Wednesday, 10 July 2019

public service announcement

The following is a public service announcement.



Okay, so this is what happened:  The other day - Monday to be exact - the peep noticed I kept goin' to the little boys' box over and over AND OVER again.  I wasn't doin' much of anythin' at any one visit.  I wasn't straining, but I wasn't peeing, either.

Of course I tried to pass it off as the latest kitty cat craze.  You know the one.  The one where a kitty does multiple laps 'round the house, stopping each time to pee.

Well the peep, being a peep, didn't believe me one bit, which surprised me to no end on account of Peep #1 usually bein' pretty easy to fool.


So the next thing the peep did was put out a pee pad for me to use.

Now I thought to myself, How very sweet of the peep to do this for me.  How considerate of her to think of a way to make it easier for me to pee.  I mean, I was gettin' a little tired of makin' all those trips to the litter box, ALL THE WAY FROM THE FAMILY ROOM.  Settin' up pee pads right there IN the family room, itself, was savin' me a multitude of trips.

Little did I know...



That's right, the peep, bein' a peep, TRICKED me into usin' that ol' pee pad so that she could see what was goin' on with me.

And exactly what did she see?

She saw my bloody pee.


Now when I say bloody, I'm not goin' all Moggy on ya and usin' English slang.  No sirree, for I, Seville the Cat, am a Canadian kitty through and through, although I must admit I do enjoy a good British mystery on the tele.


But back to that pee.

There it was, plain as day.  There for the whole world to see.  There was blood in my pee.

So the peep, bein' a peep, went and called the doctor.


Then yesterday afternoon, I WAS PEEP-HANDLED BEYOND BELIEF.  I was SHOVED into an ol' crate, and before I knew it, I was headin' to the hospital where they did all sorts of unthinkable things.

I'm not even gonna tell you were the nurse put that ol' thermometer, as this here blog is a family friendly blog.  And did I happen to mention that what she did was an UNTHINKABLE thing?

Good news is, my temperature was PURRfect, for sure.

Like there was any doubt anything of mine wouldn't be.


Then came the doctor.  Well Doctor T - not to be confused with Mr T on account of Doctor T bein' a lady, and way prettier and probably nicer, too - spent some time petting me and singing my praises, and then...

Then just like the peep...



Next thing I knew, I was havin' my bladder squeezed like the dickens for a sample of my pee.

But I was one step ahead of that ol' doctor of mine.  I had already peed out all my pee.

Remember the pee pads?  Plus, I may or may not have peed in the stupid ol' crate.  Peep says I did, but I'm admitting to NOTHIN'.


Turns out, unlike my personal peeps, it's way harder to trick a doctor peep.  And on account of my not bein' able to provide Dr. T with a sample, I ended up havin' to have fluids injected under gorgeous, glistening orange furs, and then I had to stay in the hospital ALL AFTERNOON LONG until I was able to...  You know...  Pee.


So long story short...

Yeah, yeah....  Quit your griping.  I'm gettin' to the end of this here full-length documentary now.

SO LONG STORY SHORT, I have a UTI - not to be confused with a UFO on account of UFOs bein' unidentified and my UTI has now been identified, for sure - and I'm on antibiotics to treat it.  The UTI, not the UFOs.  Doctor T says my problem was probably caused by my not drinkin' enough water during the super hot weather we had last week.

So you hear that, all you kitties out there?

WHEN IT'S HOT OUT, BE SURE TO DRINK EXTRA FLUIDS or you could end up spending an afternoon in hospital like me.  And whatever you do, DON'T LET YOUR PEEPS SEE YOUR BLOODY PEE.



  1. It's a good thing that your Peep saw your bloody pee and was able to get you to the doctor right away. It could have been really dangerous. Sometimes, it's a good thing that peeps are nosey. I hope you're feeling better quickly.

  2. Sweetie here, Seville. Let me commiserate with you... The unthinkables were done to me too... then the vettie stole all my teeth east and west of the canines and incisors. I tell you... trenches from canines to back of the throat. You'd have thought they were mining for gold.
    Better keep drinking that water...dear pal. Don't want a repeat of that issue for you. Hugs from Sweetie, and the crew.

  3. I sure hope the all better finds your pee soon.

  4. Well, like your Peep, we are glad to know your problem wasn't more serious.

  5. YIKES!!! Get well soon Seville.

    Maybe there are times a peep actually has a use eh?

  6. Ouch! But I have to say, Seville, it is undoubtedly a good thing you saw the vet about this. UTIs are no joke, especially for you boy kitties. I'm sending some healing purrs your way to make sure you are ALL better fast!

  7. Yikes! I know this feeling well. For me they even went to the right royal lengths of drawing water out of my you know what via a syringe!!! Sucked it right out they did. Still on the plus side I was not some doctors squeeze ;) MOL
    Hers hoping that pesky little uti goes away PRONTO and no more squeezes or trickery.
    Lots of purrs

  8. MOUSES! I'm glad your Peep saw it in time, Seville, so she could do something about it. Here come some Healing Pawkisses to feel better soon๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿ’ž

  9. Seville! Oh, sweet boy, are you feeling better now? Are you peeing a full strength again? If you hadn't been tricked and peep-handled, your bladder issue could have turned into WORSE things, and that would have been very, very bad for you. Take all of your meds like a good cat, and you'll be right as rain. Think rain, water pouring down...makes you want to go pee, doesn't it?!? LOL!

  10. dood....we iz glad for one; ore how ever manee oh uz ther iz now, we iz glad yur peepz saw yur peez coz it coulda woulda getted a LOT werst buddy....heerz hopin yur pee in like ya shuld with sum st francis' blessings tossed in for good measure ~ ☺☺♥♥

  11. You poor kitty. I hope you feel better soon. XO


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.