Sunday 15 November 2015


"Check.  Check.   Testing...


"Test.  Testing.  This is a test.  The following is a test;  do not be alarmed."


"MEOW!  Meow meow meow...  meow meow...  meow meow meow meow meow meow.   MEOW!"

How was that, Peepers?  How did I sound? Did you hear all my words?  Did you hear every meow?  Was I too loud?  Was I not loud enough?  Was my acting over the top?  Little overly dramatic?  Not dramatic enough?  Be honest with me, Peepers. What did you think?  Enquiring minds wanna know.

You thought what?  MOUSES!

Of all the nerve.  Hmmph.  MOUSES!

Okay.  I'll start all over again.

"Test.  Testing..."

Stop interrupting me, Peepers.  I'm trying to test out this microphone gadget thingy.  The problem is, I think, that this microphone is designed for peep ears and not cat ears.  My ears aren't able to hold it up properly so that I can speak into it the way one is supposed to.  That's why...

Again with the interruptions?  MOUSES!

No Peepers, THAT'S. NOT. IT.  That's not it at all.

I know!  Do you know what I need?  I need a different microphone.  I need one that will stand on the desk all by itself.  One that doesn't require peep ears to hold it up.  Peepers, you wanna run out and get me one of those?

Look Peepers, I already told you that that wasn't my problem.

Maybe my problem is my director slash stage manager slash tech support.  What do think about that, Peepers?   Huh?  You think my problem might be you?

NO.  Look Peepers, you're totally off base with this.  Like I said before, that is not my problem at all.  MOUSES!

You're interrupting me again?  Gosh you're persistent, Peepers.  Is persistence your middle name or something?  If I told you once, I've told you a million times.  That's not my problem.  My problem is not that I'm speaking cat.  MOUSES!

But of course my readers are able to understand me.  They read my blog, don't they?

What do you MEAN I have an accent?  MOUSES!

Look, there's nothing wrong my accent, Peepers. You have an accent, too, you know.  Everyone does.  It's all relative, you see.  And by relative I don't mean relatives like in family.  Different kind of relative, for sure.

Besides, my accent is absolutely adorable, if I do say so myself.

Oh.  Oh yeah...  Ooohh...  Hmmm...  I'm beginning to see your point, Peepers.  MOUSES!

It has been brought to my attention that when I write my blog posts in Peepified English, my feline accent doesn't come through in the writing.  Reading my words on the computer screen is one thing but hearing them is another.  Basically, when you hear me, what you hear are a whole lot of meows. Basically, what you hear are all meows.  MOUSES!

What to do...  What to do...

You think I should take some elocution classes or something, Peepers?  You wanna sign me up for some of those?

But what should I do in the meantime?  I mean...

I know!  I know exactly what I'll do and it's gonna be perfect, for sure.  MOUSES!

Peepers, I'm going to hire you to read my blog posts for me.  You think you can handle that?  You think that won't tax your brain too much?  What?  What's that, Peepers?  WHAT?


As the peep and I work through the contractual details, why don't I leave you with this.  If you click right here on "cowabunga!"  - yeah, right there on the word cowabunga highlighted in red - you'll be magically transported to where the sounds are held in the clouds and you can hear Peep #1 reading my blog post with the same name.  She'll be reading it in Peepified English without any feline accent, she says.

And providing that my incredibly poor technical support team - otherwise known as Peep #1 - is able to remember how to make these audio posts, there will be more to follow.  MOUSES!


  1. Pay, your peep wants paying! This is the thin end of the wedge for sure, and before you know it peep will expect coffee breaks and a cream allowance too! Mouses

    1. I know! But believe-you-me, she's not getting her paws on our cream and THAT is for sure. MOUSES!

  2. Replies
    1. Oh yes! Just be aware that if you 'hire' your peep to do the reading, she might ask to be paid. MOUSES!

  3. That's darn cool Seville and Peep #1 has a very nice voice! Hey, I hope that wanting paid thing doesn't catch on.

    1. Seriously, Brian. Her salary - such as it is - is gonna cut into my nip money, for sure. MOUSES!

  4. We had someone comment on our blog, because we mentioned your story - they went and had a listen. REALLY they did isn't that wonderful. We loved it, to smile in these tough times is a wonderful thing.

    1. Awww.. That's so very nice to hear. It really is. THANK YOU! purrs

  5. That was great, I feel like an idiot though because I thought it was supposed to be you talking so I commented that I thought you would sound like a boy- my apologies to the peep.

  6. Great voice and story- so much action at Halloween.

    1. Never a dull moment at my house and that is for sure. MOUSES!

  7. Seville, that was so cool that you allowed your peep to read and record your post. It was great, and she really brought it to life. Will you be having her do that again in the future? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. That was cool! But yeah, pay? I guess maybe you can pay her in treats, the same way I get paid! Do you think she likes freeze dried chicken?

    1. Treats, huh? I don't think she'll work for freeze dried chicken on account of her being a veggie but... But I could pay her in that and then help her out by eating it myself. What a plan! purrs

  9. That was pawsome, Seville, but I also thought it was you now we shall read your posts with your peeps voice in our head...MOUSES! Pawkisses :) <3

    1. Hehehee... That's okay. She's just a peep but she's MY peep so really, it's kind of the same thing. purrs

  10. WE 3 LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE IT SEVILLE!! You are sooooo amazing. We haven't stopped talking about it. What a media star. We know that Nissy would so approve. He is certainly watching over you and feeling very proud, we just know BIG HUGS AND LOVE FROM FELIX JASPER & JOS XXX

    1. I still think of Nissy every single day. So does the peep. We all miss him so. purrs

  11. I have to tell you, I think this was a fantastic idea!!! Loved it!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  12. Hehe! How cool is that! Seville your peep#1 has a very nice soothing voice!! I might have to ask my very English Staff Person to do that, but I don't think she will get my Welsh meow to be honest!!! MOL

    1. Oh you really should! With a little practice and some help from you, I think she'll get that Welsh meow down. Practice makes purrfect, for sure. MOUSES!

  13. I just KNOW this is gonna work, totally and NO the Peep does not get paid!

    1. That's what I'm thinking, too. No pay for the peep! purrs

  14. That was great!!! I was going to leave a comment there, but couldn't see how to. Probably need an account to do it.

    1. Yeah, that Soundcloud thing is tricky with the comments. Peep #1 tried to leave a comment herself and had troubles. Not sure if even her comment stuck. purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.