Wednesday, 24 January 2018



Uh Mason, that's the wrong word.


FYI, your sayin' it louder doesn't actually make it right.  It's still the wrong word.


STILL the wrong word, Mason.  Hiyahs are for karate and stuff.  What you want is a word more suitable for kick-boxin'.


Okay, okay!  You don't have to experiment with it on me.  I suppose hi-yah might work for kick boxin', too.  MOUSES!


I SAID, don't be kick boxin' me!

Lookie here, Mason.  It's bad enough you've been kickin' the peeps with those hind legs of yours and stuff, but kickin' the brothers is simply not to be done.  It is unacceptable, for sure.  It is...


What the mouses are you doin', Mason?  I told you:  NO KICK BOXIN' ME!




You keep that up and I'm gonna start kick-boxin' you.


Mason, the thing is...

Well the thing is, when Peep #1 goes to rub your tummy, and you give her the ol' hind-legs-let-me-show-you-who's-boss ba-ba-ba-boom, the peep is very unlikely to do anythin' in return.  It's not like she's gonna bunny kick you back or anythin'.  I mean, she might say somethin' like, don't do that, but she's likely to follow it up with a sweetie or honey or some other goofball, sickly-sweet term of endearment.  And let's face it, she's not likely to do ANYTHIN' that's actually gonna make you stop.  Oh sure, she might take her arm away so that you can't reach it anymore, but odds are, minutes later, she'll be back, ticklin' your tummy again.  She's pretty slow on the uptake 'bout these things, you see.  Yup, slow as a tortoise on crutches, for sure.

But let me tell you somethin', Mason:  IF YOU GIVE ME the ol' hind-legs-let-me-show-you-who's-boss ba-ba-ba-boom, THAT'S A TOTALLY DIFFERENT MATTER.  It's a totally different matter, for sure.  'Cause me?  I'm gonna respond.  And not with just a little scoldin', either.  No Ma'am, I'm gonna respond with a let-ME-show-YOU-who's-REALLY-in-charge.  So...

So you see, kick boxin' me is not the wisest of moves a sister like you might make, and...


Oh for the love of mouses.  Seriously, Mason?  SERIOUSLY?


Oh Mason...


Oh Mason, my dearest of sisters dear, keep that up and I'm gonna introduce you to the smacky-paw of all smacky-paws, for sure, and...


Mason!  That's it.  Now you've done it.  Mason?  Meet my paw.  Paw?  Meet my sister, Mason.  And now that the pleasantries of the introductions are over...


'Nough of this nicey-nice gentlemanly behaviour on my part.  'Nough of the warnings, too.  Mason, do you know what I'm about to do?

Well do you?

Do YOU know what I'M a gonna do?


That's it.  Mason, I'm gonna go tell on you.

Peepers, Mason is bein' mean to me.




  1. Oh geez...someone ain't gettin' the message!

  2. Mason, you need to keep your paws to yourself. Unless there's treats involved, a good hi-yah! will keep your brothers away while you eat your treats.

    1. ESPECIALLY if the brother is Andy. That boy is a feline vacuum, for sure. MOUSES!

  3. Seville you really are too much a gentlest, and no mistake. Me I'd have run off... I mean got stuck in.... with a few very harsh words and maybe a court order MOL
    Toodle pips and purrs

  4. Replies
    1. I'm tellin' ya, with the colder weather and us all bein' cooped up inside, those smack downs are almost a daily occurrence. MOUSES!

  5. Yeah, Binga doesn't pay attention either.

  6. I guess some kitties are as slow to understand as peeps :)

    1. Well not exactly. I mean... HAVE YOU MET MY PEEPS? They've GOT to be the slowest, for sure. purrs

  7. I have to resort to the ba ba boom with my Mom sometimes as she simply can't resist me in my belly up position even though it is NOT (REPEAT NOT) an open invitation!! I find a good kick works to keep Mom "at bay".....I'll be sure and let her know when AND IF I change my no tummy policy!

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. Mason tries to have a no tummy policy, for sure, although Peep #1 seems to think it's some kinda challenge. The rest of us LOVE the tummy rubs. Can't get enough of 'em, in fact. purrs

  8. Must be pawing annoying for you Seville.xπŸ˜»πŸ’žπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎ

  9. Wow, Mason is really testing your nerves there isn't she. Sisfurs... can't live with 'em... Mom calls the D-O-G my sisfur. So far she hasn't tried a "HI-YAH", but she does slobber. ICK!

    1. Oh my mouses... The slobberin'! Don't remind me. Those two long-haired freaky brothers of mine are all slobber, for sure. purrs

  10. Wow, you sure let her know who's boss.

  11. Seville dude, I think Mason and Pandora have been talking cause Pandora is getting a bit like that too, what is it with these chicks, give 'em a gun and suddenly they think they're freakin' bad ass or something. Poor Parsley gets his ass kicked most days as he's too soft to take matters into his own paws cause she's a gurl. Me on the other paw I show 'em all who's boss, effuryone gets a whoopin' fur misbehavin'! MOL

    BTW as slow as a tortoise on crutches - dude we'll be laughing about that all weekend fur sure! #priceless MOL

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

    1. Pandora is into kick-boxin', too? MOUSES! What IS it with these girls? That really is the question we need to be askin', Basil You and I should do a study of the phenomenon some time, for sure. purrs

  12. Mason has the sweetest face ... we bet she's just misunderstood!

    1. Misunderstood my tail. That sweet face is how she gets away with murder, for sure. MOUSES!

  13. MOUSES! Somekitty (Mason!) sure needs to learn some manners!

    1. If you're talkin' about Mason, she CERTAINLY does. MOUSES!

  14. MOL! We have some of that going on around here. It's more Sheldon leaping on Sasha's back and hanging on...which Sasha hates. The the yelling for the mom bean starts and gets louder until she yells "Sheldon stop it, quit bugging Sasha!". At least for a little bit of time anyway.

    1. Hmmm... I'm thinkin' I wouldn't want anyone leapin' onto my back, either. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.