Sunday, 23 February 2020

the cheek of it

You know, peeps SAY we should turn the other cheek.

Yup, they say that all the time.  They claim it's the best thing to do.  I've heard my peep say it like twenty-nine million times, times two!


So I asked that squirrel sittin' out on my veranda to turn the other cheek, and what did he do?

Well he turned right 'round and I saw that his SECOND cheek was as pudgy as his first.

Oh, the cheek of it.


Okay, so MAYBE that wasn't the kinda cheek turnin' Peepers had in mind, but...


Ohhh....  Whatever.


So you all know 'bout the bird feeder business out on our veranda, right?  The bird feeders the birds WERE ignorin' but are now comin' to in droves?


Well now we've got squirrels.


Now don't get me wrong.  We've ALWAYS had squirrels.  Little red ones, big grey and black ones, etc, etc, etc...

But NEVER BEFORE did they come this close to me and my house!


The other day, I was lookin' out the livin' room window and down on the ground, right below one of the feeders, was this big ol' grey squirrel.  He sat there for the longest time, his tail all puffed out like a powder puff on steroids, stuffin' his face with bird seed.

Yup, that's what he was doin' all right.  He was eatin' the seeds the birdies had spilled, for those little gold finches are a messy lot, indeed.  Seems there are some seeds they like better than others, and when they come across one they don't like, they spit it out on the ground.

I'm tellin' ya, if my table manners were that bad, ol' Peepers would be havin' connptions and fits.


But back to that squirrel.

So anyway, there he was, eatin' and eatin' and EATIN' all the bird seed on the ground.  Stuffin' his face like a Thanksgivin' turkey.

On steroids.


And for the nine lives of me, I HAVE NO IDEA how he fit it all in!

Yup, it was that bad.


So I called ol' Peepers to the window and pointed down at the ground.  I told her she was gonna have to do something 'bout that squirrel and she was gonna have to do somethin' fast, OR I WAS GONNA GO OUT THERE and do somethin' myself.

But do you know what?

She thought that ol' stupid squirrel was cute.

Oh, the cheek of it.



  1. No respect! I tell ya, you don’t get no respect!! 😉

  2. Dang, it's the invasion of the nut snatchers!

  3. My human thinks squirrels are cute too. A couple come around my house pretty often.

  4. Cute! Has the peep has gone nuts – or maybe that should be she's gone seeds? They are definitely not welcome here due to the mess they make. On the plus side they are entertaining.

  5. Seville, sometimes squirrels will launch themselves at our windows, then they crawl up the screens! Talk about cheeky...

  6. The noiveif the critter. Good heavens Seville I hope you remonstrated with the Peep. This squirrel will need to go to weightw atchers next!

  7. Rest in Peace, Angel Rushton.
    Hugs and purrs.

  8. Squirrels are just rats with fur coats.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.