Wednesday 18 February 2015

I'm back!!!

I'M BACK!!!  Did you miss me?  Did you even notice I was gone? Awww...  MOUSES!

Well I know that at least some of you missed me and let me tell you, I MISSED YOU ALL TOO. I missed you all so much...  I missed you all so much that...  I missed you all so much that I'm simply at a loss for words to describe how very much I missed you.

Bet you never saw that comin', huh?  Nerissa the Cat at a loss for words.  MOUSES!

Anywho...  Let me tell you all what happened.  It all began last Thursday mornin'....

My post the day before had gone up a little late and I hadn't had a lot of time for visitin' so I knew that Thursday would be a busy day, for sure.  I knew I needed to visit a lot of my pals' blogs to see what they were up to so I hurried Peep #1 into my office to turn on the computer and whatnot.

Now I know what you're thinkin'.  You thinkin', but I thought you wrote all your own stuff?  Well I do. Yes Mr. Anonymous Spam, try as you might, I will never be hirin' you to write posts on my blog. Doesn't matter how many times you offer, it's never gonna happen.  Like I said, I WRITE ALL MY OWN STUFF.  MOUSES!

But even though I, Nerissa the Cat, do write all my own blog posts, I can't actually get the computer and modem plugged in so for those things, I have to rely upon the peep.  Again I must say, MOUSES!

So Peep #1 headed into my office and turned everythin' on for me.  I went straight to my e-mail but where my e-mail should have been, there was nothin'.  Nothin' at all.  Darned moused-up POP thingy, I thought to myself.  It's gone and popped its dinger again.  Too much soda will do that, you see.  I then headed over to the in box from the telephone/Internet company but alas, all I could find was a message sayin', "Server not found."  Server not found?  MOUSES!

Next on my list was my blog but when I tried to access Google, I again got the message 'bout the missin' server.  What was goin' on?  There were missin' servers all over the place and cats' dinners were gettin' cold and...  Oh yeah, different kind of server.  MOUSES!

If you've noticed that I've been usin' the expression MOUSES! a lot, you'd be right 'cause last Thursday was a moused-up kind of day, for sure.

I called the first peep over, tellin' her she was gonna have to phone the phone company to tell them that the Internet was all moused-up.  I would have called myself but I remembered from prior experience that the peeps workin' for the phone company don't seem to understand me over the telephone.  MOUSES!

Peep #1 picked up the phone to call in the problem only to find that the problem was bigger than originally thought.  The phone line was dead.  Duh duh duh duhhhhh,,,,,  MOUSES!

And when I say dead, I mean dead.  There's wasn't a sound.  Not a peep nor a cheep nor even a squeak.

I thought to myself, I bet this has somethin' to do with those squirrels.  Those squirrels have easy access to the telephone wires on account of their hangin' out in that big ol' oak tree by the telephone pole.  And with all the snow we've been havin', the squirrels might be gettin' a little squirrelly. Squirrelly squirrels can get into a lot of mischief, for sure.

The first peep said she would head over to the phone store at the mall to let 'em know what was goin' on and that repairs were needed.  I said, "Hop to it, woman.  I've got bloggin' to do!"  Peep just rolled her eyes and grumbled somethin' about patience.  What a peep.  MOUSES!

I hunkered down on the couch in the family room, preparin' to watch a little cable TV.  Good thing the peeps didn't decide to bundle up this winter, to keep warm.  Good thing the television wasn't all bundled up with the telephone company 'cause had it been, the cable would have been out, too.   MOUSES!

Eventually, Peep #1 headed off to the mall but on her way there, a phone company truck passed her on the main road, headin' in the direction of our subdivision.  The peep pulled a u-ey... Scratch that.  Ol' Peepers pulled into a church parkin' lot, turned around, hung a left and headed back towards home.  She drove around the subdivision for a bit before spottin' the phone company truck, pulled over and trotted over to talk.

The two men were super nice.  They were hookin' up phone service to a recently sold house and said that as soon as they were done, they would head on over to our house to see what was up. Watchin' from my office window, I saw their trucks arrive and saw one man climb into the bucket thingy so that he could check out what was happenin' at the squirrel hotel, otherwise known as the big ol' oak tree at the end of our driveway.

I pawed at my office window, tryin' to get the peep's attention.  I wanted her to give the men some acorns to offer to the squirrels for their nut pies.  Never interrupt a nest of squirrelly squirrels when they're makin' nut pies unless you have a peace offerin' of some sort.  Believe me, I know this from personal experience.  MOUSES!

The man up in the bucket thingy came down from the Squirrel Penthouse, sayin' that the problem was somewhere down the line.  They didn't have the necessary equipment to find it but would call it in.  He said the cold weather was to blame and truth be told, we had had an awful lot of cold weather.  His story was plausible, for sure.  Apparently, the squirrels were innocent.  Who knew?

That evenin', I sent Peep #1 to the phone store in the mall to see if there were any updates 'bout repairs to our phone and Internet.  She had to phone the repair service from the phone store and after bein' put on hold, she was finally given an answer.  No updates were available.  I sent her back the next day.  Again she had to phone someone from the phone store.  After bein' put on hold - TWICE - she was told that the repair guy didn't appear to be answerin' his phone.  MOUSES!

And by the way, the phone service peeps she was phonin' from the phone store were half-way around the world in the Philippines.  They, in turn, were then phonin' the repair guy here in Nova Scotia who wasn't answerin' his phone.  It seems to me that part of the problem was all this phonin' back and forth around the world.  Stupid out-sourcin'.  MOUSES!

Alexander Graham Bell must have been tossin' and turnin' in his grave.  Again I must say... MOUSES!

Finally, Peep #1 spoke to another person from the other side of the planet and was told that repairs were underway.  They were lookin' for the problem but it could take a couple of hours so if it wasn't fixed by Friday evenin', it would be by sometime on Saturday.  The peep had some doubts 'bout that.  Did they do repairs on the weekend?  And what about the massive storm that was headin' our way?

So Saturday came and went and the phone line was still dead.  Sunday was the same and Monday, too.  Then yesterday mornin', around ten o'clock - ALMOST SIX DAYS LATER - the peep picked up the phone and...  MOUSES!  We had phone!!!  Internet, too.  I was as happy as happy could be.  I danced and I pranced and then I had a nap.  Way too much dancin' and prancin', for sure.

So there you have it, my friends.  The reason for my absence from the Blogosphere for SIX DAYS was a cold snap causin' a phone and Internet outage here in Nova Scotia and a service department outsourced to the other side of the planet and no one workin' on Alexander Graham Bell's legacy with access to eggbeater teleporation technology which, of course, would have allowed for easy transport back and forth.

Peep #1 managed to get some of her own writin' done durin' our Internet outage so she put the extra time to good use.  But I missed all the Valentine's Day blogosphere celebrations.  And postin' my Sunday blog post.  I never miss a blog post!  And what if there had been an emergency or somethin' and the peeps couldn't call out?  There was a major storm here on Sunday.  Anythin' could have happened.

I'm not happy 'bout this and let me tell you, someone from that phone company is gonna hear 'bout it.  Never irritate a bloggin' kitty.  Never a good thing to do.  Never wise, for sure.  MOUSES!


  1. WELCOME HOME!! What stress and worry for you! and you STILL Managed to tweet for the cats Nissy - You. Are. An. Hero. We fall at every fence but you just keep going.

    \Welcome back dear friend.

    Harvey, Miranda, Marjorie and Silver

    1. I missed several nights of tweetin', I'm afraid. Felt HORRIBLE 'bout it but there was simply nothin' I could do. Started back up last night though. Not plannin' on missin' any more opportunities to save lives. Purrin' and prayin' there were no extra lives lost on account of my not bein' able to tweet. purrs

  2. Peep here says our telephone wires are underground, and reckons its moles on the line when ours goes down, or would that be up? Anyways so glad you back on the line (unlike them squirrels) purrs

    1. Moles, huh? I think we have those here, too. Don't pose a problem for the telephone here, though. Thank goodness for that! Got my paws full with those darned squirrels. MOUSES! purrs

  3. Glad to see you back, Nerissa. And we ALL have problems with computers once in a while - cats AND humans ;-)

    1. It was simply awful, Vanessa. Hopin' I never have to go through it again. purrs

  4. Gonna try this way. Poor you Nissy. NBet that really rattled you. Never mnd, back to it.

    1. That it did, for sure! Longest six days of my life. purrs

  5. I do think the squirrels had something to do with it. Welcome back pal!

    1. Too true. One can NEVER trust a squirrelly squirrel and that's a fact, for sure. purrs

  6. 6 days is a very long time to do without phone and internet. I am glad you did not go totally CRAZEEE!

    1. I know! 'Cause crazy is the realm of the squirrels. Crazier than a squirrel makin' nut pies kind of crazy, if you know what I mean. MOUSES! purrs

  7. We are glad your problem was solved and you are back!

    1. Me too. And hopefully, we'll never have to go through anythin' like this again. It was terrible. MOUSES! purrs

  8. dood.....we did noe tizz ya wuz gone.. troo lee... even tho we iz knot a loud on line on sunday... N we said even then...nissy's havin problemz with vizshuz squirrel......they canna bee trusted dood...ever.....ree gard less oh that yur internetz iz up N runnin ya knead ta hop over ta de cell ewe lar dee vise on line place & get yur self a cell ewe lar dee vize......never mind what de peeps sayz.....♥♥♥

    1. Yeah, a need to get myself a cat-sized cell phone, for sure. One that has an extra little pocket to hold some nip. purrs

  9. Goodness! I mean.. Mouses! What a time you've all had! Glad you're back!

    1. Me too. Got my paws all crossed that it will never happen again. Don't worry. I ALWAYS lie down prior to crossin' all four paws at once. If you don't lie down first, you end up fallin' down, for sure. I speak from experience 'bout that. purrs

  10. Replies
    1. Truth be told, so am I. Even if they didn't have anythin' to do with this one incident, I'm sure they'll be up to mischief in no time at all. MOUSES! purrs

  11. Etude at Mischief & Mayhem Central18 February 2015 at 20:10

    Truly a traumatic time for you Nissy. Hope you got some extra nap time in.
    Great blog... Nissy.

    1. Actually, I did. Probably the only good thing that came from the whole affair. purrs

  12. Had to be those rodents out there as they chew away, night and day. Dead phones are sure the pits, along with crappy computers and anything electronic breaking.

    1. Yup, rodents will do as rodents will do. They've also been known to do-do, too. MOUSES! purrs

  13. Welcome back! We hope this taught the squirrels not to mess with your internet and phone connection.

    1. I sure do hope so. I'm seein' some squirrel-featured blog posts in my future, for sure. purrs

  14. Well there you are, Nissy! It's not good being out of touch... but I don't think you missed much. Happy belated Valentine's Day!

    1. Happy Belated Valentine's Day to you, too! Best I can do 'cause I missed ALL the Valentine's Day celebrations in the blogosphere. Gonna have to wait 'til next year. purrs

  15. Welcome back Nerissa! You and the peeps must be pretty darn sick of winter we bets. Hopefully the interwebs stay working...'cuz we misses you.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Oh yeah... We're all ready for winter to be over, for sure. Snowed again today. MOUSES! purrs

  16. Oh Wow! Nerrisa, your side of the country is getting blasted for sure! Mes can't believes it when wes sees it on TV! And it killed your internet too! mes never thought that would happen!
    Mes sure happy yous back and stay warm.

    1. Did you see the picture of the snowplough in Halifax, Nellie? It was lyin' on its side 'cause a snowbank knocked it down. Seriously. They say the Halifax snowbanks are so icy they're like chunks of cement. MOUSES! purrs

  17. I missed you Nissy. Happy Belated Valentine's Day! It is awful to be without phone and internet. Hope you are keeping warm.

    1. Thankfully, we have not lost power at all. Purrin' and prayin' things stay that way, for sure. purrs

  18. We kind of figure squirrels are responsible whenever things go haywire. They're cute and all, but full of mischief.

    Welcome back, Nissy. We missed you, buddy!

    1. It's true. I think they all have Mischief as their middle names. purrs

  19. Wow! My human is so attached to the internet, she would have moved into a hotel with wifi until it got fixed... and dragged me along!

    1. Peep #1's patience was wearin' thin, for sure. It was wearin' so thin that had she gone out wearin' her patience, she would have been arrested for indecent exposure, I think. MOUSES! purrs

  20. Welcome back Nissy ! What a stressful week ! Purrs

    1. It sure was! Still playin' catch-up, too. This, of course, differs from ketchup in too many ways to mention here. purrs

  21. Nissy, what a sorry tale errr tail? So did they finally decide it was squirrel interference? Those pesky things have been banned from our island. They can't get in even if they have the correct paperwork. They even disguise themselves as red squirrels, but we can suss them out as they are HUGE, big as cats!!!

    Anyways, welcome back to the blogosphere, buddy. Nothing much has happened except I'm thinking of starting a Cat Union!! ;)

  22. Nissy I think this qualifies as a HORROR STORY! Six days is a very long time to be "out of touch".......I was thinking it HAD to be squirrels but you say they claim it wasn't? Hmm...not sure you can trust the telephone doods to tell you the truth anyway! Just glad you're BACK!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Yup, they're sayin' the squirrels are innocent. I'm wonderin' if the squirrels are holdin' somethin' over their heads. Somethin' other than acorns. It's a known fact that squirrels cannot hold acorns over peeps' heads. One second in and they simply can't resist throwing 'em down. purrs

  23. That sure sounds like a stressful situation! I'm so glad you're back and ready to take action :)

    1. Me too. Tryin' to catch up but there's so much to do! But I'll get there. I know I will, for sure. purrs

  24. Nissy, of course we noticed your absence, and OF COURSE we missed you!!! What a crazy happening! No phone, no internet.... what is the world coming to?! We are glad that everything is back in working order and that you are back to blogging!

    1. And I am SO HAPPY to be back. Gosh, I missed everyone so much my heart was achin'. purrs

  25. We missed you, Nissy! Our blog reader service was wonky just ONE day and we were miserable! A whole week? Tell your peeps you need lots of nourishment to recover!

    1. I've been droppin' hints for extra treats left, right and centre but so far, no luck. Gonna have to start playin' hard ball, for sure. purrs

    2. Mommy's ring: Well, thank goodness she found it in the chair. In the back of the seat cushion. Huh? We still have a mystery! How did it get there?
      And we live really high above the trees. Can squirrels climb all the way up to the 16th floor???
      Oh, and Angel brandi said Mr.Squirrel was our friend at our old address. She said Mommy and her lived on the first floor, and Mr. Squirrel was the "town gossip" for all the kitties on their side of the building. Are Canadian squirrels just squirrel-ier than ours?

    3. Hmmm.... We USED to have cute little red squirrels who were super friendly. Now we just have the big ol' grey ones who scared the red ones, away. MOUSES! purrs

  26. Miss ya for sure Nissy. Happy your phone peeps finally sorted out what was goin' on in your part of the world. Sure do hope that white stuff doesn't float your house like a boat when it melts

    1. They seem to have it all sorted out now 'cause everythin' is workin' quite well. Paws crossed it stays that way, for sure. purrs

  27. Replies
    1. Yup. Moused up in rat-like proportions, for sure. MOUSES! purrs

  28. Welcome back! What a tale you've meowed here. You know, considering how badly hoomins seem to mess up fixin' stuff, maybe we should let the squirrels take a crack at repairs. Could they really do any worse? At least whatever they did, would be done FAST.

    1. Interestin' thought. The squirrels would be able to climb right up without the aid of any bucket trucks, too! purrs

  29. We know all too well about that the way the bushy tails nibble at the wires and I don't mean Einstein. Yeah we used to lose our connection about 3 times a year back in the day. Now on another day we are all competing companies for connection. Such is progress I guess
    Purrs and glad you are back

  30. Mee-you MOUSIESS is rite Nerissa what a Moused-up day you an yur Mumma had....wee wundered where you were.
    Wee iss switchin Fone/Inttywebbernetss purrvider on Tuesday/Wednesday so if wee dissappeer you will know why!!
    LadyMum iss so furrustrated with a sirtain Fone company AFTUR 41 yeerss of beein a good cusstomer shee deecided to change!
    Onlee in Canada rite Nerissa??
    Yurss Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

    1. I know what you mean! I love the security service the phone company offers and that's why I wanna stick with it but six days without service? MOUSES! purrs

  31. OMC...six days! That is some crazy cold weather you folks got for sure...maybe it was the squirrels? Glad you are back Nissy and that all is running again!

    1. I know! Six days without Internet was just way too long. purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.