Wednesday 17 August 2016

pictures, shmictures

Pictures.  Pictures, shmictures. MOUSES!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are a thousand pictures worth?  A million?

And what if those pictures happen to be of the back of your head?  Or of the tip of your tail?  Or of the imprint left in the dirt after you've walked away 'cause the peep took too long to focus the camera?

Or how 'bout if the picture is of the shadow of the peep herself, tryin' to take your picture when she thought you weren't lookin', but was clearly mistaken, 'cause you really were lookin', knew there was a peep on the prowl with a flashy box in her paws, and made your escape while the goin' was good?  I really can't see anyone payin' a million OF ANYTHING for a picture like that.  MOUSES!

At least in this day and age, peeps don't have to worry 'bout putting film in their cameras.  And yet, they still mess up.  MOUSES!

Needless to say, we're havin' some difficulties on the picture taking front at my house.

Peep #1 was all set to take some really nice pictures of me for a special blog post, where I was gonna thank Nellie for the lovely stuffy and pin she sent.  But as you've probably guessed, the peep is still workin' on those pictures.

Pictures that are not of the back of my head.  Or the tip of my tail.  And where the flash actually went off so I'm more than just a shadowy blur and...  Well...  Well MOUSES!

But speakin' of pictures, you ever see those pictures of ink blots they use in those ink blot test thingies?

Apparently, with these ink blot tests, different cats will see different things.  It's true!  You can show a bunch of cats the very same ink blot and they all interpret it in different ways.  One cat might see a butterfly, another cat might see a squished mosquito, another one might see a squished mosquito next to his equally squished cousin Guido, and another one might see a vase with some flowers and so on and so on and so on.

And then you ask your peep and what does she see?

Let's just say, Peep #1 is not the most imaginative of peeps and we'll leave it at that.

But if really wanna know, Peep #1 saw nothing but a blot of ink.  MOUSES!

And she's wondering 'bout who names a mosquito, Guido.

I have to admit, I was kinda wondering 'bout that too.  MOUSES!

And then there are those pictures they call, diagrams.

Peep #1 recently bought a tumbling composter thingy for the garden 'cause the one we have is kinda broken.  Not broken as in it doesn't tumble anymore.  It never tumbled.  Nope, tumbling was a thing it never did.  It was never meant to tumble at all.  It was only meant to be a place where the peeps could put the stuff for composting.  But it's really old now and kinda fallin' apart.

What does this have to do with pictures called diagrams, you ask?

Good question!

Thing is, the tumbling composter is still in its box, sitting in my office, and judging by the box in which it's sitting, I'm thinking it's gonna need to be put together.  Yup, the box is too small for there to be a ready-to-use composter in there.  I'm pretty sure the peep is gonna need to put it together and that, of course, means the box also likely contains a diagram.

Now the problem with these diagram thingies is... Well...

Well perhaps the problem is not with the actual diagrams but rather, with my peep.  MOUSES!

I was chattin' with my pal Austin the other day, and I was reminded how when Peep #1 puts things together using diagrams, quite often, there are pieces left over.

Oh sure, they're just little pieces.  A screw here.  A nut there.  A bolt or two, perhaps.  Nothing big. They're what the peep calls, the extras.  MOUSES!

Never once have I ever seen a box where under the contents it listed, "Extras."

But the peep wouldn't know 'bout that because the peep never reads the list of contents on the outside of the box.  Just like she never reads the instructions inside the box.  If we're lucky, she might glance at the accompanying diagram.  In all honestly, she just puts whatever it is together as she sees fit, and then hides away those leftover parts she calls, the extras.

Peep #1 has a whole drawer FULL of extras.  MOUSES!

I'm thinkin' that this lack of reading instructions on Peep #1's part might, in fact, be the reason for her havin' an Extras Drawer, in the first place.  MOUSES!

Of course, the stuff the peep puts together doesn't always stay together.

Perhaps that bolt was necessary?  Maybe that nail was needed?  Could it be that that screw really was meant to be used after all?

Peep #1 brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, "a screw loose," to be sure.  MOUSES!

And even if what the peep puts together does, in fact, stay together, there's no guarantee it's gonna work.

At least not work like it was meant to work.  Like if all the bits and pieces were used and...  stuff.

But little trifles like that don't bother my peep.  No sirree.  To her, this is all part of what makes life interestin'.  MOUSES!

So I'm thinkin'...  I'm thinkin' there's a good chance that once the peep puts together the tumbling composter thingy, that the composter thingy won't actually compost and even if it does compost, it most definitely won't tumble.  At least not more than once.  You know, when it tumbles to the ground on account of a leg not bein' properly attached or a flap not screwed in or...  whatever.

And I'm thinkin' that odds are, the peep's Extras Drawer will be a little fuller after the peep puts together the tumbling composter that doesn't tumble more than once, than it was before.

But I'm also thinkin', at least I'm gettin' a new box!  I mean, she doesn't have to put the box together or anything so she can't really screw that part up, right?  RIGHT?

And maybe...  Possibly...  There just might even be a slim to almost good chance of the peep getting a picture of me inside my new box, snuggled up to that stuffy I was tellin' you about.  The stuffy from my pal, Nellie.  And a picture like that would be worth at least a thousand words, to be sure.  MOUSES!


  1. Oh dear Seville, I am afraid for the most part I am with your Peep. Have you ever tried to follow the diagram or the instructions? Most of them are not easily read and they always include spare parts. I keep them all too, just in case!!!

    1. They do? Do you mean the peep is right about all of those extras? purrs

  2. Oh my goodness, that is all too funny. Sounds like our Mom having pieces left over and then a whole drawer full of those pieces. No wonder nothing works. We have several extra drawers around here. Good to see you Seville.

  3. I like to rip up those diagram thingees ... jeez! It's not like my Momma reads it anyway! ;) ~Bear Cat

    1. Her too, huh? Seems like an epidemic with the peeps. MOUSES!

  4. Just as long as ya got da box to play in!

  5. MOL! My Dad has a few loose screws too and quite a few leftover parts, but nothing useful. MOUSES!

  6. Wow, she has a whole drawer of extra parts! I only have a sandwich bag full.All I see in the ink blots is cats, I see cats everywhere :)

    1. Oh yes. Apparently EVERYTHIN' she puts together came with extras. purrs

  7. Yep, the box is the important part!

  8. Hmm, with all those extras you could have your own film, maybe call it The Life and Times of a DIY Peep or The travails of a Blogging Cat. Those tumbler could maybe do a turn or two in the intermission? purrs ERin ps do you have a spare 2 inch self tapping screw my peep can borrow?

  9. dood.....we haz been waitin for YEERZ for de food servizz gurl ta takez a good fotoz oh any oh uz......we wish ewe all de best !!! N all sew, de food servizz gurl haz enuff screws looze ta werk in a hard ware store !!! we noe ya loved nellies gift...lookin for werd ta seein...sum ... pictures !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

    1. With all the extra nuts and loose screws lyin' about, it's amazin' they need to still make 'em. MOUSES!

  10. Lets be's the box that's important.
    Have a great weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  11. Oh those silly little extras. Who needs 'em? Not me! I probably have a drawer of them too.

    1. I'm beginnin' to think my peep might be right 'bout all these things comin' with extra parts. Who knew? purrs

  12. MOUSES! Those instructions are always a mess, if you ask us. Maybe you could build something good with all those extra parts, Sivvers!

    1. Every now and then, I sneak a few out of the drawer when workin' on teleportation devices. Peep has never noticed yet! purrs

  13. yep, Mom L is not big on instructions, thank Ceiling Cat we have Dad P to get stuff put together.

    1. And does it STAY put together? Gettin' that to happen is Peep #1's problem, for sure. MOUSES!

  14. Mom can't put a spoon to her mouf hardly never mind put together somefin impawtent!

    1. Oh my mouses! THAT'S HILARIOUS! Katie, I think you have invented a new sayin'!!! purrs

  15. An extras drawer huh Seville? Well maybe your peeps could build somethin' with all those extras. Mommy reads every instruction and diagram in a box, and still sometimes has an extra somethin' left over, but more offen she finds she's missin' somethin' and dat there wasn't enuff of those extras in da box to begin with. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. That would never happen at my house. If somethin' were missin', the peep could always round one up in her drawer full of extras. MOUSES!

  16. Well that drawer of extras could be your drawer of opportunity Sivvers next time you have an adventure! Our Mom is the handy-person in her family and puts most things together for everyone so that it STAYS together! A picture of your with Nellies' Seville Stuffies would be pretty cool!

    1. Yup 'cause you never know when a screw or nut or bolt might come in handy! purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.