Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Boxing Day rush

Can't stop now.  GOTTA RUN.  MOUSES!

Whew!  That was a close one, for sure.

Let me catch my breath.


Okay, I bet you're all wonderin' what has my tail all twisted up in a dither.  Well the thing is... The thing is...  Well...

Well it all began the other day.

The other day, I happened to notice Peep #1's Facebook status.  "Livin' room looks like the aftermath of a catnip toy factory explosion," or somethin' like that.  I didn't think too much about it at the time because, truth be told, it did.  I figured the peep was just - you know - makin' a public service announcement of some sort.

But then that night, I was watchin' television, and I heard the TV peeps talkin' about Boxin' Day Blowouts and the like.  I assumed they were talkin' about the sales after Christmas but...  But... But combined with the peep talking 'bout catnip toy factory explosions...  Well...  Well...

Well my mind got to thinkin', and when I start thinkin', I start...

No, I do not start smokin' at the ears.

When I start thinkin', I start connectin' the dots.

NO.  Not the red dots.  The elusive red dot is far too elusive to be connected to anythin'. MOUSES!

But back to those other dots.

My mind was a whirlin' like the peep with a Cat Teaser toy, after her fourth cup of coffee.

Talk of a catnip toy factory explosion led to explosions, which led to blowouts, which led to Boxin' Day blowouts which, of course, led to Boxin' Day, which led to BOXES.

NOW I bet you're gettin' the picture, for sure.

And then if that wasn't bad enough, I heard the peep say somethin' about cleanin' up the mess in the livin' room.

Well I got to thinkin' once more.  Had any of us cats tossed our cookies in the livin' room since Christmas Day?  Not that we actually ate any cookies to toss, but even so, we are not immune to tossing 'em without eating 'em, if you know what I mean.

But as the answer to the cookie tossin' question was no, I had to ask myself if any of us kitties had made any other messes in there.  Had any of us pooped or peed where poopin' and peein' is not to be done?

Again, the answer was no.

So what the mouses was the peep talkin' about when she said mess?

And then...  And then...  And then...

And then it hit me like a tonne of bricks.



But deep down, I knew that wasn't the case, because those toys are ours and no one - I repeat, NO ONE - can clean 'em up on account of their not bein' dirty.

But what if...  What if... What if...

What if she was gonna clean up all the other stuff?  You know, like the tissue paper and worse than that...



So that, my friends, is the reason for my bein' so out of breath.  I've been runnin' around, rescuing boxes from Peep #1.  Rescuing 'em before the peep can get at 'em with the box cutter, and bag 'em all up for recycling.

Not that I consider recyclin' to be a bad thing.  I don't! As a responsible citizen of this world, I consider recycling to be absolutely necessary.


So anyway, I don't know 'bout you, but my post Boxin' Day rush has been a real doozie, for sure.

What's that, Mason?  I missed a box?  And the peep has spotted it?  And she has the box cutter in her paws?

Excuse me, my friends.  It appears that my post Boxin' Day rush is not yet over.  MOUSES!


  1. AAIIIEEE!!! Run Seville RUN!! Get that box to safety!! GASP!! No, no...not the box cutter??!!!

    1. I know! Peep #1 is a MADWOMAN with that box cutter, for sure. MOUSES!

  2. MY mom does the same THING!!!! I wish there wuz a law!

    1. There OUGHTTA be a law against destroyin' our boxes, for sure. MOUSES!

  3. Mess?! Boxes and tissue paper aren't "messes" - they're treasures!

    1. I so TOTALLY agree! If only we could get our peeps on board, huh? purrs

  4. Boxes are always worth saving, always!

  5. Seville, we hope you were able to rescue enough boxes so the each of you can have one. Giulietta was our "boxer." XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Hmmm... So we should have six boxes then, right? No, Dionysus seems to be time-sharin' so we'll need seven. And then Nosey-Neighbour-Cat might visit. So eight. And one for guests? How 'bout two? So TEN. Ten boxes, for sure. purrs

  6. We hope you can rescue that box before it's subjected to that box cutter!

    1. Unfortunately, the peep managed to get her paws on it. But not to worry, I'm keepin' my eyes peeled for any stray boxes lyin' about. PURRS.

  7. She's cutting up your boxes, Sivvers??? MOUSES! Go go go! You absolutely must stop her NOW!

  8. How come peeps only recycle OUR stuff? Ever seen a human recycle a tea cozy? Or a knitting project? Okay, okay, neither have I, but my Momma doesn't knit. I know YOURS does ... but my Momma wouldn't recycle her DOUGHNUTS either! Oh, no. They just want our fun stuff to recycle! ~Bear Cat

    1. Seriously. SERIOUSLY!!! If they wanna recycle, they should start with THEIR OWN stuff. MOUSES!

  9. We think of boxes as "new furniture".....peeps seem to think of them as TRASH......what's with that?!?!?!?!

    Hugs, Angel Sammy

    1. Stupid peeps. Yup, that's what it is. STUPID peeps. MOUSES!

  10. dood...for sure ewe due knot want de boxex sended ta ree cyclin coz bee fore ya noe it box day will bee heer N ya mite knot haz a box ta use that day N then ya can think bak N say cranberreez...werez all de boxex we had in decembrr N come ta think oh it wearz all thoz nip mice ~~~~~~~ heerz two a happee healthee new yeer two ewe all ♥♥♥♥♥☺☺☺

    1. I know! One NEVER KNOWS when one will need a box. Or two. Or maybe twenty-four... PURRS.

  11. You have boxes and peep is cutting them up? Mouses! This is a national issue, nay, disaster and no mistake. What you need is to treat them like those Russian dolls and stack them all within themselves, that way peep will never know they're there! purrs ERin ps I'll happily take any spare boxes off you, for storage purposes of course....

  12. Oh gosh, we sure hope you kept those boxes out of the Peep #1's hands. Doesn't she realize that efurry box belongs to the kitties?

    Have fun!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  13. Very good idea to rescue those boxes. My cats did toss their cookies on the Christmas tree skirt :(

  14. Dat happens to us all da time. Just as soon as we get a box, mommy's puttin' it out fur da trash. Can you believe it? Hope you were able to rescue da boxes. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. What IS it with peeps? Why can't they leave our boxes alone? MOUSES!

  15. I hope you were able to rescue all the boxes from a death by a thousand cuts!

    1. Unfortunately, the peep got to that box. But next time? I'LL BE ON IT LIKE NIP ON A HOT NIP PIZZA. MOUSES!

  16. OH man tidying up??! That is just SO WRONG!!!!

    1. Seriously! Peep #1 has her priorities ALL WRONG. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.