Anywho... I was tellin' this pal of mine how I was really lucky 'cause I didn't need any special kind of food. I had no special dietary requirements. Oh, sure... I have my favourites like turkey and grilled chicken. Grilled tuna is another. Especially the grilled chicken and tuna that come out of the teeny tiny tins that are particularly tasty. Mmmm... yum. Yup, those go over really well. Oh, and I also enjoy a spot of cream every now and then. Yes, I could pretty much live on those. No broccoli or brussels sprouts for this kitty!
Of course, there are also things I absolutely abhor. As long as the peeps remember to never, ever, never not ever, not ever even in a million years try to pawn off duck or trout on me, I'm okay. Won't touch those with a ten foot pole. Not even a twenty foot one. Icky.
But I really am a lucky kitty 'cause I get to have variety in my diet. Good thing, too, 'cause I tend to bore easily. Don't like to have the same thing every day, day in and day out. That's why I have three - count 'em, three - favourite foods. They say that variety is the spice of life and I do believe they're right.
Usually, I get the peep to dress up my meals a little. As I tend to have turkey for breakfast every morning, I insist that she add a little grilled tuna or grilled chicken to the dish. Yes, turkey and giblets with a side of grilled tuna or chicken, garnished with a sprig of nip. Okay. Fine. You got me. The peep doesn't actually garnish my plate with nip but I'm working on her and one day... one day it will happen, for sure. I just know it. That will be about the same time when she finally starts serving me my breakfast on the good china. Any day now, I should think.
A couple of years ago, my brother started havin' issues with crystals. Nope, not the kind of crystals that some peeps use for healing and not the kind of crystals that some peeps use to make jewelry. These crystals formed somewhere inside of my brother and when he went to go pee, he couldn't. It was a big problem.
Twice, my brother Seville has had to be rushed to hospital and spend several nights there while the doctors worked on gettin' rid of those crystals. Sivvers says it was super painful. He wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy. Not even on Nosey Neighbour Cat. MOUSES! And as painful as it was, the worst part of all was that if his condition wasn't treated quickly, my brother could have died. That would have been terrible 'cause basically, my brother is a really nice guy and I love him a lot. After all, he is my brother.
Anywho... because of Seville's problems with the crystals, he has to eat a very special food. Peep #1 calls it Special Special and when she says the name, she says it in a special way. Isn't that special...?
Seville doesn't buy it for a second. He's always wantin' to hone in on whatever we're havin' but he's just not allowed. He has to eat his Special Special and drink lots of water to keep the plumbin' workin' at top efficiency. MOUSES!
The funny thing is, the rest of us cats - all nine of us - would much rather eat Seville's Special Special. After all, it is special. At least, that's what the peep says.
I guess it all boils down to that ol' sayin', the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I always eat my meals in the kitchen and, in the kitchen there are no fences but I think the sayin' still applies. I think it might be a metaphorical fence. Bet you didn't know I knew the word metaphorical, huh? Well I do. I know what it means and everything.
But speaking of fences and grass and stuff... If the grass on the other side of the fence is always greener, I wonder if it's tastier, too. I've never really compared the grass on different sides of the fence before. I probably should. I should probably devise some sort of experiment where all of us kitties line up with various samples of grass taken from various sides of various fences and we could all do a taste test or somethin'. I'll pencil that in on my calender for June, I think. May is a busy month for me. Already all booked up.
Oohhh... and I wonder if it matters which fence we use. The sayin' says that the grass is always greener on the other side of THE fence. Now that makes it sound like we're talkin' about a particular fence. If it was any ol' fence, surely they would have said, 'a' fence and not 'the' fence. Hmmm... I'll have to do some research on the subject, for sure.
Perhaps once the peep builds me that fence and then grows a garden of grass and nip on the other side of it for me... Perhaps once she does that, she'll start garnishing my breakfasts with some of that nip. If she has a reliable supply of fresh nip, I can't see any reason why she wouldn't. And once I get her doin' that, I'll ask that she starts plating my meals on saucers of the Royal Doulton with the blue periwinkle... Oh yeah... that was the china on that television show with the funny lady named Hyacinth. Peep doesn't have that kind of china. I'll have to settle for the stuff with the yellow roses. MOUSES!
*hangs head* I haz to eat Special Food cuz my fire pee is super bad. My doktor has me on lots of different pills for fire pee and heart. And I lost more weight. I'm now #7.8. Mom is on her way to the store to buy me something in a can that I will eat. I am holding out for ribeye. *crossing paws*
ReplyDeleteLess than eight pounds? That's all you weigh? Oh, Herman... you've gotta eat my friend. You've just gotta. Gotta bulk up a bit. Promise me you'll try, okay?
DeleteUmmm... I don't know if they make ribeye in cans but, if they do, I bet your mom will get you some, for sure. purrs
The nip on the other side of the fence isn't greener but it is special. MOUSES how are we going to get the humans to garnish our meals with a fresh sprig of nip in the winter?
ReplyDeleteWorkin' on it. purrs
DeleteWe think you could plant the nip on your side of the fence when you get a fence, 'cause it would be the other side of the fence for nosey neighbor cat, which just might make your own nip the BEST! Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeleteWe mainly get chicken, but we like turkey and duck too.
ReplyDeleteMOL! Hey, the grass is usually greener other places because of the greater quantity of fertilizer!
ReplyDeleteSome of us have "issues" *rolls eyes*.
ReplyDeleteWe've got a diabetic,we've got bladder probs, so we have 'special' food too, but the nature of special food is that the other guys food is always's like a law of physics or something.
The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx
Binga and Boodie are ALWAYS eating each other's food... funny thing is, it is exactly the same food for each of them.
ReplyDeleteHyacinth Bucket! I get raw junk but Rocky gets duck and beef and venison and rabbit... sigh. _Crepes.
ReplyDeleteWADDYA MEEN YA DONT LIKE TROUT ?????!!!!!?????
Ummm... 'bout that, I'm gonna plead the fifth. Hmmm... I wonder if we have that in Canada. MOUSES! Rest assured, I LOVE the trout talkin' tabbies! purrs
DeleteMy male kitty went through the very same thing with crystals!
ReplyDeleteIt was so hard to see him in pain like that. We of course got him to the vet when we realized something was going terribly wrong, and we were told it was good we got him in or he would have died undoubtedly.
We saved him thank goodness, and he is on a "special special" food as well.
Thank goodness he is back to normal now and healthy as he was before anything ever happened.
((husky hugz frum da pack))
Love is being owned by a husky
Gracie always wants to eat Zoe's food. Of course, they eat the same exact food, so go figure! :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kitties Blue about the nip! Sorry Seville has to be on Special Special food, but really glad he got fixed and is better. We eat 'indoor kitty' food from Science Diet. It is all Ralphie likes except fruit cocktail and rarely baked chicken. Me, I eat different things depending on the day and "which way the wind blows". (mom's words). Mom believes I do this just to drive her nuts! Hehehehe. One never knows......
What's all this blah, blah, blah about?
ReplyDeleteIt's food! As my kitty Grandmother would say..." eat it, I love you!"
Don't know if you know Nissy but male cats are extremely prone to crystals and one of the causes? Turkey. It's terrible for male cats. They can have small amounts occasionally but I would never feed turkey to a male cat for any length of time. (A number of vets have stated this)...Tuna also isn't great for cats as a whole. Tuna water yes.......tuna itself? Not so much.
ReplyDeleteSivvers doesn't get to have turkey 'cause he only gets his Special Special now. He can't have ANY regular cat food 'cause of whatever is in it. Doctor says he can have tuna and salmon but not cat food tuna or salmon... only people food tuna and salmon. Well... he doesn't like the salmon. Not even red! The peeps get him flaked white tuna from the peep food aisle and he has that... when he'll take it. He'll usually only take one meal of it from a tin but that's good 'cause we all love it! purrs
DeleteIt stinks that your brother has to be on a special diet! That's always tough. I'm a human and I have to be on a special diet too. I don't have any crystals building up inside me, but I'm allergic to onions. Those things are in everything! Anyway, I hope that your peeps find that fence and grow you some really green nip!
ReplyDeleteHey Nissy, You gots your food on china wif yellow roses is cool, no matter what kind of food you eating. Mom doesn't have any Royal Doulton with blue periwinkles like Hyacinth either. (one of mom's fav shows) Mom has to get special food for my sisfur Ivanna cuz she been sick. Da vet lady said it would be good for me too, so mom decided to give it to bof of us. It is bewe spensive, but mom lubs us so she does it to take good care of us. She does serve it to us in crystal dishes that are quite elegant. Like grass being greener food tastes better on bootiful dishes.
ReplyDeletewhy is we always want what everybody else has?Hope you get your nip garden and Sivvers stays crystal free,xx Speedy
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed you thought all that thinking - it has made me tired just reading it! I think I am going to go have a lie down!!
ReplyDeleteHi Nissy....well so far I've managed to avoid any "special food" which Mom says is good because I am BEYOND PICKY about my food. BEYOND. As in impossible. But I have heard that some of those "special foods" are tasty - I'd give it a try I suppose.....As for grass being greener on the other side of the fence - I'll eat ANYONE's grass....any time....any place....fence or no fence....I love my salad!
ReplyDeleteHugs, Sammy
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence only if you don't have your own nip to enjoy. Purrs
ReplyDeleteCosmo used to be on "special food" for his wee which Ling always wanted to eat. But he is now on normal canned (pouch, actually) which he shares with Ling. :)
ReplyDeleteWe bet the nip on the other side (of the world) tastes a whole lot better than the ones who find their way to our local petshops.
My hoomin has special nom nom requirements, too. She likes peetzer! :) Hahaa.
ReplyDeleteNow I understand your comment, your "thing about grass and fences".
ReplyDeleteThat's is so true. Grass is really better on the other side of the fence. I want to eat the food that Nat à Chat buys for Tikou, my friend with no house. But she does not want me to do it. It smells so good.
Ronrons Nissy
Dearest Nerissa,
ReplyDeleteIts winter in Canada. The grass on the other side of the fence is just as covered with snow as it is on this side!! To breaks up the monotony of winter, me is having a Winter Sunshine Picnic and me is inviting yous to come. Can yous and your 9 siblings come by my blog and brings some lobsters! Its gonna bes fun!
Thanks for telling me, me was nominated for the Best Canadian Pet Blog! Yous rocks. Me voted for you in ALL the other categories though.
We do not need special food so far x. We have occasional treats and Archie has water added to his gravy meal as he is prone to crystals in the past x
ReplyDeleteI can assure you, Nissy, that the grass on the other side of the fence right now is just very very muddy and not very appealing at all! That crystal business is a nasty business indeed. Pusia had a couple of scares but I'm happy to say that she's the only gem in these parts and no foreign object as far we know...
ReplyDeleteSeville, darling boy. Thank goodness you are alright. I don't see you and your family as often as I like because mom is occupied with stuffs here at the house, but we both loves you and the entire family.
ReplyDeletePlease come by and you and the family pick up an award I gave you. xox
We are getting the munchies reading this in the wee hours! Nissy you really need to work on that nip garnish...(Hey thanks for coming over to say Congrats...and Congrats to you too, in both categories!)
ReplyDeleteWe fur 7 would be verrry infurested in this here fence-grass-nip evaluation. I mean really, once you start thinking the benefits of greener go way beyond even Nip and Grass, why you could have stumbled upon the answer to feeding those who eat green things to exclusion.
ReplyDeleteYes, the answer is right there, somewhere anymeow
Well this grass is greener stuff is interesting! My human person says that some funny lady called Erma Bombeck said that the grass is always greener over the septic tank. ... or is that sceptic tank? Not sure!! Anyways Nissy, you always make me think and that can hurt! So I might just leave it to you to do all the thinking!! :) xox