Wednesday, 21 February 2018

the purge

Way back when, when the dinosaurs roamed the earth...

Nah, that's not right.

Way back when, when Peep #1 was merely a kitten...

Nope, still not right.  Besides, those two things are pretty much the same thing.

Way back when, in days of yore...

NOW we're talkin'.


So anyway...

So anyway, maybe like two or three years ago, I remember when tweetin' cats were losin' litters of kittens...  I mean, followers, on Twitter.  A kitty would wake up one mornin' and BAM!  Two followers gone.  Next mornin'?  BAM!  Another three!  The mornin' after that?  BAM!  And another had disappeared.


I remember bein' particularly upset one mornin', when this cute little calico kitty from Moscow I had been tweetin' with, disappeared without warnin'.  One day she was there, and the next, she was gone.  Gone.  GONE, I tell you.  Gone.

Gone like a nip cheese pizza in a room full of kitties.


Of course, a few days after that, another cat with the same name started followin' me, but believe you me, this new cat was no cat at all.

I had to block her account and everythin'.


Imagine, Peeps Postin' Pictures of themselves nekkid.


And that, my friends, was The Great Twitter Purge of...

Whatever that year was.


And speakin' of purges...

Last year, at my house, we had The Great Purge of 2017.

Let's just say, since then, Peep #1 no longer buys that kinda kibble.



So anyway, I awoke this mornin' to screams of...

Okay, so they weren't really screams.  It was more like a lot of hollerin'.

Well...  In all honesty, it was more like a few quiet murmurings.  Here and there.  That kinda thing.

But quiet murmurings or not, I immediately headed over to Twitter, for I was afraid there was another purge goin' on.  I was afraid I was losin' my followers!

Turns out, I had actually gained some.


Actually, lots of my pals had.


And speakin' of pals...

I don't say it often enough, my friends, but do you know somethin'?  I have THE BEST PALS in the world.  Have I ever told you that, my friends?  Even if I have, I know I haven't told you nearly enough.

You, my friends, are as real to me as my fur-sibs and peeps.

Although truth be told, I kinda like most of you, better.


What?  WHAT?  What's that, Peepers?  What's that you're babblin' on about now?

Yeah, yeah...  I love you, too.



  1. dood....we iz knot on de burd site but we iz glad we iz friendz heer...high pawz two ewe N de familee....letz all toast one another with sum thin bee sidez bread.... ☺☺ tho toast IZ good with lotz oh butter ~~~~~~ 984 paws UP ~~~~♥♥

    1. You know what? I'm SUPER GLAD we are friends here, too. PURRS

  2. Seville, we have a Twitter account, but barely go there! FB and IG is where I spend most of my time, and yes of course on my blog and reading other blogs. And you've got to love your peepers!

    1. Yeah, apparently lovin' the peeps is part of the contract I signed. AT least that's what Peep #1 SAYS. MOUSES!

  3. I'm still on twitter, but mostly it posts on autopilot cause it's strange when you spend too much time there.

    1. Oh yeah, sometimes it can be super strange, for sure. Actually, Peep #1 should feel right at home there. MOUSES!

  4. The nice thing about internet pals is they won't hog all your catnip mice for themselves.

    1. How true! I never even thought about THAT. You'd think I would, wouldn't you? MOUSES!

  5. MOL, I has disappearin Rushin twitter trolls too!

    1. They've been trollin' you? MOUSES! Word of advice, if they ask to see a picture of you nekkid, just tell 'em you're a cat. MOUSES!

  6. Seville thank you so much and you're my bestist friend in the whole wide world. Purrs,Hugs.

    1. I am? Gosh, Christine. You have just MADE MY HEART SOAR with purrs, for sure. PURRS

  7. I am glad we are friends. I have Twitter, but my posts go there automatically and I never go on it and rarely go on FB. I wish there were none of those and we just had blogs.

    1. I'm kinda like that with Google. I can post to it from my blog and since the peep went and PUT HER NAME on the Google account instead of mine... Well let's just say, I kinda post stuff without her knowin'. MOUSES!

  8. I just went over to my Twitter account... and it's still there and I don't think my followers have changed any. Maybe I need to stir things up!

    1. Woo-hoo! Summer, we could have a stirrin' up party over there. I'LL BRING THE NIP! Of course, I'll have to order it in as Peep #1 is so useless at growin' the stuff. MOUSES!

  9. If you get urges for purges that sure isn’t a good thing. But we have great pals too, not sure if any are Russian though but seems like a load of folks visit from that part of the world but never say hello. I wonder if Russian mice taste like ours, or just like spam?
    Toodle pips and purrs

    1. Never havin' eaten any actual Spam, I'm not sure. But they might taste like eggs. Or fish. Or fish eggs. Or somethin' like that. MOUSES!

  10. Whaaaat???? You had peeps sending you nekkid pictures! I have never been on Twitter but always follow you here.
    Glad you got more followers but hope they don't go sending you more rudie nudie pics.

    1. Yup. Soon as I see the pictures with the nekkid peeps, I delete 'em. Guess that's why I didn't lose any pals in the recent purge. All my pals are real. purrs

  11. Twitter? Isn't that something that Cheeky Birdies do? We don't have an account with them. Maybe We should. Maybe, that way, We could catchy some birdies (mol).

  12. I luv you Severs. I am so-o glad you're my furr-iend. Head nuzzles. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  13. If I didn't know any better ... I'd fall for your stories hook, line and sinker, Seville!

  14. We need to get busy working on our social media. Hopefully this spring will be a great time to start!

    1. You could SPRING into Spring with a spring in your step and.... Hmmm... I just confused myself. MOUSES!

  15. We don't know if we'll ever figure out the interwebbie!
    Have a wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  16. OMC...Seville! That's horrible. Granny doesn't have Twitter, we can't hardly keep up with the blog, IG and incidentally Fb and now she heard this we really get the creeps. I keep it with the twitters outside...well, those two decent pigeons with feathers :D Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3

    1. It's okay once you know how to spot 'em. The creepy ones, that is. PURRS

  17. We love you and your family, too, Sivvers! Thank you for being our friends!

  18. MOL Seville dude, the intwebs is a rare old place fur sure!!! MOL

    We think instacat is way wurse fur unfollowing than the twitterverse dude, don't go there, mew spend more time having your mood spoiled than not! MOL

    And dude, I think mew were one of our furry furst visitors way, way, way back when we started, thanks fur sticking with us, mew're the best pal effur! We luffs mew buddy!

    Big hugs

    Basil & CO xox

    1. I was? Once of your very first visitors? Well if that is the case, I WAS CLEARLY VERY FORTUNATE to have the good fortune of meetin' you back then. I was very fortunate, for sure. PURRS

  19. Seville, I remember when Admiral was there, she had a lot of followers but after she went OTRB, only 3 or 4 Pals tweeted with her. I, Katie have not gotten many furriends even after 6 years. With mom and her really invasive heart surgery and taking care of my favorite brother three times as he had surgery, I lost some furriends cause I wasn't there at #nipclub enough.

    I love my Pals who notice me when I attend #Nipclub and will say hello. And I adore my CB furriends who are always by my side as I am theirs. XXXX Rushton, my gosh. You and I have to quit the horking, Pal.

    1. Nissy used to hang out on Twitter a lot. I'm not on there all that much. I visit at least a couple times a week. And I miss out on a lot. But sometimes, still, Twitter makes Peep #1 miss Nissy even more, you know? purrs

    2. I do. Admiral was on Nissys porch when he got hus bionic knee! They were Pals.

    3. They were THE BEST of pals, for sure. PURRS

  20. and though I am not on the CB more than 2-3 times a week, love all of you in your family dearly.

  21. We don't like when that happens either, Pal. Because we love our netfriends, too. We think about all the ones we no longer see, and pray they're okay.

    1. Me too. I've lost touch with some Twitter pals and I wonder how they are. Paws crossed they're doin' okay. PURRS


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.