Sunday, 15 May 2016

home improvements with Seville

Hello there.  I'm Seville and WELCOME to my new home improvement show, Home Improvements with Seville.

Today I'm gonna show you how to panel a wall.

Now you might be wondering why I, Seville the Cat, am interested in panelling walls and truth be told, I was kinda wondering 'bout that myself, especially when I discovered just how hard wall panelling is to do.

Did you know that if you're a cat without opposable thumbs, you need to use both front paws to hold the hammer while hammering?

Did you know that when you use both front paws to hold a hammer while hammering, you have to balance on your two back paws?

Did you know that balancing on your two back paws while hammering with a hammer with your two front paws is super hard to do?  Did you?  DID YOU?  I do.  NOW.  MOUSES!

One moment I was doing the ol' balancing act on my two rear paws while hammering away with the hammer and the next moment?  Why I was down on my tail, and there was a hammer flying - no, soaring - through the air like it had grown wings or something.

And let me tell you, my friends, what goes up must always come down.  MOUSES!

Luckily for me, the peep didn't really need that ol' china mug anyway.  She still has the other ones in the set.  Those others were meant to be back-ups, I do believe.  Good thinking on the peep's part when she ordered four of 'em, way back when.

And it's not like it was one of my water or food dishes or anything actually important.  MOUSES!

But speaking of tails, I have a word of advice.  Well technically, I have more than one word but nevertheless...  Never let your tail drift between the hammer and what you are hammering.  MOUSES!

Now back to the panelling of the walls.

Why, you might ask.  Why would a cat like me wanna panel the walls of his office?  Well I'll tell you why, for sure.

Nerissa's Life, the blog, has had the good fortune to be named as a FINALIST for BEST HUMOR BLOG in the 2016 BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging & Social Media Awards.  This is a great honour, for sure.  One of the greatest honours, in fact, that can be bestowed upon a cat.  Or a dog.  Or even a rat!

To be one of the four finalists this year...  WOW. Let's just say, I've been pretty nipped up since I heard on Tuesday and truth be told, there's still more nipping to do.  MOUSES!

And I'm in such good company.  Amazing company. My good pal Erin from Erin the Cat (Princess) - she's a princess, you know, Katie & Waffles from GLOGIRLY and MK & BC from Momma Kat and Bear Cat are all finalists, too!!!  All such funny blogs.  Stiff competition, for sure.  Just about the stiffest I could ever have imagined.

But I know, you're asking yourselves, Why the mouses is Seville not getting to his point and more importantly, WHAT the mouses does all this has to do with panelling walls and a home improvement show?

Very good questions, indeed.

So here's the thing.  It turns out that the four finalists were chosen, and the winner will be chosen, by a panel of judges.  A panel of judges.  A PANEL, my friends, of judges.  You see where I'm going here, right?

Clearly, the judging of this here award involves panels and panelling so you can imagine how distraught I was to discover that I have no panelling at all.  I, Seville the Cat, am panel-less!

Well I was panel-less until I started my new home improvement show and prepared for this episode on panelling.

Well actually...  Technically...  If you really wanna to get down to the nitty-gritty of things...  I still kinda am panel-less on account of this panelling thing being way harder than I thought it would be. MOUSES!

Excuse me for a mo.

PEEPERS...  I need another bag of ice for my tail!  The stuff you gave me before has all gone and melted on me.

Like literally on me.  Literally.  My fur is all wet from the melted ice and everything.  MOUSES!

Anyway, the plan is that once I get these panels up, I'll need to find me some judges and then figure out a way to incorporate 'em into the panelling.   We'll do that in episode two.

Episode three of Home Improvements with Seville will discuss the need of a good supply of ice when doing home improvements with hammers.  Especially when using those hammers while nipped.  MOUSES!


You can check out all forty-eight finalists, in this year's twelve categories, by visiting the BlogPaws announcement, on their site.  Simply click on the Nose-to-Nose Awards' name, highlighted in red, up above.


  1. Congrats on your nomination. We hope you win! We admit, we don't even most of the bloggers there.

  2. Way to go Seville , on two accounts, the blogging award and the panelling challenge, do keep your tail safe though won't you.

    1. Oh yes, I have learned my lesson 'bout the tail, for sure. MOUSES!

  3. Heck, I think I need to do some hammering! Thanks for the heads up on keeping the tail DOWN when nailing. Will I need to nail the judges too, to the panels? purrs ERin

    1. Haven't got that far yet. Haven't figured it out. You havin' any issues with your panelling falling down? Just asking... Inquiring minds NEED to know. purrs

  4. A big congratulations! Now get back to work paneling! :-)

  5. A big congratulations to you, Seville! Like you, I inherited the blog that I'm in charge of, and I think it really says something when you are able to successfully carry on the quality that was left to in your capable paws.

    1. Which YOU have done, PURRfectly, for sure. Congratulations on your being a finalist, too! purrs

  6. Huge Concatulations, friends! I inherited my blog too so we're all in really good company!

    1. Thanks so much! And many congratulations to your being a finalist in the Nose-to-Nose awards, too. purrs

  7. We are thrilled you are a finalist. Your blog is a genuine joy for us to visit.Well done and conCATulations!!

    1. Awww... Thanks so very much for saying that. PURRS

  8. We can skip the hammering part but we're thrilled for you on the wonderful nomination!

    1. Yeah, the hammering thing is not nearly as much fun as I thought it would be. MOUSES!

  9. That is so great that you are a finalist and it is well deserved. You have a great blog. But better learn to tuck that tail in when you are hammering. Have a good evening.

    1. Hmmm... I wonder if I could invent something to keep that tail of mine under control. purrs

  10. Your poor tail- ouch! Good idea to get some panels. Congratulations on your well-deserved nomination- I bet Nissy is smiling down from Heaven ( and probably chuckled when you hammered your tail).

    1. I'm hoping Nissy knows 'bout this and is super proud. I miss him so much. purrs

  11. Way to go Seville! All of us down under are super chuffed about your nomination..we have been awol a lot..nasty summer..and sick pooches..but we want to say well done..panels need to be left to the peeps though..who may have thumbs but makes them no more adept at renos! Mouses!! Loves Fozziemum xxx

    1. And the peeps often hit those opposable thumbs of theirs with the hammer. Strange, but true. MOUSES!

  12. Conga-rats, Seville! Still, I don't think a nominee for such a prestigious award should have to hammer his own panel himself. C'mon--isn't that why you have STAFF???

    1. You know my staff, Spitty. USELESS, for sure. MOUSES!

  13. Concat concats concats! You had better leave the hammering to those with opposable thumbs Sevvy. Have a great week!
    Marty and the Gang

  14. Congratulations, Sivvers! We are so proud of you, and happy for you. So well-deserved!

    Now about that paneling ... careful with your tail, okay>


    1. Awww... Thanks so much! Yup, from now on, I'm keeping my tail on a short leash, for sure. purrs

  15. Hey Seville! Congrats on being named a finalist! hate to break it to you, buddy, we don't think a panel of judges has anything to do with paneling a wall. Just sayin'.... ;)

    1. Nothing to do with... Awww... MOUSES!

    2. MOL MOL MOL !!! you guys, well, cats, are too funny!!!! love & kitty kisses to all. . . ♥♥♥

    3. We're guys AND cats! Double the trouble... I mean, cuteness... for sure. purrs

    4. indeed, Seville!! ♥♥♥

  16. Concatulations on being a finalist Seville!! Well deserved, I am sure!! I do hope your tail is okay. But you had me ROFLMAO in this post. . . love you bunches!! Keep up the great work (paneling) and the great posts as well. . . kitt kisses and head bonkies from my crew of 12 adopted/rescued kitties and me too. . . ♥♥♥

    1. Love you all bunches, too! Like bunches of roses and violets, for sure. purrs

  17. Congratulations Seville. We love your blog - we really do. Your paneling is ingenious! How come my Momma didn't come up with that? I need to fire her . . . it's SOOO hard to find good people these days. Maybe one of yours is available? Judging from your blog, they are at least minimally competent (my Momma says I have to explain that this is the highest praise possible coming from a cat when describing humans - as you probably know). My Momma's just a mess! ~Bear Cat

    1. Nah, you don't want one of my peeps. Peep #1 is minimally competent at being INcompetent and she's the better of the two. MOUSES!

  18. We are delighted to see you have been nominated for an award.

  19. Concatulations dear Seville - totally deserved award for you indeed. I'm proud as punch of you (proud as punch? That makes no sense!)....well, I'm PROUD of you and I hope you know how much all of us love you - award or no award!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Thanks so much, Sammy! But 'proud as NIP punch' makes sense, for sure. purrs

  20. Seville, we think that napping is a much better, and safer, pastime!

    Congratulations on your finalist nomination!

    The Chans

    1. I think you might have a point about that, for sure. purrs

  21. Hi Seville, many, many, many 'con'cat'ulations on your nomination and we can safely say mew deserve it, your blog is pawesome!!!


    Basil & Co xox

    P.S. we have lots of panels mew can borrow if needs be - no purroblem! MOL

    1. Awww... Thank you so much.

      You have panels? Really? And I can borrow one? REALLY? PURRS.

  22. guyz....we iz buzzed happee for ewe on yur NOMinationz !!!! conga ratz.....we sended a note ta self ta ree mind self ta chez yur blog two day for de nooz ....& what grate nooz it iz....heerz hopin ya winz a trofeez & itz filled ta de rim with qual a tee grazz & nip !!! best fishes two everee one ♥♥♥

    1. Awww... Thanks so much, my friends. Oh how I would love to win a trophy. Nissy won one, you know. I'd love to have my own sitting right beside it, for sure. purrs

  23. Congrats again! We're rooting for you and team Canada but I'm not judging this year. So many new blogs I've never even heard of.

    1. Thanks so very much, Layla! Thanks SO VERY MUCH! purrs

  24. Congratulations on your nomination. We love reading your humorous blog.

    1. Awww... Thanks so much! I LOVE hearing that cats and peeps enjoy my blog. purrs

  25. Congrats on your nomination and good luck!

    1. And congratulations and good luck to you, too! purrs

  26. Seville...does yous wants mes to comes over and kiss your tail better? Yous KNOWS mes on your team!

  27. ConCats on your nomination.

    Luv ya'


  28. Concatulations for being nominated ! Purrs

  29. CongRATulations and Well-Deserved! Until I read this post I never would've even dreamed the word "panel" could be humorous.

    1. And congratulations to you, too! You're the first blogging rats I've ever met. PURRS


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.