I said, ENOUGH.
I swear, every time I turn 'round, it's snowin'.
Now you'd think I wouldn't care all that much 'bout the snow. I mean, my bathroom is indoors. It's not like I have to out to use the loo...
But you see, every time it snows, the snowplough comes through.
I know, I know... I know what you're thinkin'. You're thinkin', gettin' ploughed out is a good thing, for sure.
And actually, you would be right, except...
'CEPT THOSE PLOUGHS ARE AS NOISY AS ALL GET OUT. Worse than the vacuum, for sure. Hard to believe, but they are.
And they kinda scare me a bit.
But don't tell anyone I said that, okay? It's a secret, you see. I don't want the whole world knowin' I, Seville the Cat, mancat of all mancats, is scared of a little plough.
Although to tell you the truth, they're not little at all. They're huge! Huge, as in HUGE, I say. They're the kinda things that give cats nightmares at night.
Also durin' the day.
And then there's the problem with peeps havin' to shovel and stuff. You know what happens when peeps are outside shovellin' paths and things, and diggin' out cars?
Well I can't tell you what is happenin', on account of my not bein' outside helping 'em shovel, but I can tell you what's not. What's not happenin' is that they're not inside tendin' to my every need.
Want... Need... Whatever.
And you know why else I'm complain' about the snow? Snow is icy. Snow is cold. And as my good pal Summer kinda pointed out the other day, snow is not conducive to the growin' of nip. And if there's anythin' I, Seville the Cat, nipmeister of all nipmeisters knows: it's that the growin' of the nip is of the greatest importance, for sure. The greatest, I say. THE GREATEST!
Right after the imbibin' of nip, of course.
And now that I'm thinking 'bout nip...
Hey Peepers! You wanna make me a hot nip toddy, please? Not too hot, mind you. But not cold, either. Luke warm, should do. And keep it light on the water, would ya? But heavy on the nip. Worst thing a peep can do is waste good catnip by dilutin' it too much.
And make one for Saffy, as well. I heard he was really, really, REALLY SCARED by the snowplough the other day, so he'll need one, too.
Remember to mask up, too.
doodz....for what itz werth...eye mackerull iz scared oh de vacuum masheen ...cuzin daiz doez knot like de door bellz...and de snowz plowz drivez down de street heer... sew fast....we iz knot even sure it IZA plowz ~~~~ !! stay safe :) ♥♥
ReplyDeleteSnow plows are behemoths, and they are noisy and they push snow BACK UP THE DRIVEWAY, Seville!
ReplyDeleteWe have snow here sometimes but we've never seen or heard a snow plow, they just wait for it to melt here Seville!
ReplyDeleteJake HousePanther typing here, I find the snowplows annoying, they always interrupt my naps. Spring can't come soon enough.
ReplyDeleteMOUSES! We hate those snowplows, too, Sivvers. Yes, hot nip toddies for you, Saffy, and everyone!
ReplyDeleteCome out to my house, Seville! No snow here to speak of. In fact, it has never snowed in our city in my human's lifetime!
ReplyDeleteWe haven't had any snow at all over here yet this winter!
Tama and Benny
We had snow today here in Jerusalem, for the first time this winter (and We hope for the last time too)! We didn't see any snow ploughs though. The Mew-nicipality only sends them to clear major roads and Our street is a quiet, residential street. It stopped snowing after only a few hours and since then, it's been raining and raining - and MOUSES! Is it cold?!!!
ReplyDeleteThose plows do make a lot of noise. Hope you get the nip toddy. XO