Let. Us. Talk.
Let's talk about balls.
Okay, as many of you already know, there are various kinds of balls which are of interest to us cats. Many, many, many kinds of balls, for sure.
For instance, take your nip balls. Those would be knitted or sewn balls, filled with some kinda stuffin', and, OF COURSE, nip. Believe it or not, nip balls are my second least favourite kind of ball.
I know, I know... I know what you're thinkin'. You're thinkin', Seville the Cat doesn't like balls containin' the nip? What's the world comin' to? Is it comin' to an end?
Actually, accordin' to some peeps on the Internet, the world was supposed to come to an end on April 23rd of this year. On April 24th, the date was postponed. The 28th was tossed about as an acceptable date, for a bit. Until April 29th, that is. Last I heard, it's now set for the 24th of June.
But back to those balls. See, in theory, nip balls are a great idea, but in reality, it's a very different matter. The problem with nip balls is, whenever Peep #1 has made 'em for me, they've never turned out right. Somethin' goes wrong in the stuffin', and they never really look like balls, at all.
FYI, a ball has to be round in order to roll. Peep #1's nip balls aren't very round. They're not even close. They look more more like pot-marked asteroids with bits stickin' out all over the place, not to mention a few corners.
Now my LEAST favourite balls are treat balls. Not 'cause they contain treats, OBVIOUSLY. Not even 'cause peeps might put THE WRONG KIND of treats in 'em. My problem with treat balls is that I, Seville the Cat, SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WORK FOR MY TREATS.
Then we have our yarn balls. Now these are one of my favourite kind of balls, for sure. Yarn balls are tightly rolled up balls of yarn - makes sense - with embroidery stuff on the outside to hold 'em together. I really do LOVE a good yarn ball, my friends. First of all, yarn balls, generally speakin', roll. That's on account of their bein', you know, round. And THAT'S on account of their not bein' made by my peep.
Yeah, Peep #1 has to outsource the makin' of the yarn balls. For some reason, she appears to be incapable of making 'em herself. If she did, they probably wouldn't be round. They probably wouldn't roll, either. They'd probably...
They'd probably look like a mess.
Kinda like those pot-marked asteroids with square corners, I mentioned before.
But back to the balls. YARN balls, my friends, are SPECTACULAR balls, for sure. You can catch onto 'em with a claw, and TOSS 'em in the air. Then, when they land, you can run after 'em as they roll...
Yeah, ROLL. Roll as in ROLL. THIS is why it's important that they be round, as only round balls will roll. Believe me, I know.
But back to those balls... AGAIN. As I said before, I sure do love a good yarn ball, my friends. SUCH FUN! Best. Fun. In the World.
And speakin' of the WORLD...
The world - AKA Earth - is round. Yup, round just like a ball. Sorta. Kinda. If you let the oceans "round" things out a bit. Round things out. ROUND things out... See what I did there? Hehehehehe,,,
But seriously, my friends, the world is way more like a round ball, than a piece of paper, or anythin' flat like that. Apparently, some peeps are still unawares.
Now where was I?
Oh yeah, yarn balls. They really are the best, my friends. They REALLY. ARE. THE BEST. Only thing wrong with 'em, that I can think of, is they don't contain any nip. But sometimes, Peep #1 stores 'em in a box for us along with some catnip, scenting 'em all up. Mmmm... BLISS.
Now there are also plastic balls, my friends. Plastic balls have both their pros and their cons. The biggest con is, a kitty can't rightly sink his teeth into 'em without hurtin' said teeth. The biggest pro is, they make THE BEST nighttime toy. Give a plastic ball a good whack durin' the middle of the night, and the next day, you're bound to have peeps takin' a new found interest in your nightly activities, askin' if you had fun playin' while they were asleep, and stuff. This is fact. BELIEVE me, I know.
Now unlike plastic balls, which are hard to bite into, there are foam balls which are all soft and squishy. Problem with foam balls is, after you chomp down on 'em a few times, there's not much foam left to chomp into.
Then there are meatballs. Now meatballs aren't for playin', I AM TOLD. Don't know why, after all, they are round. Round like any good ball should be. A good whack would have 'em off the plate and rollin' right across the kitchen floor, lickety-split.
But OH NO, the peeps don't allow THAT.
At OUR house, meatballs are for eatin', not for playin', but we cats don't even get to do that. At OUR house, meatballs don't contain any meat. They're made with gross veggie stuff. You know, on account of my peeps bein' veggies and all.
That's right, my peeps are veggies.
Veggies... Vegetarians... Vegetables... Whatever.
Take that however you like.
But now, my friends, it's time for the most serious part of our talk. Our talk about balls. The most serious part, of all.
Fact is, spring is upon us, and with spring, comes kitten season. Puppy season, too, I suppose.
And like every year, every spring, thousands upon thousands of kitties and puppies will end up in shelters. Most will never be adopted, for there are simply not enough forever homes to go around.
So if you love your kitties and doggies...
Don't shop.
And I repeat...
And that's my talk about balls.
If you feed 'em, you've got to fix 'em!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Seville...about cat balls of all kinds...
Yup, that IS how it goes. MOUSES!
DeleteJune 24th? That's Cat World Domination Day. (And St-Jean-Baptiste day in Québec.)
ReplyDeleteIt is? Maybe they've got it right this time. Kinda, anyway. The world peeps know will come to an end as WE CATS TAKE OVER.
We all agree with you Seville, some balls you just don't need! You mean we're not supposed to play with meatballs? Oops!
ReplyDeleteYeah, apparently not, accordin' to my peep. MOUSES!
DeleteWe could not possibly agree more with this message.
ReplyDeleteYup, spayin' and neuterin' saves lives. PURRS.
DeleteHari OM
ReplyDeleteAw Heck Sev, now you got me drooling for tasty balls; I's a vego too and I makes all sorts of interesting ball-like food of the Indian style...oh my... they are like nip to me. Definitely not for playing though. Unless you count the making of them... Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx
You ever try addin' nip to your veggie balls? Inquirin' minds wanna know. purrs
DeleteHari OM
Deletenip? No... but Methi yes! Yxx
Neuter our kitty, spay away! That was we have kitten we love not worry about!
ReplyDeleteTrue, true, true. PURRS.
DeleteWell said, Sivvers. Spaying and neutering pet animals is critical if we're ever going to get a handle on pet overpopulation!
ReplyDeleteIt sure is. Spayin' and neuterin' is THE ONLY way to go. purrs
DeleteMOL, I got my balls removed back when I wuz a baby!
ReplyDeleteMine were gone before I came to live with the peeps. Don't know who took 'em. MOUSES!
DeleteHmm, the peep can make square balls, huh? Well I have a plan, maybe she could knitt nip dice, that way you could play board games... like Monopoly! I’ll be the mouse 🐁 though. Maybe you could be the Nip top hat?
ReplyDeleteToodle pips and purrs
Or MAYBE they could make a new piece. One with a nipped up cat! purrs
DeleteMan, I had no idea so many kinds of balls existed!
ReplyDeleteBTW, it sounds like the world is supposed to end on Cat World Domination Day - which means maybe people are scared about us cats taking over!
It could be. Peeps have been rulin' the roost for far too long AND doin' it all wrong. Time we cats take over. MOUSES!
Deletedood....we agreez..foam ballz can get funkee.....gram paw dude had one...chewed it N pushed it under de sofa....when it waz finded 23 yeerz later it waz like rotted ore sum thin... we guezz frum cat spit !!!! yarn ballz iz grate N cloth two...we gotta catnip ball in de houz sum wear....thanx for de ree minder ta go look for it ☺☺♥♥
ReplyDeleteEwww.. The foam ball rotted? Yeah, I think the foam balls have GOT to GO. MOUSES!
DeleteWE like the yarn balls too. But those meat balls are the best. Very tasty if you can just get them off the plate before the human sees you. Have a super good day.
ReplyDeleteJust walk up to your peeps, distract 'em, and swipe a meatball while they're lookin' the other way. PURRS.
DeleteYou covered all balls there, in fact you left no ball unturned. On second thoughts I suppose the square balls that the Peep makes would be unturned.
ReplyDeleteYeah, they really DON'T roll. MOUSES!
DeleteIt bamboozies my mind that hoomons don't get their fur kids nootered. Purrsonally I prefer catnip mousies over balls.
ReplyDeletePeeps can be stupid. Only answer that explains it. purrs
DeleteWe agree ... it's no fun to have to work for one's treats! We're CATS, not ANTS.
ReplyDeleteEXACTLY! Now if only someone could convince my peeps. MOUSES!
DeleteMost excellent message Seville, and you know I know all about this stuff...right?
ReplyDeleteI surely do. You and your peeps are kinda like experts in these things. purrs
DeleteThe balls I crochet are kind of like asteroids too :)
ReplyDeleteThey are? Hmmm... You been takin' pointers from my peep? MOUSES!
DeleteI was hoping you'd get to the spay and neuter part! Years ago when I took my dog in to be neutered, the receptionist wanted to be sure I understood what it meant. Apparently, another client thought neutering was another word for vasectomy and was very upset that the dog was missing some parts.
ReplyDeleteParts he OBVIOUSLY didn't really need, you know? PURRS.
DeleteGood reminder to spay and neuter our pets and even those that are not our pets! Thanks, Patzy
ReplyDeleteYup, spaying and neutering is THE BEST WAY to protect kitty and doggy lives, for sure. PURRS.
DeleteWell said Seville.x 😻
ReplyDeleteThank you, my friend. PURRS.
DeleteWe love balls at our house too, but givin' up for neutering is just the right thing to do. Great post with a great message! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang.
ReplyDeleteYup, some balls are fun for playin' while others have just GOT to GO. purrs