Sunday, 16 February 2020


I am not.  Peepers, you take that back.  You take that back right now.

I am not!

No, I'm not.  I'm not drunk as a skunk.  I told you to take that back!

Besides, do skunks even get drunk?




Okay, so...

Okay, so I admit it, I might be a little nipped.



I don't know what happened to me, Peepers.  I just don't know what happened.  As you know, I've always been a cat who could hold his nip.


But that last batch of the stuff really threw me for a loop.  REALLY threw me for a loop.  I mean...


Well I mean, right now, you might see me as a cat who's a little nipsy, but in actuality, the effects of the nip have almost worn off!  You should have seen me a couple hours ago.

Oh, you did.


Yeah, yeah...  Yeah, that was me.  I admit it.  I WAS roamin' around the house sniffin' the floorboards and the furniture and anythin' and everythin' else that needed sniffin'.  Yup, my eyes were wide as saucers as I went about the house doin' said sniffin'.  Yes, I know...  I know I had you worried.  I know you first thought a mousie or somethin' had gotten into the house, and I was sniffin' around everywhere it might have been.  Then you thought I was sick.  Then you watched as I lay down on the chesterfield, my front paws straight out in front of me, and slowly slid off the couch before landin' flat on my face, and...



I know, I know...  I KNOW you were worried, Peepers.  And I'd apologise for worryin' you like that, but you know...

Well, YOU know...

I was nipped.


Usually when I've been into the nip, I do a few zoomies 'round the house, then get the munchies, then fall asleep.  You've seen me do that before.  That's my usual thing.

BUT THIS TIME I got all weird and stuff, and wasn't actin' like my usually nipped self at all.

I think I might have gotten my paws on some bad nip.


What?  What's that?  What's that you're babblin' on about now?

That was MY nip I was havin'?  MY nip?  You mean that was catnip in the sunroom?  The catnip I grew myself?


I guess I grew some pretty strong nip.


PS.  After my strange reaction to the fresh catnip on Sunday, I just so happened to be going in for routine blood work on Tuesday when I...  I mean, the peep, spoke to my doctor.  She thinks it was nothin' more than an odd reaction to the fresh catnip and I'm absolutely fine.  PURRfect, is what she said.  PURRfect is what she wrote on my file.  You know, after the peep and I mentioned perfect might be a good word for her to use.  MOUSES!


  1. Move along, peeps! Nothing to see! Seville just got his paws on some premo home grown nip!

  2. At least you know that you grew some good nip. I'm glad your vet thinks you're purrfect. Your fans already knew that.

  3. Purrfect is wonderful Seville, you deserve the Nip!

  4. That must've been a really odd strain of nip!

  5. Oh that fresh nip is just the best. Glad you enjoyed it. Have a fine day.

  6. Nothing wrong with enjoying a good batch of nip, Seville.
    Glad your vet thinks you're purrfect...

  7. I bet the weasels tainted the nip.

  8. Oh my, Seville, YOU faceplanted yourself off the Chesterfield! Dude, that was some serious green folding stuff you had. No chance you could ship some of that catnip over to me – for research purposes, MOL. Maybe hide it in some tealeaves just in case those customs cats want get nipped up themselves!? ;)

  9. You definitely had 'something' going on Seville. But I am not sure a vet visit cures a good sniff of 'nip!!!

  10. Seville being a cat nip-connoisseur myself I think it is just the nip. Now where can I get a bag of that bad stuff?


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.