This is a new year and it's bringin' a lot of changes to my house. There are so many things I need to do.
For starters, I need to get workin' on my campaign for the Senate. I have some super great ideas to implement. I have some of the best ideas the Senate has heard of or seen in a very long time. Now all I've gotta do is get myself appointed. MOUSES!
And speakin' of the Senate and campaigns and whatnot, I should just clarify somethin'. Here in Canada, Senators are not elected. They're appointed by the Prime Minister. Well technically, they're appointed by the Governor General after bein' recommended by the Prime Minister. Recommended, summoned, whatever... So I don't need to win an election. I just need to be recommended.
But I still need to mount a campaign of sorts. Not a campaign for an election but rather, a campaign to help the Prime Minister see the wisdom of appointin' me, Nerissa the Cat, to the Canadian Senate. MOUSES!
If you wanna help with this here campaign of mine, please feel free to contact the Prime Minister of Canada and let him know what you think. Feel free to tweet him, give him a call or even send him a letter.
If you're tweetin', please remember to include the hashtag #Niss4Senate. I appear to be the only one usin' this hashtag at the mo. I'm pretty sure it will be more effective once it starts trendin' but I kinda think that in order for it to trend, there has to be more than just me usin' it. You know?
And if you should choose to go the snail mail route, I just wanna say that this form of mail doesn't really travel at the speed of snails. It's more like that of a turtle, I should think. Turtles, tortoises, whatever... Does anyone really know the difference? Does anyone really care? Probably the turtles and tortoises do but what about the rabbits and hares?
I'm bettin' that you're all wonderin' what ideas I intend to bring forth once appointed to the Senate. I have a list of stuff. A to-do list, of sorts. Gonna reveal those things in future posts right here on Nerissa's Life. As loyal readers of my blog, you'll be the very first to know. Pretty exciting, for sure.
Are you wonderin' what other things I have in store for the new year? Well...
Well I'm gonna start crackin' the whip with the peeps. They've been slackin'. Slackin' BIG time. Time for me to put a stop to their ridiculous behavior.
Now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays is over, the peeps need to start puttin' their paws to better use. Better use than what they were doin' with their paws before the holidays, for sure.
There was a lot of baking going on at my house in the weeks prior to Christmas and do you know what? Not a single one of those recipes used nip as a main ingredient. Not a single one. MOUSES!
That kind of behaviour has gotta stop. If Peep #1 wants to bake, at least half of the recipes she uses should include nip. I'm thinkin' that's more than fair. I mean, we cats outnumber the peeps in this house so technically, more than half the recipes should include the nip but I'm tryin' to go easy on the peep... FOR NOW. We can always renegotiate nip percentages, next year.
Secondly, there has been way too much knittin' goin' on. That's gonna have to stop.
To be fair, much of the knittin' prior to the holidays was elfin' work being done for Santa and those knitted biff bags and mice were stuffed with nip so, of course, knittin' of that sort may continue as much as desired. Any kind of knittin' that includes nip is a-okay in my books.
But scarves? And sweaters? I don't wear scarves nor do I wear sweaters so stuff like that is just a waste of good yarn. Plus, Peep #1 has a tendency to knit scarves usin' lacy patterns. Oh sure, they look pretty and whatnot but do you know that you get when you try to stuff a lacy scarf with nip? You get an empty scarf and a whole bunch of nip, lyin' on the floor. I can attest to that from my own personal experience.
And if you try to play with said lacy scarf, you get scolded. I can attest to that, too. Yup, I can attest to that, for sure. MOUSES!
Now if the peep starts knittin' comfy blankies, we can talk. Especially if those blankies are stuffed with the nip.
Of course, my sister Mason made a New Year's Resolution to learn how to knit, this year. Well technically, I made that resolution for her but it's still a resolution and it's still for the new year so it still counts. Mason can knit all she likes. I have faith that she will put her newly acquired knittin' skills to good use. I have faith that whatever Mason knits will include the nip. MOUSES!
The peep needs to start puttin' her paws to better use. I'm thinkin'... chin tickles, behind-the-ear scritches and tummy rubs. And that's just for starters.
With the new year we have new episodes of Murdoch Mysteries. And Downton Abbey is back on PBS. Gotta love shows like those 'cause they provide quality cuddlin' time with the peeps. Nothin' like spendin' a few hours with your peeps while they tickle your chin and rub your tummy. That's gotta be one of the best ways to spend an evenin', for sure.
And she needs to take the Christmas tree down, too. Like I said, the holidays are over now for the year but the Christmas tree in the livin' room is still up. We cats have been tryin' to help by knockin' down some of the breakable rollables every now and then. Every day we knock down a few more but the peep, bein' a peep, keeps putting 'em back up. What a peep.
The Christmas tree went up late last year so I'm bettin' it will come down late, too. I wonder if the peep will get it down by Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day, I can handle but it had better be down by Easter. Easter is just way too late. MOUSES!
More nip for sure, Nissy! Good luck getting the peeps in line.
ReplyDeleteIt IS awfully hard work but someone has gotta do it. You know? purrs
DeleteOh, I am just picturing you trying to stuff a lacey scarf with nip. MOUSES!
ReplyDeleteNot the easiest of things to do. Believe me, I know. purrs
DeleteGood luck Nissy. Altho' we do agwee dat nip oughtta be in more of yous recipes. You know da peeps can eat it too. They won't hav nearly as much fun as us, but it ton't hurt them at all. MOL
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
Dezi and Lexi
You mean I need to SHARE the nip with the peeps? MOUSES! purrs
DeleteMy peeps just took da Christmas tree down yesterday - our livin room looks sos empty now!
ReplyDeleteBet ours will look empty when that happens, too. *sighs* purrs
DeleteWhoa, that's a lot of changes on your plate (salmon-smellin' plate, that is). Don't whip your peoples too hard, but yeah, that tree's gotta come down. Like, yesterday!
ReplyDeletePeep #1 is so bad 'bout the tree thing. She gets all teary-eyed at the thought of takin' it down on account of it bein' so pretty. purrs
DeleteIs there anyway to butter up the Gov. General? Does he have cats?
ReplyDeleteI don't think a GG has ever appointed a Senator that wasn't recommended by the PM so what I really need is that recommendation. Of course, we're havin' an election next fall so if the current PM won't recommend me, perhaps the next one will but really, I don't wanna have to wait for that. Clocks are tickin' and all. But that bein' said, I think I'll investigate this butterin' angle, further. purrs
Deletedood...if ewe knead help in yur run for de senate...let uz noe we ....we R gonna make sure smoke & joe iz ee lected ta de prezidency next yeer ♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteANOTHER reason for the PM to appoint a cat to the Senate! I, Nerissa the Cat, will be able to relate to Presidents Smoke & Joe WAY BETTER than any peeps ever could, for sure. purrs
DeleteWe would vote for you if we could!
ReplyDeleteNoodle an crew
No votin' required! Senators are appointed, not voted in. So if you wanna mention to the Prime Minister that you think I'd be a great Senator... Well, feel free to do that any time. purrs
DeleteLobby for the tree to stay up, it's a good place for campaign speeches!
ReplyDeleteI never thought of that! I would be the perfect festive backdrop, for sure. purrs
DeleteNip in no recipes at all? Say it ain't so? Some toes bites need to take place for that
ReplyDeleteNot in a single recipe. Could you believe it? MOUSES! purrs
DeleteI wish I could help you with the Senate, but I am in the USA so the Prime Minister won't listen to me. I love Downton Abbey too :) And our Christmas Tree is still up too:)
ReplyDeleteTruth be told, in my humble opinion, the PM doesn't listen to many Canadians, either. purrs
DeleteBest of luck. Our Senate sucks but maybe if they were appointed. no that wouldn’t work either.
ReplyDeleteOur Senate is supposed to do a super important job. It's 'supposed' to even out the powers of the more and less populated provinces 'cause without it, the bigger ones could practically take over! purrs
DeleteHey Nerissa, there is going to be a election this October, yous should runs for Parliament too!!
Not sure if Earl Grey is runnin' in that one and I wouldn't want to run against him. But if he doens't, it certainly is a though, for sure. purrs
DeleteWe'll let the PM a good word for ya, Nissy. Do you think he'll listen to us?
ReplyDeleteHe would be a fool to not listen to you, for sure. purrs
Delete#Niss4Senate Hope that helps? I will email PM straight away Purrs... My peep has managed to get ahead of the game on the taking the Christmas Tree down front (he says) by not putting one up at all! Not in the spirit of things I say, and playing with a Christmas Card with a tree on it isn't half as much fun!... #Niss4Senate
ReplyDeleteOohhh.. THANKS! I appreciate that very, VERY much. No Christmas tree at all? Awww... MOUSES! I can certainly understand 'bout the inadequacies of the tree-on-a-card thing, for sure. purrs
DeleteHow many kitties live at your house, Nerissa, versus how many humans? I think the nip recipes should be in proportion to populace.
ReplyDeleteNine cats to two peeps, Summer. Once there were twelve of us but in 2013, my dad, Jacob, and my Auntie Snowdrop died. Then we were down to ten. Then last year, my Auntie Blossom and my sister, Beatrice, died but around the same time, my brother Anderson arrived so although we dipped down to eight, we're at nine, now. We cats outnumber those peeps, for sure. purrs
DeleteYeah for nip, Nissy :D I guess January is slacking month..everybody is slacking here *whispers..including me*. Activated Pawkisses for a Happy Day :D <3
ReplyDeleteThanks for those pawkisses! Love the pawkisses, for sure. purrs
DeleteYou'd be a great Senator that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteI meet ALL the qualifications. Even the one 'bout knowin' in which province I reside! Not every Senator has known that, you see. purrs
DeleteI can't believe your Christmas tree is still up, Christmas feels like forever ago! Maybe your peeps have taken the song "I wish it could be Christmas every day" to heart and now it will be at your house the tree will stay forever?!
ReplyDeleteAt some point, Peep #1 will decide the tree has to either come down or be dusted... I think. purrs
DeleteI'm sure you are capable of changing the world, Nerissa. By the way, don't you think there should be more feline senators? Have a lovely Thursday.
ReplyDeleteOh yes. I figure that once I'm appointed, others will follow, for sure. Before you know, EVERY province and territory will be wantin' at least one cat representin' them, for sure. purrs
DeleteHi Nissy! Gosh I'd love to be able to say "Hi SENATOR Nissy" !!! rah Rah rah! As for the Christmas tree coming down late - why not just hang hearts on it for Valentine's Day and not worry about it.....HAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteHugs, Sammy
Now that's an excellent thought! I shall mention it to the peeps, for sure. purrs
DeleteNISS 4 SENATE!!! We stand behind your platform 100%! Maybe you can extend that last point to our human too -- our Christmas tree is still up. Unacceptable!
ReplyDeleteAnother week has gone by and ours is STILL up. How 'bout yours? purrs
DeleteI'm sure the prime minister will see the sense in a pointing you to the senate,xx SPeedy
ReplyDeleteI sure do hope so 'cause seriously, it would be the most sensible thing he could ever do. purrs
DeleteNissy, you are made for that position!
ReplyDeleteThat's what I'm thinkin', too. Of course, there will HAVE to be an increased supply of the nip in Ottawa, for sure. purrs
DeleteWe totally didn't know abotu Senators being appointed in Canada. Woot! The PM should totaly do that!!!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, that's how it has been done up here all along. Pretty good system as long as the Prime Ministers remember why they're appointin' the Senators. They should never be chosen to represent a political party or even a Prime Minister. Senators are 'supposed' to represent the cats & peeps of the province in which they live. purrs
DeleteNo doubt your appointment will be eminent... And while we are from the States, our human is guilty of violating the same baking and knitting rules as yours and could learn from you... Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties!
ReplyDeleteYour human doesn't bake with nip, either? MOUSES! purrs
DeleteYour campaign will be smokin hot Nerissa! The senate needs a wee whippersnapper like you to put them in line! You've got my vote!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I sure could teach those other Senators a thing or two. Lesson number one... nip appreciation. purrs
DeleteYour campaign will be challenging Missy but if I know you, you won't be kept from the Senate. If I can help from the USA let me know
ReplyDeleteYou can tweet our Prime Minister! He has a Twitter account and everythin'. purrs
DeleteWell Nissy, wish we lived in Canada so we could help. Good luck and we will be cheering you on!!! As for the Peeps, we think that will be something you should start on RIGHT away before nip season starts!
ReplyDeleteYou can tweet to the PM from anywhere in the world, Marty. I'm sure he'd LOVE to hear from you. You're a cat with an international reputation, for sure. purrs