Wednesday, 19 February 2020

whatcha gonna do?

Hey Peepers!  I'm headin' out onto the deck for a bit, okay?  The sun is shinin' out there, and it's lookin' like a GLORIOUS day.






For mousin' out loud, the wind is whippin' stuff around out there like a...



I know!  Like the spin cycle on the washin' machine.

And it's actually not all that warm.


Peepers, you think the sun might be goin' on the blink?  Like a rickety old, fallin' apart appliance might do?  I mean, it's shinin' and everythin', but it's not providin' much heat.  It's shinin' brightly, I see.  Makes a kitty think the temperature out there should be downright balmy, but in fact...

But in fact, it's really quite cold.

Maybe the sun blew a fuse, or somethin' like that.


I think I'll just sit here by the door, with the door OPEN, of course, so that I can enjoy the fresh air without gettin' my paws cold on the snow and the ice.


But you know, the weather has been like this a lot as of late.  One day it's warm, one day it's not.  One day it's rainy, then it snows, then the sun comes out and melts everythin', and the next day I go outside only to find all that melted snow, froze.


What's that?  What's that, Peepers?  What's that you're babblin' on about now?

You say you want me to close the back door and stop lettin' out the heat?


AND you say I'm complaining 'bout the weather to the wrong person?  You say you, Peepers, have no control over the weather?  You say I should call up Environment Canada or somethin' and complain to them, there?


Well I suppose you might have a point, but...

But the thing is...

The thing is, you're here.  They're there.  And complainin' to YOU is a whole lot easier for me to do.

Plus, it's not like Environment Canada can control the weather, either, so complainin' to them would be as useless as complainin' to you.  PLUS, complainin' to them would necessitate my havin' to look their number up in the phone book, which is a bit of a bother, you see, on account of my havin' claws and paws 'stead of fingers and things.  So really...

So really, I'd rather just complain' to you.

And speakin' of complainin'....

HEY PEEPERS!  Like I said before, t's a lot colder outside than it looks.  Whatcha gonna do about that, Peepers?  Huh?  WHATCHA GONNA DO?



  1. You best get back inside and keep warm Seville!

  2. Seville, let us know how that works out, 'cause we've got the exact same problem: bright sun, but it's briskly cold out there!

  3. Everybody is having crazy weather!

  4. We have had that "Looking great but feeling cold" thing going on here too. Maybe the sun is on the wrong setting? Sounds like a Peep did that fur-sure

  5. I love sunshine and warm! I am SO not a snow person. It is so COLD!!!!!

  6. Trust humans to have a department for something, like the weathere, which cant atully doing anything with the weather. Hmm, just think how much money you could get, Seville, if you started your own Department of Nip. You wouldn't even have to grow any nip, just pretend to be in charge of!
    Lots of purrs for a warm sunny day sometime soon. I put an order in from Santa for mine, and he assures me I'll get a day soon. All I have to do is not nap and miss it!

  7. We have had odd weather in the US too.

  8. The Sun inside is always warmer than outside, in Winter, Seville, but you're looking great and completely balanced too😸Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.