'Cause you're makin' me look bad, that's why. Saffy, you're makin' me look bad!
I'm tellin' ya, it's like that brother of mine TRIES to make me look bad.
So anyway...
So anyway, it turns out that Saffy Saffron Sassifras has taken a likin' to the sleepin' on beds.
With peeps.
Can you believe it?
That's right, I caught the lad sleepin' on a bed the other night, curled right up next to Peepers' knees. And he was purrin' up a storm, too. Makin' Peepers get that warm and fuzzy feelin' peeps get when they hear a kitty purrin' and bein' happy and content and all that jazz.
Darn cat is out to make me look bad. He...
What's that? You're wonderin' how Saffy bein' all cute and cuddly and finally sleepin' on the bed next to Peepers, even though she's been tryin' to get him to cuddle-snuggle with her at night for the past year and a half to no avail... So you're wonderin' how that makes me, Seville the Cat, look bad?
Cuddlin' up next to 'em on the chesterfield durin' one of my favourite shows is one thing. THAT, I like. Who am I kiddin'? I LOVE that kinda thing. A kitty gets chin tickles and behind the ear scritches and tummy rubs for doin' that.
But sleepin' on beds?
With peeps?
And for the last seventeen months or so since Saffron came to live inside with us, he felt the very same way. Peepers would pick him up and plunk him down on the bed, but as soon as she let go, Saffron would be down and headin' out the door again.
Wise cat.
But now...
Now, Saffron has decided that beds are comfortable and peeps are good things to lean up against. And he has discovered that sometimes - SOMETIMES - while sleepin' on a bed, a kitty might even get an extra little tummy rub or somethin' like that.
And he's tellin' the peep he likes it.
Yup, he's tellin' her he likes sleepin' with her by stayin' there and purrin' the whole night through.
So now...
So now, on account of my not bein' willin' to sleep on a bed next to a peep, Saffron's willingness to do such foolish things is Makin'. ME. Look. Bad.
And it's totally unacceptable, for sure.
Gosh darn it, I'm probably gonna have to start sleepin' with a peep, too.
Remember to mask up, too.
Adopted siblings, whatever next, doinh the shopping and helping out with the laudry. Maybe even making peep #1 breakfast in bed instead of demanding breakfast in bed!
ReplyDeleteSeville, you needs to put your paw down. Either that, or get to that comfy spot on the bed first and lay claom to all and any tiickles that may be forthcoming, MOL
Toodle pips and purrs
Maybe you should try it. I love it.
ReplyDeleteHey, beds are pretty cozy, you should give it a go to Seville!
ReplyDeleteWorth a try at least, Seville.
ReplyDeleteDon't let Saffy have all the fun. You really should give it a try. XO
ReplyDeleteHe's totally making you look bad, Sivvers. MOUSES!
ReplyDeleteWell, you never know ... maybe, just maybe, you might like it if you try it. Ava didn't sleep with us at night for a very long time. Now she tells us when it is time for us all to go sleep on the bed.
MOL, those pesky brothers.