Sunday 30 September 2018

not again

Okay, so she's never actually done this before.

Scratch that.  She's never done EXACTLY this before, but I'm pretty sure she's come close.


So this is what happened at my house, the other day:

There was the peep, trottin' out to the garage to...

Now when I say trottin', I don't mean trottin' like a horse or anythin' like that.  The peep was just trottin' like...  You know...  A peep.

But anyway...

So anyway, there was the peep, trottin' out to the garage to get somethin'.  It doesn't matter what she was gettin'.  That, my friends, is completely irrelevant to my story.  What does matter is that whatever it was she was gettin' was in the garage, it was nighttime, and it was super, super dark on account of the sky bein' clouded all over.  There was not even a single star in the sky.  No sign of the moon, either.

Did I mention it was dark?


So there was the peep, trottin' and walkin' across the driveway, when I heard...




Ow... Ow...  Ow...   *SOB*   Ow...  Ow... Ow...


Okay, so I didn't hear the mouses part.  That was somethin' I, Seville the Cat, added from my perch at the window, inside.

One minute those Pots of Potted Peppers Plants were sittin' on the driveway mindin' their own business, and the next...

The next minute they were...


Let me put it this way:  The peep walked right into those Pots of Potted Peepers - I mean, PEPPERS.  She walked right into those peppers, and before she even knew it, she was FLYIN' right over 'em, too.  Yup, and before she even knew what was happenin', she was comin' in for a hard landin', right on her knees.

Scratch that.  She flew over those potted peppers and landed, HARD, on ONE knee.  The other knee's landin' was softened by a now dead nasturtium plant growin' next to the peepers...  I mean, PEPPERS.

And FYI, that now dead nasturtium plant wasn't fully dead 'til the peep crashed and landed right on it.


The peep, bein' a peep, started cryin' and whimperin' like no one has ever cried and whimpered before.

Okay, scratch that, too.  I've heard people whimper and cry way worse on TV, to be sure.


Now the thing is, this is not the first time the peep has accidentally done somethin' stupid outside.  I'm assumin' the other times were accidental, too, but of course, one never really knows for sure.  After all, the peep is...


A peep.


But although this might not be the first time she has allegedly injured herself, accidentally, this was definitely the time she managed to hurt herself the most.  She couldn't even climb up and down the stairs afterwards.  Least not without cryin' in agony.

That reminds me, I need a new pair of ear plugs.  The peep's cries of agony are even worse than her attempts at song.


But back to the peep.

Scratch that.  Back to the peep and how this stupid behaviour of hers has affected MY LIFE.


For a whole day after the incident, Peep #1 was out of commission on the anythin'-to-do-with-the-bendin'-of-the-knees front.  And, as you can imagine, this was EXTREMELY INCONVENIENT for ME.  I mean, I had to wait a whole extra five minutes before she could muster up the strength to get me my treats.

Can you believe it?


And I wasn't just inconvenienced by the tardiness of treats.  I was inconvenienced with the serving of my meals, too.  Every Single Meal, the next day, was served late.  EVERY SINGLE ONE!  Seriously, if I didn't know better, I would say she fell into and over those Pots of Potted Pepper Plants on Purpose, just to make me wait for my din-dins and beakkies, not to mention my treats.


And litter box duties?  I was forced to watch her hobblin' over to the boxes, and...

Okay, so watchin' that was actually kinda funny.  So funny, in fact, had I not been so weak from not gettin' my meals served to me on time all day, I would surly have thought of sellin' tickets to all the other neighbourhood peeps.


But back to the peep.

And her stupid ol' injured knee.

And how that stupid ol' injured knee has been affectin' ME.


You should have SEEN the peep goin' to sit down on the chesterfield.  There I was, LEFT WAITIN', for goodness knows HOW long, while she managed to get herself sittin' down before I could jump up onto her knee, and...

Well we won't go into that.

Except to say, her cries of pain were EXTREMELY UNPLEASANT to MY sensitive ears.

Really.  You'd THINK a peep would be more considerate than that.

But OH NO...  Not MY peep.

Everythin' is always about her and HER stupid ol' knee.



  1. Seville! A little compassion! The peep avoided putting your Nip plants permanently out of existence. That is reason enough to show a little mercy.

  2. Oh Seville! It sounds like your peep is as accident prone as mine! I feel for you! Its tough when they take so long to cater to your whims. I mean, things that affect my world and what I want should NEVER EVER happen!
    I send healing purrayers that your peep is back caring for your every whim ASAP!
    PS Mom send best wishes and prays too

  3. Dang, that had to hurt. I hope the all better trips over your peep super soon.

  4. I hope the Peep is okay. I mean, you could waste away to nothing, having to wait for your meals and treats. ;)

  5. All of you kitties and not one medical kitty in your house??? Wish your peep lived closer. I am one awesome nursie!

  6. It sounds like her knee is pretty painful. Maybe she needs to see a doctor about it - all the faster to get her back on track with mealtime, right?

    Seriously, I hope she feels better soon!

  7. Aww, Sivvers, we actually do feel bad for your peep. We are sorry she got hurt, and hope she is feeling better real soon.

  8. I blame Peter. Peter the Piper. You know, Peter Piper, the guy who should have picked up a peck of them pots of potted (as yet un-pickled) peppers and thus due to his failure to pick the pots of potted unpickled peppers has caused you all this delay and aural stress. Maybe the peeps could sue him too?
    Toodle pips and purrs

  9. Seville, you really should cut her some slack! I hope her knee is better soon and if it doesn't improve she needs to get it looked at.

  10. Having smashed my knee in a fall in March, I feel for your momma, Seville! She may want to go see a doctor, for x-rays and stuff, although I'm sure she knows that already. At least you don't have to put her in a PTU...LOL!

  11. Ouch! I hope the peep feels better soon. That was ungrateful of her to get mad when you were trying to help her feel better though.

  12. Poor Peep... I would hope you rang 911 and got her a flashlight to light her path and a blanket to keep her warm until the EMTs arrived. No EMTs? at least you could have called me to care for her.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.