Scratch that. I'm not back. At least not yet. Stayin' away from bloggin' has been gettin' easier and easier to do with each missed post, you see, but...
But if I don't come back now, I probably never will, so...
That's right, my dear friends, I, Seville the Cat, am back from my break. Back to my ol' messed-up, outdated, somewhat formulaic, and definitely cluttered blog.
What? What's that you say? What's that you're askin' me 'bout now?
Well the thing is, immediately prior to my takin' a break, I had the pleasure of receivin' an email tellin' me my blog was outdated, somewhat formulaic, and most definitely all cluttered up.
I kid you not.
Okay, so I am kiddin' a bit. Yeah, I am kiddin', for sure, 'cause let me tell you somethin', my friends: receivin' that ol' email was not pleasurable, at all.
In fact...
In fact, due to my receivin' that nasty ol' email full of negative criticism and unsolicited advice, I have busied myself for the last few weeks collectin' a few odds and ends, here and there, and shall be packing 'em up forthwith to send to that half-witted turd.
Get it? I'm callin' him or her what it is I'll be sendin'. That's called foreshadowin', I do believe. I'm one smart kitty, for sure.
That's right, my dear friends, I, Seville the Cat, have been collectin' some poopies and related paraphernalia for the past few weeks, and as soon as I have this particular person's civic address, I'll be wrappin' it all up like a pretty little parcel, and mailin' it off.
Okay, so the parcel's not that little.
I think there must be some kinda relationship between the size of the dog and the size of their poop.
But anyway...
It's special 'cause it's mine, Peepers. Mine, and only mine. ALL MINE!
And soon that person who sent me the email, of course.
Gosh darn it, the peep has gone and...
And there she goes, runnin' out of the room, holdin' her nose.
I did warn her, so it's all her own fault.
But peeps never listen, you know? They have that uh... What's it called... Oh yeah, SELECTIVE hearin', I do believe.
Peeps. They're gonna do what they're gonna do, no matter how much you warn them, otherwise.
And now I've gotta tape that parcel back up.
Remember to mask up, too.
For certain it is great to see you and your ORIGINAL, elegant and highly entertining uncluttered blog back here, entertaining us once more! Pooh and pah to whoever said those nasty unthinking things to you. . . hmm, maybe you could add some pah to that parcel you'll be sending? Not sure what pah is, but I'm sure you can get it delivered from . . . OK, I dont know who sells pah, but, maybe you could add a gift voucher for some to the happy recipient and get them to get their own?
ReplyDeleteAs to peeps, well, I swear they never learn. Why twice every year they change the clocks, and once every year they have Christmas an still she acts surprised its happening.
Purrs to more great adventures to come. Great to see you back.
Ditto - to Erin the Cat Princess's comment. We're so happy you've returned to blogging and all that she said. You were missed... and we didn't throw anything at you, just shook our paws at that misguided emailer. Ugh!
ReplyDeleteWe missed you Seville but I'm glad to hear the scoop direct from you!
ReplyDeleteSivvers! It's so good to see you again, dear pal.
ReplyDeleteWe're sorry that some rude and misinformed peep sent you that nasty and negative email. Your parcel sounds perfect for them.
We LOVE your blog. Just saying.
Geez! The nerve of whoever sent that email.
ReplyDeleteWE love your bloggie the way it is, Sevvers. Don't you go changing a thing.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to see you back! What kind of poop head would write an email saying those nasty and untrue things about your blog? They definitely deserve a box of poop+. Peepers should have learned by now not to open "surprise" boxes, especially after you warned her. Hahaha! I always look forward to reading your blog. It's always fun and interesting. Sending good thoughts. I also want you to know that I appreciate you, Seville and Peepers, for helping to keep me and all your other fans entertained. A spark of brightness in my life. :)
ReplyDeleteAlways ignore negative people. You are loved and I am glad you are back. XO
ReplyDeleteSend that poop box; they deserve it!
ReplyDeleteWe are glad you are back with the same good kitty attitude ! Keep doingwhat you are doing Savvy !
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of a party pooper would write you such a nasty email? Probably just someone who is jealous of your success. I agree with the others -- send the box -- that creep is most deserving. We luv your blog just the way it is. It is most certainly NOT outdated, formulaic, or cluttered. It IS full of truths, useful information, and catitude.
ReplyDeleteSeville! We are with you buddy! Could you use some Cinnamon Poop? Mom dutifully picks up when she walks the beast twice a day and deposits the bags into a basket that goes in the recycle once a week, AND yet, there are still loads of piles on the grass. Right now, Mom is considering keeping them and leaving them on a particular neighbours front step...Power can go to some people's heads...but I don't think she would miss any if I mailed some to you. Your buddy in BC - Marv
ReplyDeleteSome people are just turds. They make a hobby of being anally-retentive and nit picking because they have such low self-esteem it makes them feel better.
ReplyDeleteSod them. You write what you want, when you want.
And keep doing it.
Sheesh, that was a nasty thng to do to you and your Mom...the nerve.
ReplyDeleteGrrr, we can add some bites and grrs and a heap of the other good stuff, too.