Wednesday, 27 April 2016

spring fever

So there I was, minding my own business, spying on the neighbours from my office window when...

Hmmm...  That doesn't sound all that good.

So there I was, minding my own business while gazing out my office window in the direction of the neighbours' house...

Ummm...  Not quite right yet.

So there I was...

Awww...  MOUSES!

So anyway, I was looking out my office window and what did I see?  Snow.  That's right.  SNOW. On the 26th of April.  Could you believe it?  MOUSES!

Of course, I immediately did what any self-respecting cat would do.  I ran to the side window to check if it snowing out there, too.  And do you know something?  It was.  It was even snowing at the back and front doors.  It was snowing everywhere!

BREAKING NEWS...  It was snowing at my house, yesterday.  MOUSES!

Now truth be told, it didn't snow a whole lot.  I mean, I had to really squint to see the snow.  I had to really squint, really hard.  Do you know how hard it is to squint really hard?  Take my word for it, it's hard.

And when it comes right down to it, there wasn't actually any snow lying on the ground.  I don't know if melted before it hit the ground or as it hit the ground or what but on the ground, there was nothing.

But the fact remains, it was snowing.

Clearly, there's something wrong with ol' Miss Spring.  Ol' Miss Spring must have a fever or something.  She's running hot and cold.  One day it's sunny and nice and the next?  It's snowing. MOUSES!

If you ask me, I think Ol' Miss Spring has spring fever, for sure.

I mean, it's April.  This is the time of year when flowers are supposed to be blooming and birds are supposed to be singing and grass is supposed to be growing and if there's any kind of precipitation going on, it's supposed to be rain.  Ol' Miss Spring has apparently never heard of spring showers. MOUSES!

And by the way, spring showers do not refer to peeps taking showers in the spring although we do all hope that all peeps do take a shower or two - or a whole lot more - throughout the season.  Spring showers are supposed to be when in April, it rains.  Rain.  Not snow.  Rain.  Spring showers are supposed to bring May flowers.  MOUSES!

Even if there wasn't a whole lot of snow, there was still snow.  Dare I say it again?  Of course I do.  MOUSES!

And just think, had I not been being nosey, spying on the neighbours' house...

Hmmm...  Scratch that.

Had I not been doing my civic duty, gazing out my office window and making sure everything was right in the neighbourhood, I wouldn't have noticed that snow in the first place and I wouldn't have realized that Ol' Miss Spring has spring fever.

But what does a season take for a fever?  Anyone know?  Is there a pill for that or something? Maybe a tonic of some sort?  Or a shot?

And exactly how does one verify that fever, in the first place?  I'm only asking because last time I had an appointment at the doctor's, the doctor took my temperature and...   well... Well we won't get into that.  Suffice it to say, taking kitty's temperatures isn't all that fun for kitties, if you know what I mean.

What's that, Peepers?  It's not all that fun for the doctor, either?

Well then why the mouses does she do it in the first place?



  1. We feel your pain, Neville : we got snow on Monday, and today too ! Purrs

  2. Mouses is right. We need to fire Mother Nature because she's got everything mixed up this year. We had snow last week too - it was pawful!!

    1. Mixed up and upside down. Whatever is she thinking, that ol' Miss Spring? MOUSES!

  3. Now what an enquiring Princess such as I wants to know is, what does you give Miss Spring for her fever? And will there be a pharmacy big enough to stock it. Mouses! purrs ERin

    1. I don't know! And is it prescription or over-the-counter? Inquiring minds wanna know. MOUSES!

  4. dood...we heer ya....caturday it waz 75 ...two dayz temp iz 44....spring sprang better in february then it sprung bak two wear ever it springed frum N we dinna even knead ta {spy....look at } .... de naybors ☺☺☺ { thanx bee ta cod for small stuff !!! } hope all iz well with ewe N de crew ♥♥♥

    1. Oh my mouses! Nice and warm and then almost freezing? Miss Spring has lots of explaining to do, for sure. purrs

  5. Oh me cats and kittens Seville, you had snow? You know spring just isn't doin' very good this year. Matbe she's preggers or sumthin' and all this is meownin' sickness. MOL

    Luv ya'


    1. Hmmm... It's a thought. That could wreck havoc, for sure. purrs

  6. Oh no Not snow. That is not good at all. Hopefully it all went away very quickly. You all have a great evening.

    1. It did. In fact, it was melting as it hit the ground. Thank goodness for that! purrs

  7. MOL MOL MOL!!!! We've had snow here as well -- in APRIL!!!!!!! oh well. . . crazy weather. . . My 12 kitties of *Vegeta and the Ricciardi Clan* love you!! ♥♥♥

  8. Hey, we had Spring springing here but now it's like Summer! MOUSES!

    1. Still summer over at your house, Brian? Lots of sunpuddles for bathing? purrs

  9. MOUSES! Isn't there a maritime rule about no snow after tax day?

    1. Could be... Tax day was April 30th for us so I guess that ol' snow arrived before the deadline. purrs

  10. Well Sivvy we have all your rain! We had March winds most of April and April is trying to fit all of her showers in this last week! Almost wish it was a little snow so it wouldn't be so muddy and dreary!

  11. It's almost May - dat are crazy!

    1. Oh yeah. Crazier than a squirrel making nut pies, for sure. MOUSES!

  12. Mom bean says snow is a four letter word that starts with S and ends with NOOOOOO We sure hope it leaves and doesn't come back to your house (or the neighbours) any time soon. We bet they are furry happy that you're keeping an eye on things for them.

    Paws crossed that spring gets over her fever and shows up at your place and ours too!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. I never thought about that but you know what? Your mum is absolutely right! purrs

  13. Yep, there is something definitely wrong with spring this year!

  14. Well Seville I think Miss Spring got lost on her way to visit many of us this year. Yep - I think she got snowed in somewhere. It's the strangest Spring EVER. Snow should be GONE. Somebody is confused and I don't mean US!

    Love, Sammy

  15. We had a chilly spell, but luckily no snow. You sure are right, Seville - there's something plain wrong about seeing that white stuff in April. I sure hope it warms up for you soon, Seville. Crossing our paws for lots of warm and cozy sun puddles!

    1. It did! Today (May 1st) was warm. Tomorrow? Your guess is as good as mine, I suppose. MOUSES!

  16. I am with you on this one Seville. That temp taking has to have a better way like under a leg pit or somethin'. And Spring is running a high fever here, gettin warmer and warmer

    1. Or in the ears or something. ANYTHING but what those ol' doctors do. MOUSES!

  17. You saw snow coming down on April 26th? Have you been eating cheese again Seville? That just doesn't sound right.

  18. OMC we woke up to a covering of the white too yesterday, the weather is bonkers right now. We think Spring needs to take a va-cay and let summer roll in asap as to be honest we're sick of being cold... brrrrrr....


    Basil & Co xox

  19. Snow? Really?
    You can come over here...we have sun puddles!
    Have a super weekend...

    Noodle and crew

    1. I LOVE sunpuddles!!! On my way to visit you, now. purrs

  20. You need a really strong fan to blow that snow outta your yard. Just saying.

    1. Or maybe a hair dryer... A hair dryer might melt 'em, for sure. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.