Wednesday 6 July 2016

of mouses and mancats

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Hmmm... I'm thinkin' that sounds kinda familiar in a familiar kind of way.  I had best change that wording a bit.

Once upon a time...

Nope, that's been used, too.  Hmph.


Oh, hello there.  You caught me workin' on that Next Great Canadian Novel of mine.  I'm re-working the first three pages a bit.  Actually, I'm re-working all three pages a bit.  MOUSES!

Anyway, let me tell you 'bout the mouses and the mancats.

I know, I know.  I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin', the plural of mouse is mice and to tell you the truth, you'd be right about that, but let's face it, mouses and mancats has a nice kind of ring to it, for sure.

So anyway, the other night...  I mean, last night, my brother - who, by the way, is a mancat, even though he has been neutered - was dawdling a bit when Peep #1 was calling him inside.  The rest of us were in the house, gettin' ready for bed, but there was not a trace of Rushy to be seen.  That's when the peep went outside looking for him.  In her nightie.  MOUSES!

Yes my friends, it was a sight for sore eyes, for sure, but luckily for the peep, no one saw her but me.  I, of course, watched all there was to see from a window 'cause you know, that's the kind of cat I am.

Well Peep #1 called and called and called for Rushy and eventually, about ten minutes later, she heard him mewing.  He was coming from the backyard and he mewed to let her know.  He mewed, he was walkin', he stopped walkin', he darted under the ladybug hedge, and when he finally reappeared, he was no longer mewing.

Rushton then started to approach the peep again, and he was almost beside her, when he opened his mouth to once again mew, and lo and behold...  MOUSES!

That's right, my friends.  A mouse popped out of Rushton's mouth.  MOUSES!

Well the mouse was still alive, but not moving a lot, so Peep #1 went into full mouse-life-saving mode, even though it was after midnight and she was out there in nothin' but a nightdress.  Of course, Rushton went into full mouse-catching mode, at the very same time.

The peep won out.  She usually does in these matters.  Don't know how she does it - what with her walkin' about, teetering, on only two paws and no tail to keep her balance - but somehow...  Let me just say one thing though.  The peep is not afraid of usin' the hose.  More than once, one of us cats has fallen prey to the artificial rainfall thingy when after the local wildlife.  MOUSES!

Anyway, Rushton was brought inside and the mouse was gently placed up in the raised bed amongst the Dianthus and evening-scented stocks, where he could recover from the shock of his bein' carried about in a cat's mouth, before scampering off home.

But you know...

You know, to tell you the truth, I didn't think we even had any mouses - I mean, mice - left at our place.  I thought we cats had pretty much moused the whole place out.  Other than the mouse Rushy caught last night, I can't even remember the last time I saw one myself.

Of course, I was lookin' for mice...  I mean, mouses.  No, No... I mean, mice.  MOUSES!

Anyway...  I was lookin' for mice the other night.  Maybe three, four nights ago?  It had been hot and sticky and icky all day, so when it finally started to cool off in the evening, I thought to myself, I think I'll go get a breath of fresh air, outside.  And then I thought to myself, I wonder if there are any mice about, in these here parts.

I did have to wonder.  I couldn't take finding a mouse for granted, 'cause like I said, we cats have pretty much moused the place out.

Well time got away from me and it started to get late.  The sun had set and the air was finally oh-so-beautifully cool - well as cool as we were gonna get - and there were breezes and then...

And then I saw it.  That's when I saw the peep out in her nightdress.

Yes, this walkin'-about-outside-in-a-nightie business is an all-too-frequent occurrence at my house.

Well I ignored her for a bit, 'cause you know, I didn't want anyone knowin' I knew her.  But then she started callin' my name.  It's kinda hard for a kitty to convince the neighbours, you don't know the peep wandering about outside in the garden in her nightie, embarrassing herself, when said embarrassing peep is callin' YOUR name.  MOUSES!

So I called back to the peep, "Meow!"

Now unlike Rushton, I had not encountered any mice that night so I didn't have a mouse in my mouth, and when I mewed to the peep, nothin' fell out.

Well there I was at one end of the yard, with Ol' Peepers at the other, and she kept on callin' my name.  Obviously, she didn't understand that when I said "Meow" I really meant, "Stop sayin' my name, woman!  You're embarrassing me.  MOUSES!"

Well she just kept on callin' and callin' and she had this little flashlight with her that she was shinin' in my direction, every now and then.  Like she REALLY NEEDED to draw any more attention to herself.  MOUSES!

Finally I gave up the ghost...

No, there were no actual ghosts although truth be told, I nearly did die of embarrassment.

So anyway, I finally relented and started approaching the peep.  I mewed out to her - SEVERAL TIMES - "I'm comin', quit callin' my name.  You're embarrassing me!" but apparently, the peep didn't hear me, 'cause she continued to call out my name.  MOUSES!

When I finally got within arms' reach, I was scooped up, kissed and cuddled. Oh, the humiliation.  But durin' said scooping, the flashlight fell to the ground which was good in a way, 'cause it meant less of a chance of anyone seein' me bein' carted around by a peep in her nightie after midnight, out in the yard.

Let me tell you, the mancats at my house have to be constantly on the lookout for nothin'-but-nightie-wearin' peeps, walkin' about outside, callin' out our names, and embarrassing us to no end.  And let me tell you somethin' else.  It's pretty darned hard to watch out for these sources of embarrassment while, at the same time, we're lookin' for mouses - I mean, mice - that may or may not have been foolish enough to wander into our yard.  The only good thing I can say about all this, is that at least on the night when I was out, there were no mice about to see my embarrassment and humiliation.  MOUSES!


  1. To quote Holly Golightly in Breakfast At Tiffany's, "Quelle night!" ☺

    1. Hehe... Even Holly Golightly didn't wear a nightie while late night window shoppin' at Tiffany's. PURRS.

  2. MOUSES it is, fur sure! Hmmmm, how many make up mice and is there a plural for mice if there's lots of them? Miceses?

    1. It's complicated. All depends upon whether or not the mice are of the same kind of mice or different mousie species. Like the grass and grasses kind of thing. purrs

  3. Seville. . . . you had me ROFLMAO!!!!!! I can understand the peep going out in her nightie! I have done that myself when I used to live in the country with my Mom, and had to get one of my *kids* (cats) in the house also.

    Sorry it has been awhile, but it has been hectic here with work, work and more work. . . plus, my kitties keep me hoppin' -- no, not literally, thank goodness. . .but they do keep me busy -- lots of cuddles, kisses and playtime. . .q1<<< that is a message from my Mario. . . he likes to type occasionally. . .

    I recently got the *Rescued* book. . . haven't started reading it yet, but I am sure I will LOVE it!!

    kitty kisses, {{{hugs}}} and head bonkies from myself and my crew of 12 kitties (who are known as Vegeta and the Ricciardi Clan)♥♥♥

    1. Hi Mario! I like typin', too. So much easier to do than writin' with a pen on account of one needin' opposeable thumbs to hold onto said pens.

      You got a copy of Rescued? Wonderful! I think you'll enjoy it, for sure. Did you hear 'bout Andy gettin' his rescue story in Four Paws and 31 Tales? purrs

  4. y7u -- Seville, this was another message from Mario. . . ♥♥♥

    1. Before you know it, Mario is gonna be startin' to blog and that would be WONDERFUL, for sure! purrs

  5. Hey! Great minds thinks alike (sort of...) Mes blogged about mouses on Tuesday!
    PS. Mes has a contest going on, goes to my blog to enter!!!

    1. Oh my mouses, Nellie. Your mum is SO TALENTED! I entered the contest on your blog. LOVELY. purrs

  6. Geez, can't your get your human to wear something decent when she goes outside? Not that mine's any better - when she's outside in her workout clothes, she's not exactly dressed to impress!

    1. And you should see my peep when she's workin' in the garden! Oh my mouses, Summer. It's even worse than the nighties. Luckily, once she covers herself in dirt, you can't see the older, sometimes torn, clothes. That's right! She'll catch a shirt on a rose bush or somethin' and she just keeps on wearin' that very same shirt! MOUSES!

  7. We like the mouses and mancats rolls right off a cat's tongue. Maybe that could be the name of your Great Canadian Novel.

    We has never seen a mice, er mouse, but unfortunately we've see the mom bean in her nightie more often than we'd care to. Thankfully it's a rare sight to see her outdoors in it since we're only allowed outside when supervised and she won't do it at night.

    Well done to Rushton! Too bad he didn't get to invite said mouse into the house for dinner.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Like Nissy used to bring home the chippies! He was always offering the chippies dinner but never once did the peep serve 'em. MOUSES!

  8. PS. Today was the monthly *nip bath* for the kitties. . . Of course, they were blissfully happy!! ♥♥♥

    1. And I missed it? Awww.. MOUSES! Bet it was fun. purrs

  9. Oh my, peeps wandering around in a nightie is totally frowned on here too, and I think they can lock you up for it as well. At the Palace, it's right up there with "Peeps must not play with MY food!" purrs ERin

    1. I'm thinkin' they can lock you up for it, too, and... I'M WORRIED. Peep #1 does it WAY TOO MUCH, for sure. MOUSES!

  10. Mouse-saving mode? I don't think my momma has dat one.

    1. There's a button you have to turn on right behind the peep's left ear. purrs

  11. Oh, Seville. There are just too many funny parts in here to count. Poor Peep ... and I get frustrated with Bear when he reminds our readers of my Kit Kat habit :) I understand her mouse saving tactics ... I try to keep Bear from messing with anything that's alive (including insects). I understand they're fun to chase - but not so fun for the prey :)

    1. Your mum ever save snakes? My sister Connie was a great snaker. She LOVED brinin' home snakes and yup, Peep #1 would save every moused-up one. MOUSES!

  12. Oh my COD, that is too funny. Our Mom will go out at night every once in a while in her night clothes and it is so embarrassing. At least your Mom loves you and does all that..

    1. It IS embarrassing, isn't it? Why can the peep not understand? purrs

  13. Don't worry, Seville, a nightie is perfectly ok in the middle of the night, in your own garden ;) x

    1. Are you sure? Are you sure it's okay? But what if the neighbours see? What if they call the police? Or worse... ANIMAL CONTROL? MOUSES!

  14. doodz....sorree bout de hole mouze thing N trust uz when we say we noe bout peepz & em bear azzin de catz.....if we had ta list everee thing de food servizz gurl haz em bear azzed uz with...we wood all live ta see 900 livez, let a lone 9

    N hope full lee peep 1 forgetted de flashee lite waz out side & sum dawgz passed bye & took it home ☺☺☺♥♥♥

    1. I have bad news. Peep #1 went out yesterday and bought a new flashlight. This one is extra strong. I'm thinkin' there will be more embarrassing escapades in my future, for sure. MOUSES!

  15. Oh Seville - I so sorry I know it pawful having the peeps running around - be strong!!

    1. I'm tryin'. I'M TRYIN'! Have to try really hard, for sure. purrs

  16. Oh, those peeps can be so embarrassing sometimes! Out at night, in a nightie, calling your name?!? That sure is a nightmare. Well, I'm glad the peep at least dropped that flashlight, Seville, so you don't have to worry that anyone saw you getting snuggled. Although, I can't really blame the peep for wanting to snuggle you. After all, you are pretty darn cute.

    1. That's what SHE says but still... bein' snuggled in public by a nightie-wearin' peep is just too much! purrs

  17. No need for mouse saving mode here. We are safe and comfy inside our home and we have plenty of nip mouses to keep us busy, trust me. I do appreciate how frustrating it must be to have Peep #1 always saving your mouses.apologies for being absent so long. Ms Marjorie only just left and we are sorting out after a month of visitors and what not

    1. You met Ms Marjorie! Did she give you lots of scritches and kisses? purrs

    2. I let her touch my furs once and Mr Paul got to touch my furs several times but he was more pushy than Ms Marjorie. I never even gave him a smacky paw though

    3. No smacky paws? EXCELLENT. Tobias gave Rushton the smacky paws today. I'll probably blog about it, tomorrow. purrs

  18. A real live mousey Seville? MeOW, we's never even seen one. As fur da runnin' round peeps, mommy did dat very same thing last night. Only our mommy doesn't have a night dress, she was just wearin' an oversized shirt and some unmentionables. Fank catness she did have on unmentionables. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Yeah, I was just thinkin' that. THANK GOODNESS for the unmentionables. purrs

  19. O.M.C! We're dying of embarrassment for you clear over here.... Or maybe that's just our ginger coming out stronger than usual...

    1. Hehehee... My peep can embarrass ANY cat of ANY colour, for sure. MOUSES!

  20. Oh, Seville, we are so sorry you were embarrassed. Why do humans do that to us?

  21. I can't believe the peep turns the hose on you kitties to save a silly mouse that was trespassing. That is not right. I am sure one of you will catch him if he isn't smart enough to move to another yard.

    1. Yup, she has done it more than once. VERY LOCALISED rainfall, for sure. MOUSES!

  22. Rushton! I can imagine the embarrassment. Mom hasn't had to go after ME outside but she HAS had to go after others who came before me. Oh, she has gone in nighties, ugly pajamas, tattered shorts and's awful what they put us through. They need to wear a coat of glorious... furs like us.

    1. You've got THAT right! Imagine bein' seen outside with a peep in nothin' but a nightie. It's SUPER embarrassing, for sure. MOUSES!

  23. Humans are so weird sometimes... It's so embarrassing ! Purrs

  24. Dear heavens! What you had to go through! Did you know our peep wears cat ears? She's not a cat, good gracious. Do we go around wearing human ears on our head? As if we'd ever even want to pretend to be a human... they are far too weird a creature for us... but our peep wanting to pretend to be a cat, at least that we can understand.

    Happy Sunday from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties!

    1. I can TOTALLY see why your peep would wanna be a cat. I mean... we cats are PURRfect, for sure! purrs

  25. Someties a man cat just HAS to cope with a cuddle! Poor Seville!!

    1. I know... I KNOW... Bein' cuddled is part of the job, I suppose. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.