Sunday 24 October 2021

eighty-four weeks

Now that is interestin', that is.  Yup, that's very interestin', for sure.


You know, my bein' stuck here now for like four hundred and fifty-seven million, two hundred and twenty-eight thousand, eight hundred cat seconds; has given me the opportunity to do a lot of reflecting and stuff.  Durin' these past eighty-four weeks, I've been thinkin' a lot.  Thinkin' and reflectin', and reflectin' and thinkin', and...

And observin', too, of course.

And sometimes - quite often, as a matter of fact - I spend my days thinking and reflecting about the myriad of things I observe.


Why just the other day...

Just the other day, I witnessed one of the strangest things I've ever observed.  Out there on the street, right in front of my house, I OBSERVED two big doggies bein' walked by their peep.  I wasn't scared or anythin' like that.  The doggies were out on the road, well away from my house, and they were attached to their peep by their leashes.  I know from experience that very rarely does a doggie run after a kitty when attached to its peep by a leash.

Peeps can't keep up, you see.


But anyway...

But anyway, what I observed was rather odd, indeed.  One of the doggies squatted down like he was gonna do a poopies or somethin' like that, and the next thing I knew, he did!  Now that in itself wasn't weird.  When a dog has to poop, a dog has to poop.  Just like us cats, I suppose.


But after the doggie was done, his peep pulled a little plastic baggie out of her pocket, bent down, and scooped those poopies right up.

And then...

And then she carried 'em home like she had won some kinda prize!


I know, I know...  I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin', peeps are supposed to clean up after their dogs.  And you know somethin'?  YOU WOULD BE RIGHT!

But the thing is, in all my nine lives, I've never actually witnessed it happenin'.


Talk about a helicopter mom!

I mean, she watched carefully as her doggy did his thing, hoverin' over him like any good helicopter mom would, then got right in there with the poop bag as swiftly as a gull swoopin' down for a fish.


And it made me wonder 'bout my peep and the litterbox.  

NO, Peepers doesn't use my litterbox.

Not that I know of, anyway.


Peepers has always been one to swoop in and clean up the litter, but she's never actually hovered over me whilst I was in the process of doin' my business.  And I don't think I'd like her to start.

I mean...

I mean, a kitty likes his privacy while usin' the loo.

Dogs, though?  Well apparently dogs will poop out in the open.  Out on the street!  With everyone watchin', the...

Wait for it...

Poop show.


I don't think I'd like that, one bit.  After all, we kitties have a sense of what's suitable for doin' in public places.  What's suitable for public viewin'!  More importantly, we cats know what SHOULD be done in the privacy of one's own home, away from the pryin' eyes of every Tom, Dick, and Harry; not to mention the ever present paparazzi.

We cats have a sense of propriety.

You know, that sorta thing.

Oh my.  Oh my goodness!  All this talkin' of poopin' has...

Excuse me whilst I go use the box with the litter.

No Peepers, your assistance is NOT required.



And remember:



Continue to practice SOCIAL DISTANCIN' measures



Remember to mask up, too.


  1. Hey Seville! I have a doggie of my own so I can do all kinds of up close and purrsonal observing!


    1. Just don't get TOO close there, my pal. And if you do, remember to cover your nose!!! purrs

  2. Well, think how difficult that was before gloves were invented!

    1. Oh my mouses, I don't wanna think 'bout that, at all! Yuk. MOUSES!

  3. It's a good thing that that human cleaned up after their doggo; nothing WORSE that finding a dog poop on the sidewalk.

    1. Oh for sure, for sure... Once, way back when, someone DIDN'T clean up after their doggy and Peepers threatened to put up a sign right beside it sayin', WHO POOPED AND DID NOT SCOOP? Never happened again. purrs

  4. I bet you are glad you get some privacy when you do your business.

    1. I sure am. I mean... Well... Well havin' a peep watchin' you do your you-know-what can interfere with your ability to do your you-know-what, you know? Of course you do. purrs

  5. MOL, Sivvers! Well, dogs are just kind of, you know, uncouth. Yes, no sense of proriety. MOUSES!

  6. Our Angel MJF once saw a lady old the bag for do-do collection on a stick, right under the business end of her dog...Oh, MY!! Petcretary of course saw that too...and she almost pooped her pants she was laughing so hard!
    MJF likely thought: I am glad my Mom doesn't do *THAT*! LOL!

    1. Wow! That’s a new one to me. I can actually smell the poop.!

    2. And the doggy was able to aim right in the bag? Wow. Didn't know doggies could do that. MOUSES!

  7. Yup, them dogs just dont seem to care what they do or where. They get right up into your face, having just, you know, sniffed and eaten other dogs doings!
    Thank goodness they have humans to do the right thing for them. Now theres a thought, maybe dogs should mask up also?
    Toodle pips and purrs

    1. Now that's a super good idea, my friend. I mean, some doggies have quite bad breath. Their wearin' masks might help the rest of us, for sure. MOUSES!

  8. It sure is nice when people do what they ae supposed to do.

  9. haha! those dog peeps are weird. Near the end there we thought you were going to clean your back end *giggles*... in public! Sweetie is so proud of her ablutions she does them even when company comes to visit. But then, she's an exhibitionist.

    1. It's kinda funny when you think about it. On account of our incredible cuteness, we cats can wash our bums in public whenever we like. Peeps even ooh and ahh when we do! But peeps washin' their bums in public is frowned upon, for sure. MOUSES!

  10. *giggles behind paws* Yoo said poop. Yah, I have often thought about how my meowmy will hover by the litter box while I'm using it. I feel it's a total invashun of my pwivacy, and I told her so. But then she pointed out that I constantly bang on the door when she's in the baffroom, cuz I want to be wif her. Momma says I'm a teeny bit of a stalker. But I'm cuuute, so I get away with it. Don't know any doggos purrsonally, and I'm fine with that.

    1. Heeheehee... It's okay for cats to be stalkers, I think. Unless you're a bird. PURRS

  11. My human HAS hovered... because for some reason, I like to use the facilities just before visitors are coming over.

  12. Hee hee. "The Poop Show". Good one there, Seville.

  13. Our Mom calls it the Poop Show too! Is it a Canadian thing?!?
    She takes Cinnamon for walks and she carries EXTRA poop bags and when she see someone who just might leave their dog's poop, she GIVES them a roll of poop bags! I asked Mom, "WHY?" and she said, have you ever stepped in dog poop? 'Nuf said! Love the Pop Show! Post!

  14. Mom said she has seen a similar thing when she has walked in the park. Only a few mom's or dad's do NOT clean up after their dog. Most do. And just the way you described it. Good being you Seville. You are looking Gingery good!

  15. coppee & paste stopped bye ta help out with R commint two day coz de gurlz still sneekin round de inter webz frum werk. we wanted ta say how veree thanx ful we iz that ewe taked de time ta leeve a message on me good bye post. we a purreciatez it mor N ewe noe. bee happee & healthee & blessed bye me heer roe st francis. lovez two ewe all wayz frum de food servizz gurl and mee; tuna ♥♥

  16. MOL..what a shit purrize...some also leave them behind so you can step on it, that's when you have the second purrize😹 Anyway...we also want to Thank you for your Birthday wishes for Me and My Granny, they warmed our heart and brightened up our day💗 Extra Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞

  17. Hey guys, just stopping by to say hi, and hope all is well! Hugs and purrs x

  18. Hope you are all well. Missing reading your spot-on commentaries on life.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.