Sunday 1 May 2016


Thump.  Thump.  THUMP.

What the mouses?

Hmmm...  Just as I thought.  A bug.

Now normally, I don't mind a bug or two. Bugs have their purposes.  They can be quite fun to chase, you see.  Especially the flying kinds although not the flying ones that have stingers.

I'm not quite sure what this particular bug was 'cept for the fact that he was a flying type which I knew on account of the fact that he kept flying into my office window. MOUSES!

Seriously, after the first thump against the glass, you'd think that bug would have figured out he should try to find someone else to bug.  MOUSES!

I wonder if the reason peeps call 'em bugs is on account of their behaviour which tends to be...  well... buggy.  You know, on account of their bugging me.  MOUSES!

Of course, bugs aren't the only thing that can bug you.

Yes I know, sometimes spies will place bugs in your...  Ummm...  Never mind.  I'm not supposed to talk about that.  Not supposed to tell you 'bout the uh...  um...  well...

Well I could tell you but then afterwards I'd have to kill you and I really don't wanna do that. MOUSES!

But actually, I was talking about peeps.  Yes, peeps.  Peeps can be bugs, too.

Now I don't know a lot of peeps who are insects other than that Spider-Man fellow but truth be told, I don't actually know him 'cause I've never really met him and in all honestly, I don't think he's really real.  At least I hope he's not really real!  Or maybe I do...

Anyway, like I was saying, I don't know a lot of peeps who are insects but I sure do know some peeps who are bugs.  I do.  In fact, I live with one or two.  MOUSES!

Peep #1, in particular, is a bug who enjoys bugging us cats.  Why just last night, I was lying on the chesterfield having a little nap, when Peep #1 came along and what did she do?  She bugged me.   MOUSES!

That's right, Peep #1 came along, picked me up, woke me up, and gave me a cuddle.  Then, after said cuddle, she put me back down on the couch and expected me to fall back asleep.

Of course, fall back asleep is exactly what I did but the fact that I can fall asleep so quickly and easily is a credit to me and does not diminish her bugging characteristics at all.  The fact that she bugged me is the point I am trying to make.  MOUSES!

I bet a lot of you cats out there get the same kind of treatment.  Peeps expecting you to let them kiss you and cuddle you and rub your tummies and...

Hmmm...  Actually, I kind of like having my tummy rubbed so maybe that part isn't really bugging. Maybe.  And truth be told, I kind of like the cuddles, too.

The kisses though, I can do without.  Do you know what happens when a peep kisses you on top of your head?  DO YOU?  I'll tell you what happens.  You end up with peep germs in a spot you can't wash off. Now if that's not bugging, I don't know what is.  MOUSES!

Then today, I read over on Facebook how dogs are being bugged by their peeps and all.  Some psychologist from the University of British Columbia claims that dogs don't like being cuddled by their peeps and yet, their peeps continue to cuddle 'em.  MOUSES!

It's true!  This Stanley Coren, Professor Emeritus - which sounds super important and probably is, said something about there being a whole lot of pictures all over the Internet of happy peeps hugging some very unhappy dogs.  Dogs who looked like they were "uncomfortable and stressed."

But what I wanna know is, how does he know?  I mean, did he ask 'em?

I know he said that the dogs looked uncomfortable but how does he know they're uncomfortable because they're being hugged?  Maybe - just maybe - they're actually unhappy 'bout having their pictures taken and then put on the Internet.  Did he ever think about that?

'Cause let me tell you, peeps are always bugging us cats by bringing out the flashy-boxes and stuff so I'm thinking that maybe dogs might be bugged 'bout that, too.  I mean, that could be the case and that is for sure.

When my Peep #1 brings out that ol' camera, I know she's ready to bug me like no one has ever bugged me before. Of course, when the peep is gonna bug me in this way, I know exactly what to do.

Needless to say, the peep has a whole camera full of pictures of the back of my head, not to mention several more of the tip of my tail and a few that don't contain me at all even though the peep swears I was in range before she actually clicked the flashy box's button. MOUSES!

But the bottom line is this.  Peeps know how to be bugs and that, my friends, is for sure. MOUSES!


  1. My human is a BIG bug! Fortunately, I don't mind as much as Sparkle did.

    1. Your peep does take lots of pictures, for sure. But then, you're super photogenic. PURRS

  2. I confess, I am a big bug with that flashy box. And as far as dogs are concerned, they always seem to want affection, I doubt they are bugged- they bug me though with the whole butt sniffing thing.

  3. Oh Seville me luvs to be "bugged by mommy. And me luvs da camera too. As a matter of fact, me has to go get sum luvvin and huggin' right now. :)

    Luv ya'


  4. Lady has a bug addiction! And yes we only get one vote in the Blogville election!

    1. Only one, huh? Too bad. Looks like LOTS of good candidates, for sure. purrs

  5. I can't believe you got to see the elusive Thumper Bug!!!

    1. Is THAT what it was? Well it was thumping on the window, for sure. MOUSES!

  6. I don't buy da thing bout dogs and da hugs - our dogs are always wanting da peeps to hug em. Not me. I'll take a nice belleh rub instead.

    1. Yeah, I'm thinking it's all about the flashy boxes, for sure. MOUSES!

  7. I have that bug around here sometimes too. Glad Brian know his name. What a scudder that ol' bug is and Seville, you sure look kissable there at your tummy/side area. And the top of your head...oh. Mom is puckered up already.

    1. I wonder if Scudderbug is its common name... MOUSES!

  8. Oh, our dad is one of those bugs, for sure. Luckily, he bugs the shelter cats more than us. :)

    1. Oohhh... You're so lucky to have the shelter cats around and sharing in the bugging, for sure. purrs

  9. My peep has a Vimtag camera to remotely *bug* me from peeps work place! Is there no rest for us hard napp.... er... working kitties? Mouses!

    1. Actually, napping CAN be difficult. 'Specially when there are bugs about! MOUSES!

  10. Seville, I am guilty as charged -- for bugging my cats! I love to *pester* them as much as possible. Most of them kinda like it actually as they come running for more -- or -- if I don't *bug* them enough, will come *bug* me to *bug* them!! I love it!! I love our *bugging* relationships!! love my *kids*!! ♥♥♥

  11. Bugs! We were told during the winter time to expect spring here to be very buggy and they were right! BUGS everywhere we look.....but the BIGGEST BUG is my Mom when Sunday rolls around and she wants to bug me for a photo! That's why I'm kinda glad my recent photos have been of ME ASLEEP! What I don't "know" can't BUG me right????

    Hugs, sammy

  12. A whole bunch of photos of the back of your head?? MOL! THAT should be the next Interweb sensation! Cat back shots! It'll be a hit!

    1. It would be a hit, for sure! Oh Peepers... I have a little business proposition for you. MOUSES!

  13. Well Sevvy, I can't but help myself. I am guilty as charged at times, I love the Gang so much that I do "bug" them and give them some quick love and cuddles, I just can't help it because I just need to get that love out! As for the flashy box, I try to only use it without the flash as much as possible, especially since it makes Bree scared since it reminds her of lighting.
    Marty's Mom

    1. Oh yes, lightening can be the biggest and scariest bug of all and I'm not talking 'bout lightening bugs. They're way too subtle. purrs

  14. Yup, our Mom is a big bug but mainly about taking pictures of us. Some of us like to snuggle and some of us don't enjoy it at all. So we all have bug problems.

    1. Seems like an Internet epidemic-type infestation, for sure. MOUSES!

  15. This human is guilty of being a bug, too. Honestly, I just can't help myself. Maybe if you kitties weren't so darn cute, we wouldn't have to bug you so often...

    1. Well we ARE cute. Can't be helped, I suppose. MOUSES!

  16. Lots of different kinds of bugs. Humans can certainly bug us, but they do have their uses feeding us and playing with us.

    1. It's true, they DO have uses. But if only they could feed us and play with us without bugging us... A cat can only dream. purrs

  17. My cats are more interested in mousies or sadly birds ! Only Pookie is a spider hunter ! She also likes to be photographed and really poses. The others not at all !

    1. I'm not into spiders at all but I've chased my fair share of flying things, for sure. But not the ones with stingers! Those ones can sting. MOUSES!

  18. I'm a bugger when it comes to taking pictures. :)

    1. You are? Well at least you admit it and that, my friend, is a good start, for sure. purrs

  19. We take lots of moving pictures! She can TELL the cats are just NOT that into being photographed but blog readers LOVE a picture * sigh *

    1. They do, don't they. I'm afraid my peep is forced to re-use pictures left, right and center though. purrs

  20. We have a few of those odd bugs that bug us every spring and are not tasty or interesting as they move too slowly. Now that is being bugged


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.