Wednesday, 24 August 2016

and your point is?

And your point is?

Mouses woman.  Can't a cat cough up a little hairball in peace?

So anyway...

So anyway, does my tail look fat to you, Peepers? You think I should lose an ounce or two?


No Peepers, it was what one calls a rhetorical question.

What's that?  Oh.  Well...  A rhetorical question is a question that...

What do you mean you already know what rhetorical means?   Then why did you ask...?

Oh.  You were askin' how I knew what rhetorical meant.  Well, I know 'cause...

Mouses woman, of course I know!  I am a highly intelligent bloggin' kitty, after all.

In fact, I know lots of stuff.  I know lots and lots of stuff, to be sure.  Truth be told, I know stuff 'bout you.  Stuff you might not want spread all 'round the Internet, if you know what I mean.

So you might wanna quit with the insults while you're ahead.  MOUSES!

But back to my tail.

Actually, I think my tail is pretty much perfect.  Good thing, too, 'cause I really didn't want to consider goin' on a diet or anythin' like that.  We all know how much I enjoy my snacks.  MOUSES!

NO, I did not cough up that hairball 'cause of an eating disorder.  MOUSES!

Besides, it was only a little hairball.  Guess you've been combing my fur pretty well, as of late.  I'll give you that, Peepers.

Actually, you've been doin' a far better job of combin' my fur than you have of some other things.

What's that, Peepers?

I was just gonna tell everyone how for two days in a row, you plugged the toaster in, instead of the coffee maker, and then wondered why the coffee maker didn't make you any coffee.  Thing is, Peepers, the coffee maker runs on what we call ELECTRICITY, so if you don't plug it in, it doesn't work.  Not even if you turn it on.  It's really very simple.  Don't know why you didn't know 'bout that before.

What's that, Peepers?  WHAT?  MOUSES!

OH PUH-LEASE.  If I was gonna tell the world your most secret of secrets, I'd tell 'em better secrets than that.

Remember how...?


Turns out I have a secret or two, too.  Secrets I might not want told.  And the peep knows all about 'em, for sure.  MOUSES!

BUT I REALLY WAS thinking 'bout developin' a bit of an exercise routine.  One for cats.  One for cats who think their tails might be lookin' a little...  You know... Fluffy.

Anyway, I heard on the television this mornin', how some peeps were exercising usin' some sort of combat sport kind of thing.  I wasn't payin' too much attention as at the time, I was enjoyin' a snack, so I'm really not sure what it was all about.  But combat sportin' sounds a lot like smacky paws to me.

So I thought about it for all of thirty seconds, and then I remembered the last time I got into the smacky paws with my sister, Mason.  And then I thought better of that.

Mason fights like a girl.

A girl with a mean left hook and an even meaner right one.  MOUSES!

So then I thought about doin' a variation on the whole Pokemon thing.  I know, I know...  Pokemon.

But my version doesn't require a smart phone or an app or anythin' like that.

In my version, you find a crowd of peeps, pick out the meanest, ugliest, toughest lookin' one in the group, POKE HIM, hurl out an insult or two, and then run.  Run really, really fast.  Faster than you've ever run before.  MOUSES!

That should burn off a calorie or two.  Enough to make a tail look a little less fluffy, if you know what I mean.

But since we cats aren't allowed out on the streets, cavorting with mean, ugly, tough-lookin' strangers, I thought better of that, too.

So I replaced the mean, tough lookin' mon - I mean, man - with a mean, tough lookin' dog.  Poke him and then run.

But I scratched that idea as well.  Sounded too dangerous to me.

Then..   Then I came up with the PERFECT idea.

Go into the family room and find my sister Mason.  Poke HER.  Tell her her grandma wears combat boots and then run like the dickens.  Run faster than the dickens.  Run faster than Charles Dickens ever ran!  Run faster than Charles Dickens ever dreamt of running 'cause truth be told, I actually don't know if Charles Dickens was a fast runner.  He might have been, but then he might not.  But I'm willin' to bet that at times, he dreamt of running really fast.  And I can ASSURE you, had he had my sister Mason on his tail, after he had implied Mason's grandma was workin' out of a cathouse or somethin', he would have been dreamin' of runnin' really fast.  Really, REALLY fast, for sure. 'Cause in case you didn't hear me before, Mason has the meanest left hook, ever, and an equally mean right one, to boot.

You don't ever wanna do the smacky paws with Mason and that, my friends, is for sure.  MOUSES!


  1. MOUSES! You are definitely on to something there, Sivvers!

    PokéMason sounds like an awesome (though kind of scary) exercise activity for sure!

    1. Dependin' upon Mason's mood, it could be SUPER SCARY, for sure. MOUSES!

  2. Seville. . . LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! yeah, I've got a couple *big* kitties too, but I just try to keep them active in the house by playing with them regularly -- giving them nip baths helps also as they get kinda crazy ripping and running about the place! PURRsonally, I think you look just fine Seville!! kitty kisse, {{{hugs}}}, and head bonkies from myself and my crew of 12!1 ♥♥♥

    1. I SO WANNA VISIT your house and get to have a nip bath, too. purrs

  3. MOUSES!! Mason sounds like one tough cookie. And BTW, your tail is purrfect.

  4. A couple of my sisters are pretty strong smacky paws too!

    1. What is it with sisters and their upper body strength? They have smacky paws like no others. MOUSES!

  5. Peeps! Can't live with them, can't live without their thumbs! ~Bear Cat

  6. Well, the Mason exercise program sounds like it will work for sure then MOL!!!

  7. I think you need to put a little more thought into this cat exercise routine. How about the peeps get you some mouses to chase or da bird fishing pole toy.

    1. We've kinda moused the whole place out, I'm afraid. At least with the live ones we can chase. purrs

  8. I dunno, I don't think I'd want to try that exercise program!

    1. Is it the fear of the Mason smacky paws? If so, you're a very wise kitty, indeed. purrs

  9. your tail looks perfect to me, so if I were you I would pass on the exercise programme.

  10. We think you look just fine Seville and your tail does too. Just a little exercise is good but not too much. You all have a great day.

    1. Yeah, runnin' from Mason's smacky paws might be a bit too much, for sure. purrs

  11. Exercise? What's that?! At my age, the only exercise I can stand is walking to the litterbox AND the food bowl!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Well walkin' to the food bowl is super important, for sure. MOUSES!

  12. Well, Seville, I think your tail looks stunning. But, that being said, I think you might be onto something with the weight loss program you just pitched...

    1. The trick will be to keep at least a good paws' length ahead of Mason, for sure. purrs

  13. Pokey Smacky Paws, PSP, hmm you could be on to something, maybe a real money spinner. It could be a great new virtual game for peeps to play at home. Purrs ERin

  14. Better hope sweet Mason doesn't read this blog post Sivvers. She'll be ready for ya

  15. dood....noe one round heer ever gives sisturr//cuzin dai$y any "biznezz" two her face either...sure me & cuzin tuna mite point & laff bee hind her bak but lemme tell ya, her ternz quik N catchez me......whoa..........

    pea ezz...yur tailz fine dood ....troo lee ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  16. Sev, it's my opinion that those who insult a man cat's tail are just jealous cuz they don't have one of their own. Unless it's your sisfur Mason doing the insulting, in which case I'd just nod and keep my thoughts to myself cuz she sounds like someone not to mess with. Purrs! Herman!!!

    1. It's true. Messin' with Mason can be a detriment to a mancat's health, for sure. MOUSES!

  17. Oops. Let's hope no kitteh texts Mason with this....

  18. PokeMason OMC are mew mad Seville, that would be like me PokeAmber - neffur happen dude - she can be one mean kitty!!! MOL


    Basil & Co xox

    1. Let's hope Amber and Mason never get together to compare notes. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.