Sunday 20 December 2015

beginning to look

Letter off to Santa.  Check.

Tree up.  Check.

Prezzies wrapped.  Ch...  Well almost check, I guess.  MOUSES!

Yup, the season is upon us, for sure, and you know what they say.  They say, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Last night, the Christmas tree went up. Truth be told, it went up on Friday night but the peeps didn't decorate it 'til last night but boy-oh-boy, decorate they did.  Took 'em all evening long but when it was all done, everything was lit up and sparkly. Lots of little lights in pretty colours and lots and lots of glass balls for whacking.

What's that, Peepers?  Oh.  Okay.  Sorry 'bout that.  Yeah, yeah, I'll correct it. STOP NAGGING ME, WOMAN.

Apparently, the glass balls aren't meant for whacking.  Don't tell the peep I said this but I think she and I are gonna have to agree to disagree on that one.  MOUSES!

I asked Peep #1 to take a picture of the tree but she says she can't take any pictures until the boxes from the ornaments are all put away.  Right now, there are boxes scattered all over the living room floor.  MOUSES!

In the meantime, I'll see if I can dig out a picture or two of our Christmas tree from a previous year. I'm sure I have one, somewhere.  Same ornaments, pretty much, give or take a whacked one, so the tree looks kind of similar every year.

But back to those boxes.

If you ask me, the peep should just leave the ornament boxes where they are because I wouldn't mind napping in a couple of them.  Maybe even more than a couple.  The little boxes are kind of useless, due to their size and flimsy sides, but the big boxes that hold the little boxes are perfect napping spots, to be sure.  I should know.  Tried one out yester...

What's that, Peepers?  No, I didn't break it.  Your precious box is just fine.  Might have left some loose fur in it or something but I certainly didn't break anything.  Boy-oh-boy...  MOUSES!

Some peeps.  MOUSES!

And speaking of boxes, Peep #1's best pal from her kittenhood sent the peep some prezzies through the mail and they came in - you guessed it - A BOX!  And it's a super good box, too.  That pal of the peep's sends the best boxes, every year.  Don't know how she does it but they're always the perfect fit for us cats.  Yup, I've test driven this year's box already and I'm giving it five stars, to be sure.

And speaking of mail...

Once again, the peep has been neglectful with her mailing duties.  Pile of Christmas cards sitting on the dining room table, waiting to be mailed out.  There's no way they're going to make it to their destinations by Christmas.  Christmas is less than a week away!

But being the ever-so-helpful kitty that I am, I offered to paw deliver the peep's letters to everyone for a small fee.  I figured that if I fired up the ol' teleportation device, I could get all that mail delivered faster than you can twitch a whisker but oh no...  OH NO, we couldn't have that.  Peep #1 says that some of her pals might have a heart attack or something if they got their Christmas cards from her in time for Christmas.  They're just not used to the peep being on the ball with such things, you see.  As usual, she's aiming to get them mailed out by Christmas Eve.  MOUSES!

And speaking of balls...

There wasn't a single glass ball casualty when decorating the Christmas tree last night.  Nope, the peeps didn't drop a single one.  Good thing, too, 'cause if anyone is gonna be breaking glass balls on the Christmas tree, it's gonna be us cats.

What's that, Peepers?  No, no, not a one.  Nope, I haven't whacked a single glass ornament off the tree.



Looks like we're going to have a green Christmas again this year.  MOUSES!

Yeah, even though today is super chilly, the weatherpeeps are saying Christmas Day is gonna be pretty mild.  I guess they don't realize this is Canada because if they did, surely they would send some snow our way for Christmas.

Not that I want a repeat of last winter or anything.  Last winter was the winter to end all winters.  The winter that came and absolutely refused to leave no matter how many awful names we called it.  In fact, the more we called it names, the more it stuck around, dumping snow here, there and everywhere.  It was horrid.

But a little bit of snow sure would be nice for Christmas Day.  Might have to take matters into my own paws and see if I can do something about that.  Order up a little snow for Christmas morning and stuff.  Wonder if they sell snow on Ebay.  Hmmm....

And when I'm ordering up that snow, I'll see if I can order up a couple more boxes, too.  Day after Christmas is Boxing Day, you see.  The day when we cats celebrate the miracle that is the box.  Peeps do stuff on Boxing Day, too, but nothing as wonderful as napping in a perfectly sized box. MOUSES!


  1. I think you need to go and see those weather peeps again, try and sort out a small icing of snow for the big day. Failing that peeps says you can buy snow in tins. No doubt to go on the artificial grass you can get too. purrs

  2. At least your peeps have put your tree up.I am still waiting for mine. Mum told me it would be the weekend before Christmas and it is almost next week! My mum puts all the good ornaments up high and the unbreakables where I can reach them. Putting the good ornaments up high didn't always save them though when Eric tried to climb the tree and pulled it over.

    1. Yeah, when you have climbers, nothing is out of reach. purrs

  3. Lady is happy with the green Christmas. We like snow. We have a tiny dusting today, but it is going away soon.

    1. After last winter, my peeps might like a snowless winter, too, but I really wanted a bit for Christmas. purrs

  4. Your tree is very pretty. Bet you will get started soon on knocking those ornaments off of the tree. But try to leave some of then on there. Have a great evening and a very Merry Christmas.

    1. Haven't knocked any down so far - SO FAR - but there's still lots of time left for doing such things, I should think. purrs

  5. Your tree looks terrific! Hey, I'd much rather have boxes than snow!

    1. Well... boxes ARE the best! Right after nip. Oohhh... Boxes full of nip!!! WHAT A GREAT IDEA! purrs

  6. I certainly hope you can do something about a yucky green Christmas!!! It's much the same here in northern Vermont and I just hate it!

  7. Your tree is gorgeous, from what we can see of it. You are so lucky to have a tree. My peeps didn't put one up this year - said it was too much work and no one would be here to wnjoy it. WELL, what about me? I love the Christmas tree. SIGH!

  8. Oh, we forgot about Boxing Day! Well, I didn't, but Mommy almost did. That's what she gets for living in the lower 48 instead of Canada!
    I think we are sposed to have a dusting Christmas Day NIGHT, which isn't going to work, now, is it? I don't think so, either!!

    1. Still a few days left for your mum to find a good box for you on the 26th. purrs

  9. Your peep is brave to put glass balls on the tree. All our ornaments are unbreakable and I even put crocheted balls on the bottom for the cats to play with. You can keep any snow that comes, I want a non-white Christmas, actually an entire winter without snow would please me. I hope Santa brings you and the family lots of goodies. XO

    1. Yeah, the peeps have a thing about those glass balls. They like the ornaments to sparkle. purrs

  10. Green Christmas is the norm here....we just wish it wouldn't be 86 degrees!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. We think your tree looks pretty! We're having a warm, green Christmas, too. MOUSES!

    1. All this green... Wonder if ANYONE is getting snow for Christmas this year. purrs

  12. Awesome tree! We might have RAIN on Christmas! A rainy Christmas isn't the same as a white one. I think I'd rather have a sunny Christmas, like a good California kitty should!

    1. Rain? On Christmas? Icky. I'd prefer sunshine, too. purrs

  13. Sorry, we can't send any snow. It's freaky warm in NY but at least you have a purrfect tree!

  14. Your tree looks pawsome Seville! Glass balls? All over the tree? OMC how can you resist. Our mom bean puts the breakable ones up high and the shatterproof ones where we might reach. This year we've just ignored it completely. Fooled her, MOL!

    We could send you some snow but we don't have much either. It's pretty dirty by now. There have been lots of boxes around here too and we lub it. Sami has her furry own box she uses to sleep in efurry day!

    Have a furry Merry Christmas Seville, your fursibs, and beans too!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Yup, all over the whole, entire tree. Hard to resist but so far, no breakable bauble breakages this year. purrs

  15. Your tree looks beautiful! Seville, if you could get some snow here in eastern PA, we would greatly appreciate it! It's supposed to be in the low 60s on Christmas!

    I hope you get to enjoy lots of boxes!

    1. Yup, Christmas Day was mild here, too. And tonight? They're saying MINUS twenty with the windchill. MOUSES!

  16. Take it from me Seville, those ball thingies are definitely for whapping!! The tree looks great! Ours has been up since about April! MOL

    1. That's what I say, too! If it looks whappable, it is. MOUSES!

    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  18. looks like a very climable tree Sivvers. And as for the snow, well at least WE HAVE HAD RAIN!! Woo Hoo!! And snow in our mountains. Have a pawsome holiday

    1. You got rain? EXCELLENT. I know how much you guys needed it. purrs

  19. Our mind is still boggling over not whacking balls *mind boggles*

  20. Merry Christmas and all our love to Seville and Peeps 1 and 2.

    Harey and Family.

    1. And all our love to all of you. MERRY CHRISTMAS! purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.