Wednesday, 24 May 2017

oh yeah

Oh yeah,  Yup.  It's definite.  She's feelin' way better, for sure. MOUSES!

As some of you may have heard, my sister Mason had a bit of an upset tummy or somethin', a little while back.  Well the good news is, she's feelin' a whole lot better now.  The bad news is, she's feelin' so well, she's back to her ol' self.  MOUSES!

Now I should clarify that. Mason's ol' self is actually a pretty nice ol' self unless, of course, you're a peep.

Actually, I should clarify that further.  Mason's ol' self is a pretty nice ol' self unless you're a peep with zero self-control when it comes to touchin' tummies.  MOUSES!

What IS it with peeps thinkin' they can go around touchin' our tummies?  MOUSES!

You know, I have to admit, I'm a real tummy rub kinda kitty, myself.  I love the tummy rubs, for sure.  I'll take 'em mornin', noon, and night if I can get 'em.  Rain or shine, summer or winter, you wanna rub my tummy?  Well be my guest!  My tummy is there for the rubbin'.

Although...   As much as I love the tummy rubs, it sure would be nice if just once - JUST ONCE - the peeps would ask before...   You know...  Touchin'.

It's not like I'm askin' for a formal letter of request or anythin'.  No, they needn't go to that length. But a polite, "May I rub your tummy, Your Royal Highness?" or somethin' like that, would not go amiss.

Peeps however, have never been known for their politeness.  MOUSES!

I guess some peeps think it's better to beg forgiveness later, than to ask for permission, first. MOUSES!

But back to my sister Mason.

Mason is not like me.  Mason is not a tummy touchin' kinda gal.  No sirree.  You touch Mason's tummy, and Mason is gonna touch you right back.  Oh yeah.  She's gonna touch you right back, BIG TIME, for sure.

And when I say big time, I mean big time as in an epic kinda way.  My gosh, Mason's response to tummy touches is so big, she makes Niagara Falls look like a backyard water feature. Scratch that.  She makes Niagara Falls look like a backyard water feature in a fairy garden, right behind the wee little house, made just the right size for fairies.  MOUSES!

Oh yeah, you touch Mason's tummy and she's gonna be givin' you the bunny kicks with the hind claws, for sure.

That's just how my sister rolls. MOUSES!

But the odd thing is, when Mason wasn't feelin' well last week, she wasn't too concerned with the peeps touchin' her tummy.  Oh, I don't think she actually liked it or anythin' like that, but she didn't complain about it too much.

And yes, in case you were wonderin', the peeps were bein' all touchy-feely with Mason when she wasn't well, even though you'd THINK with her feelin' unwell, they'd give her a break with the touchin'.  But oh no, not my peeps.  My gosh, they were kissin' her, and askin' her if she was okay, and strokin' the back of her head, and basically annoyin' her to no end.  You know, basically bein' peeps.  MOUSES!

And I know for a fact that on more than one occasion, Peep #1's hand brushed against Mason's tummy, but not once did she put up a fight.

Mason, I mean.  Not the peep.

But anyway, let's fast forward to yesterday.

Yesterday, the peep - bein' a peep - went to touch my sister Mason's tummy and Mason gave Peep #1 a good ol' bunny kick, for sure.

Well...  Actually...  Actually, it was more of an attempted good ol' bunny kick, she gave.  Oh, Mason tried alright.  She was quick.  Quick as a bunny, one might even say.  But the peep?  The peep was even quicker.

You know, it's quite surprising how quickly the peep can move her hand out of the way, when need be.  MOUSES!

So basically, Mason is back to normal.  No touchin' of the tummy for her.  After all, like she says, one can NEVER BE TOO CAREFUL for one NEVER REALLY KNOWS just where those peeps' hands have been.

I, on the other paw, say BRING IT ON.  You wanna rub my tummy?   Well my tummy is there for the rubbin', although, as I mentioned earlier, a polite request would not go amiss.

And as for the not knowin' where the peeps' hands have been prior to the tummy rubbin' part, I'm not too concerned about that.  After all, I think nothin' of walkin' all over 'em after I've used the litter box so I figure, we're probably even.



  1. Our servant likes to sneak up on the kitteh bellehs and blow loud razzberries on 'em whenever she can. Talk about undignified!

    1. Sneak up on you and... RAZZBERRIES? MOUSES!

    2. Heehee... Peep #1 says that my Great Auntie Kelsie's doctor used to call peeps Walkin' Talkin' Canopeners. purrs

  2. Oh Seville, one of the personal cats here at Serenity is a lot like Mason but only when he is about the other cats. Sort of like, don't do that Mom, gosh I don't want them to know I like it. On the other hand, when he is in bed with me, he is all about his tummy being rubbed, can't get enough. Out with the other cats you are likely to get your hand made into hamburger, but first he will say, yup go ahead , rub my tummy, then comes the I dare you to!!!!!! Glad to hear your sister Mason is doing much better, I am sure it was a concern. Hugs and Purrs.

    1. Mason goes for the hamburger hands WITH other cats about, and not. purrs

  3. I am happy Mason feels better. Not everyone is touchy-feely. We all have our limits. That's okay. Just love them the way they need it.

    1. Yup, and peeps should take a few lessons on identifyin' those limits, for sure. purrs

  4. We have a couple of don't touch my tummy kitties here, but I'm not one of them. We're glad that Mason is feeling better!

  5. I'll take all those tummy rubs that Mason doesn't want! I love them too.

    1. Come on over! Peep #1 has two hands. She can rub your tummy AND mine! purrs

  6. We are glad Maon is doing OK, tummy troubles are no fun. We are just glad peep is safe (er and sound of mind...)

    1. Sound mind? Ummm.. Whatever you say but I'm thinkin'... Uh... No. MOUSES!

  7. Hi there my Orangie pal. I like a bit of the tummy rub too. It is nice and me and the Dad have been enjoying him rubbin an me grabbin that good old hand of his. See he rubs and then I bitey the web between his finger and thumb and then he wrassles me around. Yeah it is such fun!
    What is it with the web on the peeps hands though? Hmmm

    1. 'Bout those webs... I think peeps might have evolved from fish or somethin' like that. MOUSES!

  8. mason.....we iz buzzed happee yur bak ta bee in full time mason N knot part time ore 1/3 mason ....heerz hopin de tummy trubullz never bother ya again....ever....stay a way frum bass terd chckn...just sayin....we iz off line for a few sew heerz two an X ray fish kinda week oh end ~ ♥♥

  9. It's good that she feels better! We're mostly a fan of tummy attention, within reason.

    1. Within reason... Now that, my friends, is so very true. purrs

  10. I can't resist a tummy or a challenge. I would love to try to rub Mason's tummy and I would love to rub yours too Seville :)

  11. We are glad Mason is feeling better, Sivvers. Of course, feeling better does not always mean "go ahead and touch my belly." ;)

    1. It sure doesn't! Not if you're a Mason, at least. MOUSES!

  12. I'm glad Mason's feeling better. She's always a fantastic assistant on your adventures. My human stupidity is showing ... but I had no idea you all are orange-ys (including Mason ... she's a beauty!!!). I knew about Rushton and Andy and you Sivvers ... but we don't see enough pictures of your other siblings! I had several conversations at BlogPaws about ginger girls and I would've loved to tell everyone that Mason is one!

    1. I know! Can you believe there are four of us here? I'm the orangest of the lot. A true marmie, for sure. Rushton and Anderson are marmies but they have a creamy undercoat so their not quite as orange as me. Mason is a bit lighter. Cream? Fawn? Somethin' like that. And actually, Tess is a muted calico so she has bits of fur the same colour as Mason. Tobias is a silver tabby, like Nissy. purrs

  13. You know what? I always ask before giving a tummy rub, but my cats never answer. What's a human to do? Rub da tummy!

    1. Rub da tummy and you might just GET an answer. PURRS

  14. Oh Mason we are so glad you are feeling better.
    Have a wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

    1. The peeps were SO relieved once Mason started feelin' better. purrs

  15. Great blog Seville...glad your sisters well again.x🐾🐾🐾🐾😻💜

    1. Me too! We're all so happy she's back to her ol' self. purrs

  16. Seville dude, we are MOL so much at: She makes Niagara Falls look like a backyard water feature in a fairy garden, right behind the wee little house, made just the right size for fairies. Dude that was so hilarious, BTW Pandora is just the same, no tummy tickling allowed whatsoeffur! Gurl cats huh????!!!! MOL

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & CO xox

    1. Word on the street is that they're puttin' Mason's reaction to tummy rubs on the list of World Wonders. MOUSES!

  17. Hi Seville. I'm very much on the Royal Protocol on this subject. Best to ask very politely, and then stand back and wait to be blessed.... or lose ones head, not that peep uses the head, not even my peep is that stupid... OK strike that, but it was just a metaphor for.... er.... losing ones fingers. Mouses!
    Purrs, ERin


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.