Sunday, 4 September 2016

it's a good thing

It's a good thing, Peepers.  Really, it is. Really.  IT IS!

For mousin' out loud, Peepers.  Most people would be happy to find out that...


Anyone know what to do with a broken-hearted peep?

Peepers, would you like to share some of my nip?

I don't have very much nip to share but I'm willin' to share some of what I do have, with you.  If you think it will help, Peepers.

Let's see...

I can spare this much.  Will this much help?  Will this much make you feel better, Peepers?

I know it's not a lot but I don't really have a lot to spare.  And truth be told, the reason I don't have a lot of nip in the first place, is on account of your poor nip-growin' skills.  But since I'm tryin' to raise your spirits here, we won't get into that today.

Of course, tomorrow will be a totally different story.

But today, I'm willin' to share this half paw's worth of nip with you, Peepers.

Well...  Maybe just half of that.  Don't want to leave myself short on the nip front, you see.

Well...  Maybe just half of half of that.

Peepers...  PEEPERS...  PEEPERS!

Oh come on, Peepers.  Cheer up!


Can someone please help me cheer up this broken-hearted peep?

In case you were wonderin'...

You all know 'bout how Peep #1 has been tryin' to gain the trust of Dionysia, right?  You know Dionysia.  The kitty who showed up at our house on New Years Day?

I know, it's confusin', 'cause at first, Peep #1 called her Here Kitty Kitty but later decided to call her Dionysia or Dionysus, dependin' upon whether Here Kitty Kitty was a boy or a girl.  Of course, Peep #1 never did figure that bit out but that didn't stop her. No sirree.  After a while, Peep #1 named Here Kitty Kitty, Dionysia, which pretty much ensured that she was actually a he, 'cause you all know 'bout my peep and her reputation for givin' girl cats, boys' names, and boy cats, names for girls.  MOUSES!

Anyway, for over eight months now, Peep #1 has been gradually gainin' Dionysia's trust.  At first, Dionysia would run away as soon as she saw the peep comin'.  But in the last few months, the peep has made great progress.  Dionysia comes almost every night for din-dins, waitin' for the peep out on the veranda!  In fact, the peep can even pick her up! And she purrs!  MOUSES!

I was bracin' myself.  I was bracin' myself for the news, for sure.  I figured that any day now, Peep #1 was gonna announce that we were gettin' a new sister.  Or a brother, 'cause - OF COURSE - the little matter of whether Dionysia was a girl or a boy was still unsettled.  Dionysia is not one to walk about with her tail held high.  She's not a confident kitty like me, you see.

But on Friday night...

On Friday night, Dionysia arrived at the front door...

Wait for it...


Apparently, Dionysia has a home and a family and we never even knew.  MOUSES!

I need to say that again.  MOUSES!

So now, after more than eight months of workin' on gainin' Dionysia's trust, Peep #1 is heart-broken. Heart-broken 'cause Dionysia already has a home.

You'd think her havin' a home would be a good thing but...

But the peep says that had she known Dionysia was somebody else's kitty way back when, she would never have allowed herself to become so attached.

I SAY, had the peep known Dionysia was somebody else's kitty way back when, instead of spendin' all those evenings trying to gain Dionysia's trust, she could have been spending 'em learnin' how to grow nip.  MOUSES!

And now, after wastin' all that time with matters unrelated to the growin' of the nip, I have but this eighth of a paw's worth of nip to share...

I mean, I have but this sixteenth of a paw's worth of nip to share with the peep, to help make her feel better. MOUSES!

And if that's not bad enough, now the peep is on a quest to find out who Dionysia's real peeps are. Goodness knows how long that's gonna take.  Goodness knows how much more time the peep will be spendin', not growin' nip.



  1. Dang, maybe someone else just put a collar on her. The peep should keep trying to get close and attach a note to her collar and find out for sure. MOUSES!

    1. She has been back a few times since she appeared with the collar but not last night. Perhaps we'll see her today. purrs

  2. I agree with Brian. A collar doesn't mean she has a true guardian. And if that "guardian" was around all the time, then why the heck were they letting this kitty out to wander without supervision and maybe get lost or somethin'? Ya know??

    1. This is a very good question. PLUS, when she comes here, she's always really, really hungry. purrs

  3. Priorities, Peeps! Priorities! I'm glad she (he) has a home ... but I've heard so many stories about the things people let their cats do (or don't provide for) so I'm skeptical along with the other commenters.

    1. Peep #1 looked for the little locket thingy at the vets and the pet store but although both had heard 'bout 'em, they don't have 'em for sale. MOUSES!

  4. My human and her boyfriend had a cat they made friends with at one of their prior houses, and put a collar on him eventually. Well, the next time they saw him, somebody had put a TAG on the collar! That was pretty wacky.

    I think your human should keep working on the kitty. My human does not think the cat she befriended all those years ago was very well taken care of - he was never neutered, for example - and she is sorry to this day that she did not at least get him fixed and given shots. She is almost positive he hadn't had the latter, either.

    1. If Dionysia is a girl, the peep says she must have been spayed 'cause if not, by now, she would have gotten pregnant. The peep is still tryin' to figure out where she lives. purrs

  5. We are thinking that purrhaps Dionysia has been playing you and whoever put the collar on him/her. She may not belong to the other human any more than she does to your peep. She may have been visiting both places and the other human(s) decided to adopt her. Kitties do that kind of thing. We'll be interested to find out if your peep finds the other peep. MOUSES! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. The peep has worked super hard trying to gain Dionysia's trust. She still doens't trust Peep #2 at all! I wonder if there could be another peep out there who has gained her trust, too? purrs

  6. Our cat, Spooky was like that before we adopted him. He used to stop everywhere for a bite to eat and a little love. Once his real owner moved and we took him in, he had to stay inside. I do feel bad for the peep.

    1. The other day, Peep #1 thought she saw Dionysia in a yard and stopped to ask. Well it wasn't Dionysia but one of the children livin' at the house knew exactly where Dionysia lives! Kinda. She described OUR house. MOUSES!

  7. Seville, you are a hero and true Gentlecat for sharing the nip and looking out for peep #1. I think peep shouldn't give up, I feel it in my water that Dionysia needs you all (and isn't just after your nip!) to be there for her. Her peeps, if they are, should maybe keep better tabs on her. purrs ERin

    1. They sure should! And when she's here, she eats like a horse. Do they not feed her at all? MOUSES!

  8. I agree with Linda and Brian. If the kitty was actually someone's pet, one would think the kitty would be better taken care of -- instead of wandering about possibly getting injured. . . PURRaying all works out for the Peep -- and she can truly find out if kitty has a *real* home. . . ♥♥♥

    1. I know! One of us wanders just a paw too far and the peep is on us in a second. MOUSES!

      Seriously, it's like she has eyes in the back of her head or somethin'. Kinda scary. Eerie, you know? purrs

  9. I bet that maybe Dionysia does have another home but I bet it probably isn't a great one and your peep tamed him/ her enough so the other people could put a collar on the cat. I wouldn't give up on the cat. It just may need a better home.

    1. The peep is still feedin' her and sittin' with her whenever she comes over. purrs

  10. Seville, it's really generous of you to share even an infinitessimal part of your nip! As for Dionysia, well nothing has really changed aside from the collar, right? Or do you think that someone recently adopted her and put the collar on her? That would be a good thing, right? No time spent being nice to a kitty is wasted, you know!

    The Chans

    1. She first showed up on January 1st and at that point, she wouldn't let Peep #1 near her. I don't think anyone could have gotten close without knowin' her for a while. purrs

  11. Oh Hey Seville, your Peep# 1 should not be sad or heartbroken really. Good to know your Dionysia has a home but obviously he/she likes you guys. Your Peep spending time with her and you guys helping out has probably brought this little kitty out of her shell a bit and made her feel a little more comfortable around people and CATS. Perhaps when Peep finds out who owns her, she can still visit and keep you up to day on her progress. Might just be you have an extra Kitty to take on adventures too. Hope your Peep feels better soon!!!! From Sue and the kitties at the ARC. Hugs and Purrs

    1. Funny thing is, we all quite like Dionysia! No fightin' or growlin' or hissin' like with NNC, at all. purrs

  12. Seems like if Dionysia does have a home it's not a very good one if she is wandering all the time. I agree that trying to put a note on the collar would be a good idea.

    1. Peep #1 is tryin' to figure out how to add a note to the collar so that it will stay. No luck with findin' one of the little canisters for puttin' a note into. At least not locally, so far. purrs

  13. Maybe someone else just put a collar on Dionysia, Sivvers. It doesn't mean she actually has a proper home, right?

  14. We have a long ginger (bit like you Seville) he has started coming around BUT he eats three tins of Fancy Feats, so either he has a s**t home with no food or he wa dumped AND he is wearing an effacing DOG collar.

    I'm sorry the girl has a home BUT she has you as backup. Right ?

    1. Three tins! Wow. He's hungry, for sure. Just like Dionysia! Peep #1 gives her almost a full tin of Friskies every night she's here. purrs

  15. We agree with Flynn... try it, mew've got nothing to lose :)


    Basil & Co xox

    1. I read your blog post 'bout the trackin' thing-a-ma-jig! It has given Peep #1 an idea... PURRS.

  16. Hmmm, a collar you say? Well, I think Peep 1 should still keep an eye out for little Dionysia, just in case.

  17. Put a note on the collar sounds like a good idea. It's nice of you to have shared a tiny bit of catnip. Purrs

    1. It was the least I could do, I thought, EVEN IF it's all Peep #1's fault that I don't have more. She really is the worst grower of the nip, ever. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.