Wednesday 7 September 2016

the old man is snoring

It's rainin'; it's pourin'. The old man is snor...

Mason, quit your snorin'!

I don't snore, Seville. And I'm not a man.  AND I'M NOT OLD, EITHER!

You could have fooled me.  MOUSES!

Hehehehehe...  Yup, I was laughin' my tail off last night, for sure.

Of course, I could afford to laugh, on account of the fact that when I looked outside and saw those dark storm clouds loomin' overhead, I had the sense to stay indoors.  My sisters Tess and Tobias?  Eh...  Not so much.  MOUSES!

And boy-oh-boy did it pour.

It poured SO hard...

It poured so hard, I thought somebody was dumpin' buckets of water right on top of our house.  In fact, I thought they were dumpin' not just the water, but the actual buckets, too!  That would certainly have accounted for the amount of noise the rain was makin', 'cause boy-oh-boy was it ever loud.

Of course, that was after I came to the conclusion that it wasn't my sister snorin'.

'Cause when Mason snores, she snores loudly, for sure.

And believe-you-me, no matter how much she denies it, Mason does snore.  She just wasn't snorin' last night.  MOUSES!

As for Tess and Tobias, they weren't snorin', either.  Neither one of 'em ever snores.

But they sure did get wet!

Shortly after the flood directed directly at the roof of our house began, Peep #1 found Toby and Tess peering in the kitchen window.  The peep opened it for 'em, and they darted inside.  Then they gave themselves a good shake...

...And gave Peep #1 an unexpected shower!  MOUSES!

But that was NOTHIN' compared to what happened to the peep the other day.  Take a load off your paws, and I'll tell you all about it.

Once upon a time...

Nah, that sounds like a fairy tale or somethin', but this tale is totally true.

The other day...

That's better.

So the other day, it rained.

Now we're not talkin' about a little spring shower here. We're talkin' about a heavy downpour.  Emphasis on the heavy.

Peep #1 heard the rain outside and realized that her trays of seedlings...

You know, the baby plants she hasn't managed to plant in the ground yet, because she has been too busy doin' stupid stuff that is not related to the growin' of the nip, 'cause as EVERYONE knows, there's NOTHIN' stupid about growin' nip, so if she were doin' that, what she was doin' wouldn't be stupid at all.

Anyway, the peep realized her baby plants were outside in all that rain.  And she also realized that all that rain was super duper heavy.  Not heavy as in heavy water, although it was heavy and it was water, so although it was water that was heavy, heavy water it was not.  MOUSES!

Anyway, the peep realized that leavin' those small plants outside in all that rain was probably not a good idea so...

So the peep went outside, to bring her plants in.


Well it turns out, my peep is physically incapable of outrunning raindrops.  Who knew?  MOUSES!

You should have seen her.  Perhaps you did?  I'm expecting to see video footage on America's Funniest Home Videos, any day now.  MOUSES!

You know how when the spinner on the washing machine doesn't work, and the clothes that went through the wash didn't get spun, so they're soppin' wet like a sponge that's still sittin' in a bucket of water?

Well that, my friends, describes Peep #1 to a T.  MOUSES!

Or should that be tee?  Or how about tea?  I could really go for a cup of nip tea right about now. Mmmm....

Anyway, suffice it to say, the peep got herself drenched.

And you could hear her comin' from a mile away.

Seriously folks, you could.  Perhaps you did?  I'm expectin' a phone call from NASA any day now, wonderin' why their radio telescopes were pickin' up sounds of slishing and sloshing, not to mention splishing and splashing, comin' from the general vicinity of our house.  MOUSES!

The peep's shoes were so wet, you could wring 'em.  Her dress was so wet, you could wring it, too. And as for her hair.  Well...  Well it looked like she had just come out of the shower.  Or a pool.  Or maybe even the ocean.  MOUSES!


It's true.  I looked at the peep and I said, "Peepers, don't cry.  Why are you cryin', anyway?"  Then I realized, she wasn't cryin' at all.  What she had done, was blink.

When you blink your eyes, squeezin' your eyelashes in doin' so, and your eyelashes are so wet that blinking 'em is like wringing a towel, you know you are seriously soppin' from head to paw, for sure.  MOUSES!

Good thing I never let my whiskers get that wet.  MOUSES!

And it's a good thing the peep wasn't wearin' mascara.

Personally, I never wear mascara on my whiskers.  I don't need to 'cause my whiskers are already PURRfect, for sure.  MOUSES!


  1. It's that time of year again.
    Lots of rain here too...

    Noodle and crew

    1. We really, REALLY needed the rain. Mason's snorin'? Not so much. MOUSES!

  2. It's awful when even your wet spots get wet!!!

  3. Wow, that sounds like a lot of rain and snoring going on at your place. How is a kitty to get any rest?

    1. It was more rain than I could ever have imagined. MOUSES!

  4. Seville, I can empathize with Peep #1. In my previous job (9 yrs ago), I used to ride the city bus to work, and there were MANY times I got caught in downpours!! Not fun!! But, yes, I can agree we can be pretty funny to look at when we're wet!! Hope all worked out okay -- especially the baby plants!! It will soon be *nip bath* time for my *kids*. . . Can you teleport over?? We'd love to have you join in the fun!! lubs, kitty kisses and head bonkies for all. . . ♥♥♥

  5. Meowser that sounds like an awful lot of rain all at one time. We kitties are quite happy that we're indoor's nice and dry in here.

    So did your Peep#1 shrink when she dried?

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Did she shrink? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!! Hmmm... Let me go check. MOUSES!

  6. MOUSES! It sounds like the peep was fully waterlogged! Did the little plants survive because of her efforts?

  7. That sounds like the heaviest rain ever. Some of my cats snore, but none of the lady ones do :)I am sure you don't snore Seville. And I agree, you have lovely eyelashes.

    1. I never snore. Never. Not ever. At least not that I've heard...

  8. Did someone say nip tea? Oh my, I do hope those seedlings survived the rain... where they watermelons? purrs ERin

    1. Watermelons. Hehe! Actually, some of the seedlings were nip plants. The very few the peep didn't manage to kill earlier in the year. MOUSES!

  9. MOL ! We can purrfectly see the picture, and hear the flick-flack-plotch-plotch noise of a super wet human coming home ! We never thought of wearing mascara on our whiskers (we agree with you, cats are purrfect), but if wet people wearing mascara look like pandas, wet cats wearing mascara would look like the Joker ! Purrs

    1. You could hear the peep's shoes a mile away! Seriously, you could. MOUSES!

  10. I don't think I've ever seen it rain like that!

  11. Eyelashes that are so wet that you could wring them doesn't sound good! We are much more sensible than to get that wet, aren't we Seville. Mind you, Eric used to love to sit in the middle of the lawn in the pouring rain. When he came in my mum had to towel him down. He also snored, loudly. My mum used to say she thought he and my dad were having snoring contests. Of course I don't snore. I have never heard myself snore once, no matter what my mum says.

    1. I'm not into rain but I do enjoy a good towel off after bein' out in a little snow. purrs

  12. Sorry to the Mom, but that description of the Wet Mom was very funny. Well done Seville. Glad she got the baby seeds in though. You all have a terrific day.

  13. dood.... sorree ta lurn yur mom hada take a showerz out side like her did; we hope de we plantz will bee aye oh kay { N just time... tell yur mom ta look for sum fishin wermz while herz out ther.....once yur wet, yur wet, ya noe !! } ♥♥♥~~~~~~~ waves two yur hole familee ♥♥♥

    1. When the peep finds worms out on the pavement, do you know what she does? She saves them by putting 'em back in the garden. That's right. My peep saves worms. MOUSES!

    2. That's cuz werms are good for the soil and keep it aerated so your plants will grow good.

    3. Yup, that's why she likes 'em, I think. Pretty sure she doesn't find 'em cute and cuddly like she finds me. purrs

  14. That is a whole lot of wet, for sure. But did she save the baby plants??

  15. Hope she wasn't wearin' falsies Seville. Eye lashes dat is. Hope she's all dry now and things have dried up a bit. Have a pawsum weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Yeah, it didn't take her long to dry off. The shoes were a TOTALLY different matter. purrs

  16. MOL Seville, hysterical laughter doesn't even cover it fur your line of: 'my peep is physically incapable of outrunning raindrops.'

    Seriously dude, great post, mew had MOL-ing til our tummies ached!!!

    BTW hope everything dried up ok...


    Basil & CO xox

    1. The shoes took a while to dry. A REALLY long while. But the peep dried up pretty quickly. purrs

  17. Uh oh. Mascara on whiskers?!?! That's a scary thought, isn't it? We love your description of the wet peep :)

    1. It IS scary. Good thing we cats don't require the stuff. purrs

  18. Those raindrops sure can be a real menace, Seville. You would have had a good laugh at this human here the other day. It's hard to stay dry when you come out of the grocery store during a storm, only to remember that you parked roughly a mile away. You would have had a good laugh at this sopping wet human for sure!

    1. Oh my mouses! Did you have to run pushin' the grocery cart and everythin'? purrs

  19. I am a raincat, Seville, I like to be out in the rain...and get wet, but don't wear any mascara either, maybe if I did, I would stay in :D Grandpaw is the only one in this house who snores, I purr that's different even when I purr out loud...MOL :D Now, let's take some nip on the rocks, just for the weekend :D Pawkisses :) <3

    1. Mason purrs loudly, too. In fact, she has gone pro in the purrin' department. Peep #1 says her purrs sound like the Tardis when it's revving up for time travel. purrs

  20. MOUSES!! and MOUSES!! again! Will peeps never learn? They are NOT water proof!! They have NO FURS!!

    1. Nope, they NEVER learn. Waterproof they are NOT. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.