Sunday 29 December 2019

that feeling

On Christmas Day, I looked out the livin' room window and...

...and I got all warm and fuzzy inside.

NO...  I was not into the nip.

Okay, so I WAS into the nip, I HAD BEEN into the nip, and I was plannin' on continuing TO BE into the nip for the rest of the day, but...

...but it wasn't the nip that was givin' me that warm and fuzzy feelin' inside.


You see, I was feelin' all warm and fuzzy inside watchin' the little chickadees flit here and there on the veranda, eating their fill of the seeds in the bird feeders Rushy and I got Peep #2 for Christmas, and knowin' we were instrumental in makin' sure those cute little birdies had full tummies on Christmas day.


That's right, Rushy and I gave the second peep a couple bird feeders for Christmas, and Peep #1 - AKA Peepers - agreed to be responsible for keepin' the feeders full  You know, she agreed on account of A, our kitty paws not bein' great with pryin' open bird feeders and filling 'em up with seeds; and B, little birdies often get nervous when they see a kitty like me fiddling with their dining room table.


So anyway...

So anyway, everythin' was fine and dandy, and goin' all tickety-boo...

...on Christmas Day.

Yup, ON CHRISTMAS DAY, I watched the little birdies eatin' their fill, and got all warm and fuzzy inside.



The next day, I got myself into position in the big livin' room chair next to the window, and waited for the warm and fuzzies to start, when...

When nothin'.  Nothin' at all.  Absolutely bloomin' NOTHIN'.


And the next day...

The next day, no birdies came to visit the feeders, either.  Not one!  I never saw one, never heard one, never even got a letter.


And the day after that?  Yesterday?



The birdies have never returned.  Not even for a snack, never mind a meal.  Not even for a morsel!

Clearly, the peep's culinary efforts aren't up to the standards of birds.  CLEARLY, the peep's cookin' is NOT for the birds, after all.  CLEARLY, the peep's kitchen prowess is...  Well...  SUCKY TIMES TWO.  Maybe even a hundred.


Now I ask you:  HOW HARD CAN IT BE TO OPEN A BAG OF BIRD SEED?  HOW HARD?  Are there other peeps out there who get failin' grades when it comes to preparation of meals for birds?  ARE THERE?  Or is it just MY peep who totally sucks?  Times two.  Probably a hundred.

Seriously, I'm lookin' for answers here, my friends.  Inquirin' minds are NEEDIN' to know.  'CAUSE SERIOUSLY, if ol' Peepers doesn't get her act together and learn how to do this bird feedin' business better, the birdies out there are gonna starve themselves to death!

And any chance of my havin' more warm and fuzzy feelings is gonna fly right out the window with 'em.  Or not with 'em.  You know, 'CAUSE THE BIRDIES AREN'T THERE.



  1. Oh, Seville! Purrhaps it is that other kitties got their peeps bird feeders and the birdies have a smorgasbord to choose from!
    Or maybe you are right!

  2. Our sparrows, dunnocks, blue tits etc, don't come to the feeding station either, not even the robins... the old station got constantly mobbed, needed refilling every day. Since the man of the house moved all the feeders 2m along: NADA, zilch, nothing

  3. That must qualify as it was fun while it lasted!

  4. Maybe the birds want different seeds than what is being offered. Or like Stephen said, there's probably a lot of Christmas feeders to choose from.

  5. That's what happens when your Christmas gift rely on humans to execute them properly!

  6. Seville, you just need to encourage your Peeper to get the seeds that your birdies like! If she has positive feedback, she'll learn to fill up the feeders as needed.

  7. Uh oh! Well, Severs, I have heard that birdies like mealy wormies or such things. Maybe you can send your peep out to get a bag of them. Winks. I hope you, Rushy and your humans have a Happy Mew Year! Luvs.

  8. That is odd. You would think they would come to a free meal but then again they are bird brains and may have forgotten where the meal is

  9. That is too bad. What kind of seeds did you get? Some birds are quite picky and want stuff like sunflower hearts which is beyond a kitty's budget.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.