Don't do it, Saffy. Don't do it!
I said, DON'T DO IT.
Gosh darn it, he went and did it, after all.
Don't go lookin' all surprised and stuff that Peepers yelled at you, Saffy. Besides, she didn't really yell. It was actually more like a...
Well, more like a squeal.
Yeah, liked a high-pitched, piglet-like kinda squeal, indicatin' her experiencing some sorta sharp and sudden pain.
Quit your gripin', woman. I said, like. Piglet-LIKE. I didn't say...
Oh, never mind.
And stop listenin' in on Saffron and my conversations.
Saffy, Saffy, Saffy...
Saffy Saffron Sassifras...
It's not like I didn't warn you.
Hmmm.... Well that puts a whole different perspective on things. I shall inform the peep, at once.
Yes, Peepers. Yes. Yes, I am now talkin' to you. NOW. Now, you may listen in.
So it turns out, Peepers, Saffron didn't grab hold of your hand with his claws and go to bite you out of anger or annoyance or anythin' like that. No, he actually did it out of love.
Don't give me that look, Peepers. I'm just repeatin' what Saffy has said, and to tell you the truth, it makes total sense.
AGAIN, quit it with the stupid looks, there, Peepers. You keep that up and your face is gonna stick like that, forever. You'll end up lookin' like one of those peeps we see on the news, with perma-scowls glued onto their face.
And we wouldn't want that now, would we.
I'm not lookin' at a face like that, day in and day out.
But back to what I was sayin', ol' peep of mine. Saffy grabbed hold of your hand with his claws and went to bite you out of love. He was treatin' your hand just like he treats his nip mice and biff bags and stuff. And we all know how much he loves his toys filled with the nip.
If anythin', Peepers, you should take it as a complement of sorts. And you should be grateful, too. Extremely grateful, for sure. Why, you should be grateful that...
What? What's that, Peepers? What's that you're babblin' on about now?
Yes, GRATEFUL. That is what I said. You should be grateful that although Saffron loves you as much as he loves his biff bags, which is a lot, he still has the ability to show restraint and not turn his hind legs on that arm of yours, too.
Which reminds me, Peepers, there's some catnip spillage upstairs. Catnip spillage, just outside the sewin' room. Torn cotton fabric, frayed beyond repair. Catnip pretty much everywhere.
You might wanna get that cleaned up before there's nip scattered through the rest of the house.
Ouch! We frequently have some of the "don't do its" here too!
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's hard enough for me to keep track of MY don't do its, much less than havin' to keep track of Saffron's, too. MOUSES!
DeleteMOUSES! Is that what's known and "tough love"? We hope your peep's hand heals up real soon, Sivvers, so she can clean up that nip spill upstairs!
ReplyDeleteYeah, 'cause it was a super BIG spill, to be sure. MOUSES!
DeleteSometimes love hurts. :) XO
ReplyDeleteToo true. MOUSES!
DeleteOh no, that was a tragedy! But at least there is now clean up in the sewing room corridor. As to nipped hands, well, we all know that is love. That and too much nip.....
ReplyDeleteHopefully the nip bag will recover.
Toodle pips and purrs
That biff bag is totally beyond repair, I'm afraid. TOTALLY! The peeps' hand will recover, though. Thank goodness for that. PURRS
Deleteluv taps and tiny tears in the skin are just a way to show affection. not to make an affliction, mol. Saffy you musta had good intentions, right?
ReplyDeleteHe SAYS his intentions were good, but... Well, that's a Saffy for you, I guess. MOUSES!
DeleteOh no, didn't!
ReplyDeleteOh but he did. MOUSES!
DeleteYikes, a nip fest gone wrong and an ouched arm?? Oopsie! Mouses!!
ReplyDeleteYup, Saffy did the arm. No one is acceptin' responsibility for the shredded biff bag and nip spillage. For all I know, it COULD have been the peep. MOUSES!
Deletesaffy…if de bite dinna ree quirz a tern knee kit…ewe waz juzt showin sum lovez 🐟💙💚‼️😺
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure Saffy agrees. PURRS
DeleteYes, that's true, it's a love bite..and sometimes...well..they just hurt🙊Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to all of you🐾😽💞