Awww.... MOUSES!
That darned, moused-up weasel...
I mean, RODENT.
I'm tellin' ya, that ol' Shubenacadie Sam has some serious answerin' to do.
It was less than two months ago, when there he was, spoutin' his lies, all over the Internet. "I didn't see my shadow," he said. "It's gonna be an early spring, for sure."
Lies, lies... ALL OF THEM, LIES!
The very ePitome of FaKe News, for sure.
And now, here we are, at the END of March, well past the official start of spring...
And where is our spring, you ask?
Well I can tell you where it isn't. It most certainly isn't here.
But do you know what is? Do you know what is here, my friends?
I'll tell ya what's here. I'll tell you what's outside. I'll tell you what's outside, for sure.
Now in what universe does a kitty associate spring, with snow?
And not only is there snow, it's even kinda cold outside.
And what does that rascally rabbit...
I mean, VARMINT...
I MEAN, GROUNDHOG, have to say? What is Shubenacadie Sam sayin' about his false forecasting 'bout an early spring?
Just because I SAID there'd be an early spring, you didn't have to believe me.
Yup, that's an exact quote, for sure.
I have it on tape, and everythin'.
Oh how quickly his tune has changed from only a mere few weeks ago.
You believed me because you WANTED to believe me, Seville. You WANTED an early spring. Never once did I FORCE you to believe it would actually happen.
And I CERTAINLY never made you repeat what I said.
Sam, what the mouses do you think the share button is for?
It's like ol' Shubie was sittin' down in his Mama Nature's basement, sluggin' back the nip - or whatever varmints take - just Makin' up FanciFul, Fictional Forecasts for Sale.
Well! Well I know what I'll do. I know what I'll do, for sure. The NEXT time I want a weather forecast, I'll...
Oh for the love of mouses, I honestly don't know WHAT I'll do. I could listen to the weatherpeeps, I suppose, but they're not really known for havin' accurate forecastin' abilities, either.
Ya just can't trust rodents.
ReplyDeleteNope. They're the most untrustworthy varmints, for sure. 'Cept for weasels, of course. MOUSES!
DeleteOur weather peeps are as smart as the groundhog, and that's really scary!
ReplyDeleteOh my mouses... IT IS! purrs
DeleteThat's completely unfair! Groundhogs, never beleive 'em.
ReplyDeleteYou'd think I'd have learned by now. *sighs* purrs
DeleteThat's horrible. I can do without that white stuff.
ReplyDeleteSeriously. A cat cannot grow the nip when the white stuff covers the ground. MOUSES!
DeleteI would guess that the groundhog's pants are on fire. At least we can make smores while we wait for Spring.
ReplyDeleteAnd maybe the heat produced could melt some of the snow. MOUSES!
DeleteWe hear ya, Sivvers. The groundhog here didn't do so great prognosticating, either. MOUSES!
ReplyDeleteWhat is WRONG with these groundhogs? What is wrong? Maybe they flunked weather forecastin' school? purrs
DeleteIt's disgusting all right! What business do hibernating marmots have forecasting Spring anyhow?
ReplyDeleteTell me about it! Seems to me that ALL the hibernatin' marmots got it wrong this year, for sure. MOUSES!
DeleteSpring was late getting here too... at least it arrived at our house! I think it's time for you guys to gather up the pitchforks and start rioting!
ReplyDeleteYou think that would work? I'm about ready to try just about anythin'. i wonder if there's a pitchfork in the garage. purrs
DeleteYikes! I wonder if that Sam character was hired by the presidential team and used FaceBook info to cause that fake news??? Or did I just make that up? Hmm not sure but one thing For Sure, is that it ain't spring thats sprung just another cold bud of winter!
ReplyDeleteToodle pips and purrs
I'm pretty sure they were colluding, for sure. Or maybe they were canoodling. Gotta be ONE of the two. MOUSES!
DeleteI'm afraid that groundhog needs glasses or something - he was surely WRONG when he said he could see and feel Spring comin' ! Never trust a groundhog right Seville??
ReplyDeleteHugs, Teddy
Maybe THAT'S it! I've never seen a groundhog wearin' glasses. Maybe they need 'em. MOUSES!
DeleteWho could trust a groundhog ? Really ? Purrs
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely no one, I'm afraid. MOUSES!
DeleteWell, that groundhog was wrong here, too! We just had a Nor'Easter!
ReplyDeleteUs too! Fourth in a couple of weeks. MOUSES!
DeleteThat groundhog needs to fess up and admit that he gave fake news! He's like many peeps these days that don't want to take responsibility for what comes out of their mouths. Tee hee hee.
ReplyDeleteHe sure does. One of these days I'm gonna give him the ol' smacky-paw, for sure. MOUSES!
DeleteRufus the Mountain Beaver made his prediction for Western Washington, and he did not know what he was talkin' 'bout either! Where did all these strange varmits and vermin learn to predict the weather anyway? No where, we say! Following you now on Bloglovin. (
ReplyDeleteThey must have some kinda special varmint school, or somethin' like that. I don't think it can be a very good school. After all, they apparently don't learn anythin'. MOUSES!
DeleteCan't trust anything we see on the news.
ReplyDelete'Least not if it's comin' from weasels... I MEAN, varmints. MOUSES!
DeleteThat's cold (pun not intended). Maybe the groundhogs are in with the Weasel Syndicate?!?
ReplyDeleteI'm thinkin' there's a connection there, for sure. MOUSES!
DeleteIt's no good asking me where Spring is. We have been forecast more snow for tomorrow. That will be the 3rd time this month. Have they forgotten we are NOT supposed to get snow here.
ReplyDeleteMORE snow? MOUSES! And I thought we had it bad. The snow we got last time is still here, but at least the sun came out today. Not warm enough for a complete meltdown, though. MOUSES!
DeleteSnow? Good grief, Seville, to be honest you should have your first green shoots right?
ReplyDeleteWe had an exceptional summer this year so I dearly hope I can pass it on to you all in Canada!
Yup, and there's still snow here, today. TODAY. Can you believe it? MOUSES!
DeleteGroundhogs these days! They're just not the honest souls they used to be. Sad how the world has devolved. Maybe cats need to take over?
ReplyDeleteThey're in cahoots with the weasels, for sure. And you can NEVER trust a varmint whose in cahoots with a weasel. MOUSES!
DeleteI don't blame you!! I have been frustrated waiting for spring.
ReplyDelete(YAYDog Clare)
I want warm sunpuddles and fresh, green grass. Instead all we've got is snow. MOUSES!
DeleteYeah - it's out like a lion for sure. Lying scoundrel. SO tired of winter. False hope. The worst. We have inches of snow coming next week. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteSam said... He SAID... He said nothin' but a whole bunch of lies. MOUSES!
DeleteI can totally understand your frustration! I'm waiting on Spring too! MOUSES!
ReplyDeleteAnd did you know, we STILL have snow? Not a lot. Most of it has melted. But there are still patches everywhere. MOUSES!
DeleteKilo the Pug for once would agree with a cat- that rodent lied it seems- Mouses indeed (we have had a few here- very pesky). Spring has not sprung here and he is mad.
ReplyDeleteI've never actually met any myself, but Sam is well known, for sure. Little TOO WELL KNOWN, if you ask me. MOUSES!
DeleteEven tough guy Rufus is not fond of winter snow. No matter which door to the outside he takes, there it is. And it was so sunny yesterday. You just can’t win.
ReplyDeleteI know! You go to the front door, and there's snow. You go to the back, and there's MORE snow. That darned snow is everywhere! MOUSES!
DeleteWe smell collusion a mile away! That was definitely fake news and now he says you shouldn't have believed him! There's still more snow coming in April for us, sadly. We wonder when Freddie and Kruger (the two groundhogs) will come out from under our shed! They can stay there for all we care, because they always eat our sunflower shoots, not cool!
ReplyDeleteI smell collusion, too. And just wait 'till the poopsickles start meltin' when spring DOES finally show its face. Then we'll be smellin' collusion for sure. MOUSES!