Wednesday, 29 March 2017

careful Peepers!

Careful Peepers!  Careful where you put those feet of yours.  They're right clodhoppers, for sure. MOUSES!

You cats out there ever notice how peeps are constantly puttin' their feet where their feet don't belong?  I'm tellin' ya, it's happenin' across the nation in epidemic proportions, for sure. MOUSES!

Why just the other day...

Just the other day, Peep #1 was doin' some dishes at the kitchen sink, when she stepped back about an inch or so, and almost stepped on my sister Tess' tail.

Don't worry, she didn't actually step on it, but let me tell you, she came within a whisker's length of doin' so, for sure.

Tess, realizin' how close she came to havin' her tail stepped upon, started growlin' at the peep; although truth be told, Tess' growls are not unheard of in these here parts.  I mean, Tess growls at the wind.  MOUSES!

But it gets worse, my friends.  Far, far worse.

After almost steppin' on Tess' tail, do you know what the peep did?

Better yet, do you know what the peep didn't do?

Well she didn't apologize to Tess.  Nope, nor did she beg for her forgiveness.  She didn't even promise to never almost accidentally step upon her tail again.


Instead, she told Tess to be more careful with what she was doin' with her tail.


Well Tess was none to pleased with the peep's response, I can tell you that.  No sirree, she was none too pleased AT ALL.  In fact, Tess responded by growlin' some more at the peep.  MOUSES!

For some stupid ol' mousin', moused-up reason, peeps expect us cats to not put our tails in harm's way.

For some stupid ol' mousin', moused-up reason, peeps think we cats shouldn't be flickin' our tails, this way and that, in and around peeps' feet.

For some stupid ol' mousin', moused-up reason, peeps think we cats - and not peeps - should be thinkin' about the safety of our own tails.


If we cats can't rely upon peeps to watch out for our tails, what good is it havin' any peeps?


It's true.  I kid you not.  It's right there in the Cats' Bill of Rights, you know.  Right there where it says, "NO CAT shall be responsible to watch out for the whereabouts of his or her own tail, when there's a peep around who can watch out for the whereabouts of said cat's tail, for 'em."  Yup, that's just what is says.


If we cats wanna lurk about peeps' feet, without 'em knowin' we're lurkin' about their feet, we are entitled to do exactly that.  It says so right there in the Cats' Bill of Rights.

And if we cats wanna flick our tails back and forth, while we're lurkin' about peeps' feet, even though those peeps don't know we're lurkin' about their feet, never mind the fact they don't know we're flickin' our tails back and forth right around their feet, why we're entitled to do exactly that, too.  It says so right there in the Cats' Bill of Rights.

And if we cats wanna...

What?  What's that, Peepers?  You think that our lurkin' about your feet, and flickin' our tails this way and that, while we're lurkin' about your feet, when you don't actually know we're lurking about your feet, is askin' for trouble?  You do?  Really?

Well do you know what?  I AGREE WITH YOU.

Of COURSE it's askin' for trouble. 'Cause if you accidentally step on my tail while I'm flickin' my tail back and forth around your feet, while I'm lurkin' about your feet without your knowin' I'm lurkin' about your feet, YOU are gonna be in BIG TROUBLE, for sure.

That's kinda the whole point of this here blog post, Peepers.  You know, how you peeps need to learn to watch out for our tails, even if you don't happen to know we're lurkin' about, right there by your clodhopperin' feet.

What the mouses did you think this blog post was about, Peepers?



  1. It's a crying shame that the peep didn't apologize to Tess! What is this world coming to... My peep sometimes trips on me down the hall at night saying I shouldn't be in "his way." It's not my fault he has poor night vision! You're so right, Seville, that us cats have our rights! MOUSES...

    1. I'm tellin' ya, IT'S AN EPIDEMIC, for sure!!! And one common thread is the peeps blamin' us cats even though THEY'RE doin' what's wrong. MOUSES!

  2. I smell some toe revenge in the air!

  3. Chloe Jo would agree. She loves to bite feet. Hugs.

    1. Toes, heels, or the whole feet? Inquirin' minds wanna know. purrs

  4. You speak the truth Seville. Our beans sure have some learning to do.

  5. An almost stop and no apology? Tess is definitely owed some salmon as restitushuns.

  6. I always try to remember to apologize to my cats for near misses, just because they know where I sleep. 😉

    1. Heheee... That's pretty good thinkin', for sure. purrs

  7. I SO agree, Seville! What is with humans, thinking it's OUR fault when it's THEIR feet that need to be more careful!

    1. I know! It's their feet that are the problem, you know? MOUSES!

  8. WOW! I never knew there was a separate Bill of Rights for cats, I thought them bills were just for the ducks!
    Purrs, ERin

    1. Nah, ducks have their own bill of rights. They have their own bills, too! purrs

  9. We can't help it if we are SMALL - we must rely on our humans who are TALLER THAN WE ARE to look out for us "way down here" ! I think humans get too distracted to remember we are a lot lower than their normal line of sight. Do we have to tell them EVERYTHING?? You'd think they'd know to be careful of stepping on stuff that's LOWER including poor kitties! DUH!

    Love, Angel Sam

    1. SERIOUSLY. I mean, do we have to do everythin' for 'em? MOUSES!

  10. yeah, Jan never apologizes either, just tells us to watch what we're doing or we'll get hurt. We're doing fine. She's the one doing something wrong.

    1. You know, if a peep trips over a kitty and ends up fallin' down a flight of stairs, the peep is the one who's gonna get hurt. You'd think they'd think about that, and watch out where they're puttin' those feet. MOUSES!

  11. Cats have important work to do ( playing with toys, looking for treats...)
    We shouldn't have to worry about getting stepped on too!
    Have a super Thursday...

    Noodle and crew

    1. You can say THAT again! We have way more important things to be doin' than watchin' where peeps are puttin' their feet. MOUSES!

  12. guyz.....we total lee heer ya....why just de other toona...sneeked up bee hind de food gurl while her waz takin sum thin out de quik time stove... N eye laid me self at her nastee smellee feetz...wait...scratch that werd sneeked...eye placed my self ther ta protect her frum de radio active wavez comin outta de masheen ~ her bout hada herd oh cattle when he spilled de food bowl....knot my fault shez clumzee ~~~ ♥♥☺☺

    1. Not your fault at all! Peeps use us cats to excuse their clumsiness all the time, it seems. MOUSES!

  13. Meow!! Me agreez! Our poor tailz! Glad Tess' fluffy tail waz ok! Hmmm, cat lovin peepz do usuallee feelz sorry from ma experienze. Da best thing to do iz for da humanz to look down and behindz thems, befur dey takez a step. Purrs!😸🐾

    1. Yup, they should be lookin' down before EACH and EVERY step. MOUSES!

  14. Tess is a pretty girl. I must admit that I am guilty of some tail stepping and toes too, I am a klutz.

  15. ex-squeeze-im-mouw. My Mom L and Dad P have BOTH stepped on TKS' tail, draw black furs under their feet and THEN said to TKS "be careful"!!!!! This is a "must stop" practice for peeps

    1. And they told HER to be careful? Of all the nerve... MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.