Sunday, 11 January 2015

this is Canada, Baby!

Boy-oh-boy those weatherpeeps have been busy.  Busy doin' whatever weatherpeeps do, I suppose.  What do they do, anyway? Anybody know?

Well I can tell you what they don't do. They don't actually control the weather.  Surely if they were controllin' the weather, they'd be able to keep it in line, you know?  Keep it under control.  Make the ol' weather a bit more agreeable and well...   you know... controlled.

Lately our weather has been out of control. Totally uncontrolled, for sure.  Ol' Jack Frost, the real power behind the weatherpeeps, has been wielding his little weather wand thingy that he uses to frostify the place and makin' things a little too frosty for my taste.  MOUSES!

One day last week, the ol' mercury dipped to -17C at one point and that was without the wild chill.  Not sure what the wind chill was, that day.  It was way too cold to go out and see.  Then we got a bit of a break when it warmed up in the afternoon to -15C.    Warmed up to -15C?  Warmed up?  What can I say?  This is Canada, baby!

And speakin' of the ol' mercury thing...  Isn't it funny how we still say that?  I know that thermometers used to contain mercury but they don't anymore.  Haven't for a very long time, I think, but we hang onto the phrase, anyway.  I bet that one day, in the far-off distant future, peeps will still be usin' that phrase but so much time will have passed between then and when thermometers still contained mercury, that most peeps won't remember the origins of the phrase, at all.  Stuff like that happens, you see.  Those future peeps will have to Google (TM) it, for sure.

And I wonder if the phrase, Google (TM) it, will hang in there, too?  And I also wonder if the Google (TM) in Google (TM) it should be capitalised since, in all honesty, you really are - accordin' to the rules of the English language - usin' the word as a verb and not a proper noun.  Of course, schools 'round here teach less and less grammar, these days, so perhaps no one will figure that out.  Interestin'...

I also wonder how peeps manage to include the proper little trademark icon thingy when they're writin' on Blogger.  I mean, Blogger (TM).  MOUSES!

But back to the weather.  It was really cold last week.

Well at least it was cold for part of last week and then it warmed up.  By the end of the week, temperatures warmed up to right around the freezin' point.

By Friday, the weather got really freaky.  First it snowed for a bit.  Then it rained.  Then it slushed. Yeah...  slushed.  That's what I call it when the white stuff comin' down isn't really snow nor is it rain but rather, somethin' you would find on the ground when the roads are all slushy.  Somethin' you would choose to walk around and not through on account of its slushiness.  Somethin' wet, cold, half frozen and icky.  MOUSES!

Hard to walk around the slush when it's fallin' down from the sky, you know?

What's that, Peepers?  You're sayin' that it was sleet?  Sleet, slush, whatever...  MOUSES!

Anywho...  It was slushin'.  After it slushed it started to snow again and then it began to slush, once more. That's when Peep #1 decided to run out to do some errands.  What a peep.

The followin' adventure was told to me by the peep.  I wasn't there to personally experience said adventure on account of my bein' a cat and way too smart to go out in a slushstorm, snowstorm or whatever you wanna call it.  That and the fact that I don't like goin' in the car, period.  Whenever I'm in the car, the car drives straight to my doctor's office.  MOUSES!

So after pickin' up the mail at the mailbox, Peep #1 drove to the post office to pick up a parcel and then down to the first grocery store on her list.  Walkin' into the post office from the car, and into the grocery store, too, the peep got slushed upon.  She walked through some of the slushy stuff, too.  Had she had more sense, she would have walked around that pile of slush but truth be told, had she had any sense at all, she wouldn't have gone out in the slushstorm in the first place.  MOUSES!

She found the stuff she needed at the store, paid for it and headed out.  By then it had stopped slushin'.  It was snowin' once more.  In fact, it had snowed enough that the peep had to clean off the car before gettin' back on the road.

Now one would think that Peep #1 would head straight home after that, right?  Wrong.  Sometimes I really wonder 'bout my peep.

She had two more errands to run so off to the mall she went.  She did what she needed to do there as quickly as she could, cleaned off the car AGAIN and then drove to the second grocery store. After racin' through the grocery store aisles, she was ready for home although she did have to stop and clean all the snow off the car once more.  MOUSES!

By this time is was dark.  Really, really dark and when I say really, I really mean, REALLY.  To the right and to the left of the peep, it was pitch black.  Not a thing could be seen.  It wasn't even six o'clock yet but if the clock in the car hadn't been tellin' her the time, Ol' Peepers would have thought it was well past midnight.

Snow was comin' at the car and makin' it hard to see but that was the least of Peep #1's worries. She couldn't see the road itself, at all.  The snow was coverin' the road so completely that she couldn't see the centre line or the ditches on either side.  All she could see was the white stuff, blanketing everything in sight.  The white stuff was here, there and everywhere!  The headlights were shinin' on the white stuff comin' at her and the white stuff lyin' on the road.  The road, itself, was completely hidden from view.

Slowly but surely the peep made her way home, eventually turnin' off the main road and into our subdivision. Inchin' her way home, she pulled into the driveway, stopped the car and headed inside.

The next mornin', I awoke to find the sun glintin' off white stuff in every direction.  It was really quite beautiful. A little on the cold side, though.  That's why I sent my sister, Tess, out on a reconnaissance mission.  I needed her to gather intel on the condition of the car.  I would have done it myself but like I said, it was cold.  Tess has more floof than I and floof, you see, helps keep a kitty warm.

Anywho...  Peep #1 had managed to return home with all parts of the car intact.  Well at least all parts that were there before she went out.  The car still had one side mirror.

Only one mirror you ask?  Yeah, 'bout that...

A couple of weeks ago, Peep #2 was drivin' when apparently, someone's green bin jumped out into the middle of the road, colliding with the car.

What's that, Peepers?  FINE.  The green bin didn't actually jump into the middle of the road and collide with the car.  It just reached out from the side of said road and gave the passenger side mirror a swipe. The second peep told the first peep 'bout the incident but neglected to include the fact that the mirror had gone missin'.  Gone.  Gone as in it had disappeared off the face of the Earth in a puff of smoke.  Another has been ordered and will be replaced as soon as one of the peeps is in the town where the car doctor works.

There's no word on the health and welfare of the mysterious, car swipin', green bin.

Well that'll teach the green bin to mess with one of my peeps!

And speakin' of messin'...  The other day, I was workin' on my blog when I heard yowls and howls comin' from the front of the house.  I sent the peep to investigate.

Peep #1 found my brothers, Seville and Anderson, both lyin' on the landin' leading upstairs with the small, two-and-a-half foot Christmas tree that usually stands on that landin'.between 'em.  The tree was lyin' down just like my brothers but the tree wasn't yowlin' or howlin'.  It wasn't growlin', either, unlike my brothers.

Apparently, marmie brothers don't always get along with one another.  It's a well-known fact that Seville and Rushton don't get along with each other and apparently, Seville and Andy don't, either.  Don't know who started this recent altercation but I can tell you this.  The innocent by-stander that was the small Christmas tree, took the fall...  LITERALLY.  Like I said, it was lyin' on the landin'.  Lyin' down.  'Cause it fell. Fell after bein' knocked down, is more like it.  MOUSES!


  1. OMC Nissy! It seems that the cold weather is playing havoc on your whole furamily! Hope it warms up, the car gets fixed, the Marmies lose their Marmitude and you get some Nip!

  2. I have always said you all have just way too much fun!

  3. Snow, sleet and all of that the humans whine about all around here. Poor tree sounds like it got hammered haha

    1. It sure did. I had a marmie hammerin', for sure. purrs

  4. Jan remembers driving in weather like that. No fun! When you get safely home, you never want to leave the house again. :) Stay warm and safe.

    1. Funny you should say that. Peep #1 was out on Friday and hasn't been out in the car, since! purrs

  5. Oh, that poor Chrissymouse tree! Not its fault, at all. We hope your brofurs learn to get along better.

    1. Me too. Heaven help us if they decide to 'fell' the big tree in the livin' room which, by the way, is still up. purrs

  6. Quite a tale Nerissa. We find it cold too. Brrrr!
    At least we might say that if we went outside, but we can tell by being on the porch ;)
    Mom giggled at you saying mercury when it's not used anymore.
    Mom was watching the Weather Network internet where the person
    was talking about earthquakes. There was a small one off BC.
    Imagine her surprise when she found out the Richter scale is NOT used any more.
    It was replaced in 1979 ! They use MMS (moment magnitude scale).
    And this is the person looking after us :/
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. They don't use the Richter scale any more? MOUSES! Who knew? purrs

  7. Brrr! That looks and sounds very cold. Your peeps had quite the adventure running her errands. I am glad she got back safely, and the car did too.

    1. Me too. Although she tries my patience at times, I really do love my Peep #1. purrs

  8. Dang, maybe you should just hide under the bed until Sprig arrives!

    1. Sounds like a plan. I'll hide under there and hang out with the bunnies made of dust. purrs

  9. It does sound like the weather has been awful. We are going to get some of that tomorrow, but this peep doesn't leave the house when it is bad out. I am glad your Mom got home safely. Keep warm Nissy and family.

    1. Lots of cuddlin' goin' on here, now. Winter time is perfect cuddlin' weather, if you know what I mean. purrs

  10. OMC Nissy, stay safe and warm. and outta dat nasty cold white stuffs.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. We've still got the white stuff. Front door, back door and all the windows, in between. purrs

  11. We had a couple days of -27 without the windchill, it was terrible. Stay warm!

    1. MOUSES! that's cold. Our weather wasn't nearly that bad. I guess I should be grateful, for sure. purrs

  12. Nerissa, I think next time your peeps decide to go out in the car when it is snowing or slushing (great word by the way), you should remind them of possibility of jumping green bins...and the they'll stay home safe with you.

    1. Yeah, those jumpin' green bins can be tricky, for sure. purrs

  13. Wow, lots going on at your house, for sure! Glad your Peep got home safely, sounds like it would have been scary driving in that snow. Those pictures are really pretty, though. Hope your weather improves, that would be good.

    1. White stuff is still here and probably will be for a couple of months unless, of course, we get a January thaw in a couple of weeks. I guess I'll have to wait and see. purrs

  14. Gosh! Nissy! It sounds like your poor peep went through the same kind of weather that mes and Mommy did! And your brothers fights? Mes thought it was only me and my siblings! What a relief!
    Enjoy the winter weather!!!

    1. Yup, the marmie brothers do. Don't know what it is 'bout those marmies. They just like to fight, for sure. purrs

  15. My human barely goes out in the RAIN! I don't know how your humans do it.

    1. I think Canadian peeps might be bred for dealin' with the snow, or somethin'. It's a workin' theory, for sure. purrs

  16. Replies
    1. Sure was but the worst part is, winter is only BEGINNING. purrs

  17. Wow cold but beatiful weather.

    1. Especially nice when the sun shines on the newly fallen snow. Super cold Saturday mornin' but really beautiful, too. purrs

  18. OH MY we never see anything like that in Florida.

    1. I can imagine that you'd be super surprised if you awoke to so much white stuff in Florida. Super surprised, for sure! purrs

  19. Brrrr so cold !
    You can come and visit me , we have +5C and rain :)


    1. I can be there in a jiffy! Sivvers... PREPARE THE TELEPORTATION DEVICE. purrs

  20. Brrr, it's cold ! It's a weather made for crawling under the blankies ! Purrs

    1. And I've actually been doin' quite a bit of that, as of late. Can't beat a warm comfy blankie in the winter, for sure. purrs

  21. Reading this, Mommy commented "...and THIS is why I live in the desert"!

    1. Between the rain and the snow, it's never very desert-like 'round here. purrs

  22. OH man, Nissy. My mom would have stayed home. She is such a sissy. We get snow here too and we live on a hill which is part of the reason that she stays up here. We've had some bad times getting down and coming back up. She said she could tell stories about others trying to make it up...

    1. We're lucky, I guess, 'cause we live in a valley. Hills can 'usually' be avoided when slippery. purrs

  23. Canada = pawfect weather for my huskies! haha!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. I bet that Husky livin' down the road is enjoyin' the snow, for sure. purrs

  24. Brrr that is chilly Nissy,OMB it all happens at you house,xx SPeedy

  25. Stay warm, Nissy!! MomFOD was out in Canada last month and she said it was the warmest she'd ever seen during Christmas - but I guess that's over. BRRRRRSS PURRRS! - Crepes.

    1. Christmas was mild here, too. Another green one, I'm afraid. But startin' around the first of year, everythin' got white and... COLD. purrs

    2. Wow, a weather mess and then a tree mess. You're having all the fun. The weather is just boring here. So are the trees, in our opinions, because none of them came inside!

    3. I must admit, makin' messes can be a lot of fun. So is bloggin' about 'em! purrs

  26. Humans are not always the brightest, are they? It sounds way to dangerous to be out in such weather. Glad your peep is safe!

    1. I agree. Now if we were out of food or nip or somethin' important like that, it would be a totally different situation. purrs

  27. Very beautiful pics in your blog today Nissy. Yuppers is cold out there but the pics are great!!!

    1. And there's STILL snow on the branches of the trees. Usually it would have blown off by now. MOUSES! purrs

  28. My peep grumbles that its never snows enough so he can stay at home, then when it snows its the weekend & he grumbles more as he has to go out! The weather (or not) peeps usually get it wrong round here, unless of course we are in the middle of some something like a heat wave when the profess with great satisfaction that it will be hot... hmm

    1. My Peep #1 is pretty sure some weatherpeeps just pull forcasts out of a hat. purrs

  29. Oh yeah, we've had "green bin" incidents over here too. A vishus DEER took one out just recently in fact!

    1. So this is an INTERNATIONAL phenomena. MOUSES! I never knew. purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.