Sunday, 28 May 2017

two in the mornin'

You ever wake up in the middle of the night, feelin' the need to tweet?

Nah, me neither.



Sometimes though, I do wake up in the middle of the night, feelin' the need for a snack.

Now when I say snack, I mean a few pieces of dry kibble, and a lick or two of water, on account of the restaurant not bein' open at two in the mornin'.

Well that's what the peep says anyway.

I mean about the restaurant.

About it not bein' open, that is.


Like I told the peep this mornin', "You know, it might just be two in the mornin' here, but I bet it's already breakfast time in France."

Yeah, the peep didn't go for that one either.  MOUSES!

But who says breakfast can't be served at two in the mornin', anyway?  Who says we have to wait 'til seven or eight?  It's not like there's a law against servin' breakkies at two, is there?

Seriously, is there?  Anyone know?

Hmmm...  I think it's probably more like a rule.

And RULES, my friends, are meant to be broken. MOUSES!

And who made up the stupid rule, anyway?  Some stupid peep?  Some stupid peep who didn't want to get up in the middle of the night to serve me my breakkie at two?

Yeah, I bet that was it.  Then said stupid peep came up with some arbitrary time - that was convenient for them - and turned it into a rule.

That's just the kind of thing a stupid peep would do.

No Peepers, I'm not callin' you stupid.

But if the shoe fits...


Oh yeah, you don't wear shoes to bed.

Well I don't wear shoes at all.  So there!  MOUSES!

Well OF COURSE I'm not makin' any sense.  I've been up since two in the mornin', practically dyin' of starvation, 'cause all I could find to eat was a measly pawful of kibble.  MOUSES!

The lack of food is makin' me delusional.

If only these paws could learn how to open tins...

Hey Peepers!  If you're too lazy to get up at two in the mornin' to prepare me a tasty little snack, how 'bout hirin' someone else to...


My gosh she's touchy this mornin'.  Cranky as all get out, for sure.  You'd think SHE was the one kept up all night due to a rumblin' tummy.  A tummy rumblin' on account of it bein' empty as empty can be, and in serious need of a snack.  A snack better than a measly pawful of kibble, followed by two slurps of water.  Water without ice, I might add.

Truth be told, had Peep #1 gotten up when I FIRST started askin' her to get up, she could have prepared me that snack, then gone straight back to bed.  Then she could have slept through the rest of the night.

But oh no, not my peep.  Instead of haulin' herself out of bed at two, as requested, she chose to repeatedly tell me - FOR OVER AN HOUR - that the restaurant doesn't open 'til eight.

And what restaurant is this anyway?

No, seriously, I'd really like to know. 'Cause at least in a restaurant, a kitty gets to read a menu and select the breakkie of his or her choice, rather than bein' stuck with whatever some peep plops onto a plate before sayin', breakfast is served, without so much as a smile upon their face.

Talk about poor service.

And the peep wonders why I never leave her a tip.



  1. No, Pal. you are a good and considerate friend. You may be orange, but that is the ONLY POSSIBLE thing you might have in common with...oh, YOU know, the tweeting cheeto. *Forget I mentioned it* <3

    1. And I was orange first. Not right copyin' a marmalade cat. MOUSES!

  2. Where I am concerned, you are seriously preaching to the choir! I know for sure that the lady will not serve me meals before 6:30 except for those measly pawful of kibbles you mentioned. I really would appreciate tasty snacks to be available in the early morning hours before breakfast.

  3. WE like the idea of a kitty restaurant open 24/7 :)
    We like the idea of friendly service too.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

    1. Yeah! Service has gone so far downhill. Don't you agree? purrs

  4. It really should be open 24/7.

  5. HI Seville. You know it is seriously important for a hard working feline to have food on demand, to meet our heavy schedules. I mean writing, art can not be crimped to peep waking hours and my mouse... er... MUSE needs to be fed when the mood takes. I think we have to form a union and take this higher, maybe on top of the fridge where I believe I saw a fresh pack of long life cream!?
    Purrs, ERin

  6. My human says it is breakfast time when she gets up... whenever that is. Not sure how to change that... she is really, really hard to get out of bed!

    1. The sound of hairball hackin' sometimes does the trick. MOUSES!

  7. We so agree with you, the restaurant really should be open 24 hours a day. Cats have to eat lots and often. Have a great day.

  8. No tip ever! We at least hork that breakfast right back up at her feet on occasion as our way of saying, "Thank you." MOUSES! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    1. Oohhh... That's a GREAT way to say thank-you, for sure. MOUSES!

  9. Sometimes is just takes forever to get the meals properly service on time!

    1. I know! Do peeps come with no trainin' at all? MOUSES!

  10. A friendly service sounds great ! And so does an 24/7 opening schedule ! Purrs

    1. I think I need to write the peep up a job description. MOUSES!

  11. I think kitties should be fed whenever they want which is why I get up and feed Phoebe at 2 AM most nights, well mornings. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog about the loss of my Snowball. XO

    1. You get up at two in the mornin'? Hmmm.. Would you mind havin' a talk with my peep? purrs

  12. Peeps have restaurants open 24/7 so why can't WE have that same kind of service????? Well, I have to admit, I do always have a bowl of kibble available but it's not quite the same as personal, on the spot service by a HUMAN!

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. Yeah, 'cause when we want soft, we want... SOFT. MOUSES!

  13. Oh, Seville ... you tell it like it is!! Maybe it's time to leave the Peep presents in bed? You know, those she can't ignore and will cause her to jump out of bed in less than 5 seconds flat? By the way, I'm grounded for the rest of my nine lives, so you might want to keep that in mind. ~Bear Cat

    1. You're grounded for ALL NINE of your lives? MOUSES!

      Ummm.. Exactly what did you do? Inquirin' minds wanna know. purrs

  14. Restaurant is closed at 2AM!? Just what kind of operation is your peep running? So arbitrary! I say hide her coffee and see how she feels when she can't get what she wants in the AM~!

  15. You poor starving pal. This stupid restaurant isn't open at 2:00 in the morning either. I think it's a human rule - certainly not one made up by cats or dogs. We need to band together and demand our rights.

    1. I wonder what would happen if we were to change all the clocks...


  16. It's tough being a cat pawrent... leaving plenty of yummy foods out all the time and having happy tubby cats leads to disease. I guess we have to put pillows over our heads (like I did at 4am today) and try to ignore our sweethearts!
    Rufus the Red totally disagrees with this comment.

    1. You had a 4am wakeup call, huh? Hmmm.. Yeah, my peeps don't go for that one, either. MOUSES!

  17. Wait! Did I read that right? You have to wait until seven or eight in the morning for the restaurant to open? Dood! Not good. You gotta work on your Peep to get up at six a.m. to open the eatery. Seriously. Eight days a week. If I had to wait until seven or eight...I'd perish.

    As for the eatery being open at 2 a.m. Yeah. Mine either. But I have a stash of kibble set aside so I can survive the night.

    1. Good thinkin'! A stash of kibble. Hmmm... I could have a stash of the soft but how would I open the tins? purrs

  18. Wait! Did I read that right? You have to wait until seven or eight in the morning for the restaurant to open? Dood! Not good. You gotta work on your Peep to get up at six a.m. to open the eatery. Seriously. Eight days a week. If I had to wait until seven or eight...I'd perish.

    As for the eatery being open at 2 a.m. Yeah. Mine either. But I have a stash of kibble set aside so I can survive the night.

  19. I know what you mean, Seville. The restaurant at my house isn't open at 2 a.m. either. I don't understand it. Like you, I get hungry at that hour. Why are we at the mercy of our humans when it comes to feeding time? They should just know to have meals ready for us every couple of hours!

  20. Oh Seville dude, mew need to write to the manager of the restaurant and get the opening hours extended, or better still leave a special request meal to be left just fur mew, in a place of your choice just in case mew feel like a little aftur hours snack! We have a 24/7 self service buffet here, mew cold try that system if all else fails! MOL

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & CO xox


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.