, them ticks are one sucker that you need a whole-body suit not just a mask to do the distancing thing right, right?
    Plus you, Seville, sure dont want your staff getting all ticked off and ticked up with ticks in the house or on her! Sure wouldn't do if you had to de-tick your staff! Meowses!

  7. We agree! You definitely need to keep a distance (social or greater) from any and all ticks!

    Tama and Benny

  8. Oh no! Them ticks are rebels and responsible for all kinds of mean stuff in the world, like homeless kittehs, world hunger, and politicians telling fibs. Yeah, we can blame all of that on ticks. I'm thinking we can also blame Reality TV and the Dark Web on ticks. Tell Saffron to hang in there, life is going to get much better once he gives in to Peep's determination to adopt him. Heck, he already has a girly name. That makes him one of Peep's precious fur babies.

  9. Don't blame Saffron, those lousy ticks are sneaky and he probably didn't even know they were on him. :)

  10. Some of that tick stuff on Saffy's neck may be in order, Seville!

  11. Ewww, ticks! One of the reasons I love being a big city kitty. We don't get 'em much out here.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.