Sunday 1 July 2018

happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to me...

Happy Birthday to me...


Happy Birthday...




What?  What's that, Peepers?  What's that you're babblin' on about now?

It is so.

Yes it is.

Is too.

Okay, so maybe it isn't.


But Peepers, as a Canadian Kitty, Canada Day SHOULD be about me.  If Canada is havin' a birthday, I, Seville the Cat - a kitty who is one hundred percent and TOTALLY Canadian - should be havin'...

It's not the same thing, you say, huh?

Awww...  MOUSES!


*sighs again but more LOUDLY*


So Ms. Know-it-all-Peeperoni-Peepers, tell me this:  Is there a special birthday song for Canada on Canada Day?

The National Anthem?

Nah, that can't be right.  Peeps sing the Canadian National Anthem three hundred and sixty-five days of the year.  Three hundred and sixty-six, in years divisible by four.  The National Anthem can't be used as a birthday song, too.  I mean, no one can have a birthday every day of the year.  That's just about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Boy-oh-boy, Peepers.  You sure do come up with some doozies.


No, The Birthday Song, it is.

Only, you know..,  The Birthday Song for Canada, instead of for me.

I guess.


But all is not lost there, Peepers, 'cause you know what?

You don't?

Well let me tell you what's what.

Canada Day is a day for CELEBRATIN', for sure.  Canada's one hundred and fifty-first birthday is a day for celebratin' like...  LIKE A HUNDRED AND FIFTY-ONE TIMES!

And do you know what one has when one is celebratin'?

Cake, you say?

Huh.  Right.  Unless it's a tuna fish cake with nippy cream cheese frostin', I'm not interested.  Cake is not what I was thinkin' about there, Peepers.  No sirree.

I was thinkin' more along the lines of...


MOST CERTAINLY NOT.  I, Seville the Cat, am not a fan of fireworks of any kind.  Fireworks are scary as all get out.  We cats have very sensitive ears, you see, and...

Picnics and BBQs?  And neighbourhood family gatherings?

What the mouses do you think I am, Peepers?  A DOG?


No Peepers, for celebratin', we have...


Yup, when celebratin', we have catnip, for sure.  That's right.  Canada is havin`a birthday, and there's no better way for a kitty to celebrate Canada's one hundred and fifty-first birthday than for a kitty to get out the catnip, and GET HIMSELF NIPPED.


No, Peepers.  No.  No, you may not have any of my nip.  Go drink your lemonade.  Or whatever that stupid stuff is.




And just for fun, I've turned the three pictures from this here blog post into jigsaw puzzles!  Click HERE for the first one, HERE for the second, and HERE for the third.  ENJOY!  


  1. Happy Canada Day to you and to all in your beautiful Country!

  2. Happy Canada Day! Hope you are in good celebrations for this holiday, we sure are. Thanks for the share, try and keep cool during this heat! Love stopping by your blog, keep up the posts.
    World of Animals

  3. Happy Canada Day! Did you know our island is thisclose to Canada? We feel a special affinity to all Canadians.

  4. Happy Canada Day Seville. Hope you got some nip to celebrate!

  5. Happy Canada Day! Puzzles-yay! You have made me very happy. XO

  6. Happy Canada Day to you and your family, Sivvers! And to everyone in your wonderful country. Big, celebratory hugs!

  7. Happy Catada - I mean, Canada Day! I hope it was fun!

  8. Have a wonderful Canada day, Seville, and peep and family! Happy Birthday Canada! Yup I whole heartedly approve of NIP being the national celebratory dish and Happy Birthday being the celebratory song.... I mean, it's mean to be a fun day, right?
    Toodlepips and purrs

  9. Happy Canada day...better late than never. I love nip too nothing better.

  10. Happy (belated) Canada Day! It was my first and it was WONDERFUL! And I have to tell you, I thoroughly enjoy my new live in my new country! And I too sang the Canada song!

  11. Belated Happy Canada Seville and family! Thanks for the new puzzles.I have done them all.

  12. Happy Canada Day, and I'll get to your puzzles in a day or two!
    "Oh, Canada!"

  13. Oh we hope you all had a fabulous CANADA DAY! We're gearing up for our country's big day tomorrow. Long may BOTH of us wave!

    Hugs, Teddy

  14. Severs, I hope you got real nipped, 'cause getting nipped is the best kind of celebratin'! Mom says years ago she and her family were in Canada on Canada Day. She remembers Canada being very clean and be-au-ti-ful. Tummy tickles.

  15. I could've sworn your middle name is "Canada," Seville. That makes it your birthday too, right?

  16. That puzzle was fun! I did the third one in 4:28. Happy Canada Day Seville! Today is Happy USA Day here. The 4th of July! Let’s all celebrate living in countries that are free. Luvz, Patzy


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.