Sunday, 24 April 2016

bath time

Hmmm...  I'll just hop up here and see what the peep has on paw. Honeysuckle...  nah. Roses...  blah.  Jasmine and violets?  For mousin' out loud, what does the peep use this stuff for? MOUSES!

Hey Peepers!  Where do you keep the good stuff?

What do you mean, what am I talking about?  I need to know where you keep the good stuff. Where do you keep the nip-scented bath products?  Are they all hidden away under lock and key?

What do you MEAN you don't have any nip-scented bath products?


Well that being the case, I'll just have to have my dirt bath using dirt alone.  Probably for the best, anyway, as I think your stupid stuff requires water and I was planning on my bath being waterless.

What's that, Peepers?  Why no water?  It's like this, Peepers...

Peepers, do you really need me to explain this to you?  You do, huh?  Figures.

It's like this, Peepers.  When you mix water with dirt, you end up with mud.  MOUSES!

So just toss me a towel and I'll be on my way.

Why do I need a towel, you ask?  'Cause... 'Cause...  Oh.  Right.  I don't!  Never mind.  Outta my way, Peepers.  There's a patch of dirt calling my name.



Do any of you kitties, out there, enjoy a good dirt bath?  I know I do.  My fur-sibs do, too.  Nothing like a good roll in the dirt.  Nope, nothing like it at all.  MOUSES!

As some of you may remember, we had The Big Dig going on, over winter.  Peep #1 wasn't too pleased about the diggers of The Big Dig digging up all her daffodils.  I wasn't too happy 'bout that, either, until I realized...

...until I realized that they left behind the biggest, most beautiful, most wonderful dirt patch -filled with soft, reddish-coloured sand - IN THE WORLD.

Seriously, there are beaches that don't have as much sand as our backyard.  MOUSES!

Nothing as far as the eye can see but sand.  Bliss.

Okay, maybe that's a teeny-tiny bit of an exaggeration but the truth is, there's enough sandy dirt out there for all of us cats to take dirt baths every single day.  Sometimes twice.  On Friday, I had three.  MOUSES!

And yes, "MOUSES!" is exactly what Peep #1 said when I came inside after my third roll around in the dirt and shook all the excess sand out on the kitchen floor.  Yup, she said "MOUSES!" all right.  Only it was louder and...  well...

...well funny thing is, she didn't sound all that pleased.

Not nearly as pleased as I was while bathing in all that warm sand.

And it is warm, too.  Oh yeah, warm as warm can be. The sun beats down upon it and heats it up to the most perfect of temperatures.  The most perfect temperature for bathing, for sure.  MOUSES!

This morning, I was thinking I might enjoy a few nip-infused bathing products in my dirt bath but apparently, the peep doesn't have any of those.

If ever there was a time to yell, "MOUSES!," that would have been the time, for sure.  Imagine choosing honeysuckle and jasmine scents over nip.  Just goes to show you that peeps have really questionable tastes.  MOUSES!

And of course, there is that issue with the water.

But now that I think about it, I bet some dried nip mixed in with the sand would make a lovely aromatic dirt bath, for sure.

Bet you didn't know I knew the word aromatic, huh?  Well I do.  MOUSES!

Now the question at paw is, does the peep have a large enough supply of dried nip.  Hmmm...

Wait a minute.  There's Mason heading outside, dragging a towel with her, now.  Excuse me.


Hey Mason, you heading out for a bath?  No, the peep doesn't have nip bath salts.  I already checked.  Nope, she doesn't have any nip-scented fragrance mist, either.  What?  Nah, she doesn't have anything good at all.  Best you can do is come inside after your dirt bath and nap with a nip mouse or something.  Yeah, that's what I did this morning.  And you don't wanna use the same nip mouse that I used 'cause I slobbered all over it, afterwards.  MOUSES!

Where's Rushton?  Rushy's outside, bathing.  Yeah, he's been out there for a good twenty minutes or so.  Probably fell asleep in the tub...  sand... whatever.  Oh don't worry 'bout that. There's plenty of sand out there. Plenty of room for both you and Rushy to have dirt baths at the same time.

Oh yeah, and when you come inside, be sure to give yourself a good shake in the kitchen.  Yeah, you wanna shake off all the excess sand so that Peep #1 can sweep it up and put it back outside. I think she enjoys doing it.  Yup, she'll say "MOUSES!" and everything.



  1. Our cats were lucky. They were indoor and never got a bath. When Nin got old and couldn't clean himself, we used wipes to make him smell pretty. We dogs, sometimes we have to have a bath.

  2. We never get a bath. Good thing too as we don't like water either.
    The closest we get to dirt is the porch.
    Julie is the biggest roller out there ;) heehee
    Humans have no idea what they're missing by not rolling in dirt!
    Enjoy your bath Seville :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. You should have seen Connie, yesterday. Not a trace of white 'round her neck. Just dirt and more dirt, for sure. MOUSES!

  3. If the peep would add some nip to that dirt, I bet you could charge the neighborhood cats to use it. That is smart of the peep to sweep it up and put it back outside for you, very thoughtful.

  4. Dirt baths are just like dry shampoo, right? I would totally give it a try... except I get the feeling that if I did, my human would give me a WATER bath. :-/

  5. Sounds just like some of that waterless shampoo that some peeps are using nowadays. Oh - now I see Summer already raised that idea. Well, that makes it an even BETTER idea. Hmm, maybe some nip scented dry shampoo: Summer, let's go into business together!

    1. Yup, nip-scented would be PURRfect, for sure. MOUSES!

  6. Hehehe, was mason going to use the towel to book a slot on the beach, just in case there was an influx of tourists? Just need to know so I can bring mine, cos we don't have a beach at the Palace! purrs ERin

    1. Booking slots at the beach! PURRfect! Gotta start doing that, for sure. purrs

  7. A dirt bath? Me's never had a dirt bath. Mommy says no kitty she's ever known had a dirt bath either. Wonder ifin this is somethin' just you Canadian cats do?

    Luv ya'


    1. I don't think so. If there's dirt, there's bathing going on, for sure. purrs

  8. My Dad did give me a bath once and he was forever getting the fur off of his tongue!

    1. Oh that's so funny! Wish there were pictures to see. purrs

  9. Growing up, I had several kitties who loved the *dirt bath*. I currently have 12 kitties -- all adopted/rescued, but they are indoor only babies as I live in an apartment with no yard, plus, I live over a major roadway. They do, however, get *nip baths* about once a month. I give them fresh nip to roll in and eat. . . ♥♥♥

    1. Your kitties get nip baths? May I come over to play? purrs

    2. Seville, certainly!! The more, the merrier!! I love kitties and love spoiling them!! ♥♥♥

    3. Yoo-hoo! I shall prepare the teleportation device forthwith. MOUSES!

  10. We agree with a good dirt bath, but not with bathes if water is involved ! We never got a bath... Purrs

  11. OH! Mom said she recalls Robin, her last indoor outdoor kitty having dirt baths out there on the somewhat gritty concrete sidewalk...getting a good scratching too at the same time. No fragrant nip mist though after. ALL of you look so beautiful. Even you Seville. I should say handsome.

  12. Marcus LOVES a good dirt/mud bath! But he's a dog. Rusty is the only cat that goes outside and he loves a good roll in the dirt since the grass died in our dog pen.

    1. How come the grass died? Ours got dug up in The Big Dig at the back which is why we have such an amazing dirt bath, for sure. purrs

  13. Hahahaha! The boys love a good roll in nice warm dirt too. Mazie loves to roll in the grass, she is the first woofie I have had that adores doing that.

    1. Does she much on it, too? Grass is wonderful for munching, for sure. purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.