Sunday, 24 July 2016

a helpin' paw

Of all the ungrateful, unappreciative...


Hey there kitties.  Do you have problems with your peeps not appreciating you?  Not appreciating when you help 'em and stuff?  You know, when you lend 'em a helpin' paw?

Are your peeps constantly underestimating the value of your assistance?

Do your peeps recognize when you're bein' helpful and say, thank you very much, kind Sir, or...

...Or do they behave like mine.  MOUSES!

My peeps are the most ungrateful, unappreciative peeps there ever were.  I swear!  Yup, if there were ever a contest for ungratefulness and all-round lack of appreciation, my peeps would win said contest, PAWS DOWN.  Well hands down, I suppose, as they have hands instead of paws, but you get the idea, I am sure.  MOUSES!

Why just the other day, I was bein' ever-so-helpful, and started work on those pansies growin' along the side of the driveway.  With the heat and everythin' of the last few weeks, they've been lookin' pretty shabby.  Actually, shabby is a bit of an understatement.  Half-dead is more like it.  For some stupid reason, Peep #1 forgot that when it's super hot out, and doesn't rain much, you've gotta water the pansies.

NO, I did not quench their thirst by peein' on 'em.

I started digging 'em up.  MOUSES!

Anyway, you should have heard the words the peep used.  Mouses this and mouses that.  I could barely get a word in edgewise!  Like I said, I have super ungrateful and unappreciative peeps.

And it's not like she doesn't have more pansy babies waitin' to take their place.  I mean, she has a whole tray of 'em!  But she can't plant 'em out until the old, half-dead ones are removed, so you see my friends, by diggin' up those plants, I was HELPIN' the peep out, for sure.

In fact, if you think about it, I did all the hard work.  Plantin' is easy.  Diggin' 'em up?  In this heat? Not so much.

I'll write up a bill for her in the morning.  MOUSES!

Now I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin', Poor Seville.  Imagine havin' to live with a peep like that Peep #1.  Imagine having to put up with such ungratefulness and stuff.  Yes, I know you're all thinkin' that and I want you to know, I appreciate it very much.

But you know somethin'?


Just the other morning, around dawn...

Well I think it was around dawn.  I'm sure I heard a birdie or two singing, although the sun could barely be seen.

Anyway, the other morning around dawn, I realized that at that time of day, it was still nice and cool outside and I thought to myself, what a great time of day this would be to take a little stroll around the yard.

Problem was, Peep #1's alarm clock had not get gone off.  I think it was broken or somethin'. MOUSES!

So I, Seville the Cat, being the ever-so-helpful cat that I am, gave Peep #1 a gentle little nudge on her face, with my paw.

Now it's NOT MY fault, my gentle little nudge didn't wake her up 'cause she had been up late the night before.  Not my fault at all.

So I gave her a whack.  Well that did it, for sure.

Did I mention it was already dawn?  Well almost.  Well I think almost dawn.

Did I mention I think I heard a birdie singing?

NO, not an owl hooting.  A birdie.  The kind that sing in the wee hours of the mornin'.  MOUSES!

I should also mention somethin' else.  About this singing...  About this singing I thought I heard a birdie doing.  That singing was NOT what the peep sounded like at all.  I believe, if I am not mistaken, I heard the word mouses.  MOUSES!

So anyway...

So anyway, Peep #1 didn't get up.  Instead, she rolled over and told me to go back to bed.  Back to bed?  Why would I go back to bed when it was already time to get up?

A kitty helpin' out a peep by actin' like her alarm clock, 'cause hers is OBVIOUSLY broken, deserves a thank you at the very least and certainly does NOT deserve a Go back to bed Sivvers because I'm not letting you out until morning.

Did I mention 'bout that birdie I thought I heard singing?  Clearly it was gettin' ready to be dawn.

I should write up a bill for acting as her alarm clock, too.  Maybe if she sees it in writing, she'll learn to be a little more appreciative.  MOUSES!

But wait.  THERE'S MORE.

The other day, I accidentally knocked some stuff off the nightstand.  Well that's what the peep said. Really...

Really, I was dusting.

Like seriously, does the woman not know which end of the duster to use?  I mean...  REALLY?

Look, truth is, the nightstand looked a little dusty and I said to myself, Seville, be a nice kitty and dust off the top of that nightstand.  Peep #1 will say thank you, for sure.  So I got right to work and BY ACCIDENT, the alarm clock...

MOUSES!  I bet that's why that ol' alarm clock didn't go off the other morning.  I was right.  It IS broken, for sure.

Anyway, I got right to work dusting, and the next thing I knew...

The next thing I knew, I heard the peep sayin' somethin' about mouses again.  I mean, mice.  No, I mean mouses, for sure.  MOUSES!

But my point is this.  Peep #1 was ungrateful and unappreciative, and that, my friends, is puttin' it mildly.

Anyone know how much peeps charge for dusting 'cause I'm thinkin' I should write up a bill for my dusting work, too. MOUSES!


  1. Yup sounds like you had the time right, but peep was wrong... I had the same problem with mine too. Best thing is to got rid of that alarm clock then retrain using combined exercises... I find mouses of the live sort work just fine. Try it for a week and I think your problems will be solved. purrs ERin ps if you need any help, I am free most weekends for mouse chasing exercises!

  2. Don't feel too bad for not being appreciated, I often get no thanks for helping with the dusting. Same with my sisters with the duster tails!

    1. Peeps just don't know a good thing when they see one, I guess. purrs

  3. You should totally bill them for you service.

    1. I think so, too. Nip future investments, here I come! purrs

  4. Oh Seville you poor thing. You know us cats always have da right time. It's those things called clocks dat be so wrong. And me's thinkin' da diggin' is far harder than da plantin'. Good luck gettin' paid.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Yup, digging IS a lot harder than plantin', for sure. MOUSES!

  5. I has some ungrateful peeps too!

    1. You do? I wonder if ungratefulness is goin' around. MOUSES!

  6. You definitely should charge to dust. I am sorry your peeps are not more appreciative.

  7. Wow, Sivvers. Your peep is seriously ungrateful, considering how helpful you are. A little gratitude sure would go a long way, wouldn't it? MOUSES!

  8. What unappreciative humans! It's a wonder you bother doing anything at all for them.

    1. I know! I KNOW! Thanks so very much for understandin'. *sniffs* purrs

  9. We need a support group to discuss all these ungrateful peeps. "Hi ... I'm Bear Cat ... and my human is an idiot." That or we could hold a swap meet and trade them around a bit :)

    1. Hmmm... HMMM.... By golly, I THINK THAT WOULD WORK! purrs

  10. Seville, I must be a lucky Cat Mom, er, peep. . .Due to my work schedule (I am a poker dealer in a casino), I work mid to late nights. I am basically on a *cat* schedule!! I am usually going to sleep just as the sun is coming up, so my *kids* are usually ready to sleep at that time. And since we live in an apartment next to a very busy roadway, the *kids* don't go outside at all. They don't seem to mind -- as long as they have Mom Cat! The bonus to them being all indoor only is that I don't get flea problems. My *kids* all love me dearly, and want to be wherever I happen to be in the house. But since they are indoor only, that is why I give them *nip baths* -- so they can have greens in their diet (you kitties need 'em too) -- plus the bonus of them having a ball afterward!

    kitty kisses {{{hugs}}} and head bonkies from all of us!! ♥♥♥

    1. I am SO JEALOUS of those nip baths. Really, I am. I never knew you were a poker dealer. Bet you know some cool cats, for sure. purrs

  11. We seem to never get credit for all the good stuff we do around the house and yard yet our peeps are more than happy to point out in judgement shall we say. Dusting is a helpful thing to do and heaven knows pansies need to be thinned once in a while too. Seville, I'm sure that your human will see the error of her ways - if not - well - you may have to deposit a little "gift" in her slipper some morning!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Her birthday IS comin' up... Well actually, it's not for a couple of months. Wonder if I can wait that long to give her that gift. MOUSES!

  12. What?!? Your peep didn't even appreciate you dusting, Seville?!? What kind of peep doesn't understand the value of a good duster?!? Well, I guess you'll just have to forgive your peep, Seville. I know that sounds ridiculous, but when you think of it, peeps' brains are just so slow, they're like mud compared to yours. Peeps sometimes just don't know any better.

    1. I think you might have a point there. I mean, they do try their best, don't they. Peeps, I mean. Not their fault their best is so lax. MOUSES!

  13. Humans are often so ungrateful ! We're sorry you didn't get any treats, or at least any "thank you" for your help. Purrs

    1. A little thank you would have gone a very long way, for sure. purrs

  14. Your peep is certainly very unappreciative! mine is almost as bad though. If I catch a mouse I always bring it in for her to save her getting supper. After all my hard work she tells me to take "that thing" outdoors.

  15. That was so nice of you to dust. Weird that the Peep #1 didn't appreciate all the hard work. You're doing double duty -- cleaning, waking people up. What's next? Cooking? Laundry?

    1. I'm not allowed to use the stove but laundry I've helped with MANY a time. MOUSES!

  16. I think you better come to live at our place, Seville, Granny appreciates everything I do for her, especially the wake-up call *in the middle of the night* and the digging in the garden a.s.o...except of one thing, the birdie that I brought lately to fact the only birdie in our garden...I had to watch how she burried it on Angel's Place with tears... Pawkisses for a wonderful day full of gratefulness :) <3

    1. Really? You must have THE BEST Granny, for sure. I shall prepare the teleportation device, now. PURRS.

  17. Harvey thinks your timing is spot on - you and he use the same watch I'm sure *sigh*

    1. Harvey's has the 'break of dawn' settin', too? purrs

  18. Oh Seville, you are such a big help for sure. Just look at all those things that you do to help. That peep just couldn't do without you. We think you do a great job.

    1. Seriously, she couldn't. SERIOUSLY. I mean, she NEEDS my help, for sure. purrs

  19. We felines do nothing but work, work, work to make our hooomins' lives better but do they appreciate it??? NO!!! We need to unionize!!

    1. We really do! Doesn't Austin have a cat union of some sort on the go? purrs

  20. After all that underappreciated work you have been doing Sevvy, your Peep should be planting you a big nip garden! She better get that alarm clock fixed so she can get up bright and early and beat the heat to do it too MOL!

    1. Problem is, my peep is USELESS when it comes to the growin' of the nip. I even looked into a Growin' Nip for Dummies book for her! MOUSES!

  21. Sivvers, I've always told you to quit being such a help to your Peep. She has never ever shown her gratitude sufficiently. Put your paws down and demand TWO nip gardens

    1. Two nip gardens filled to the brim with LIVE nip. So far, she has really only mastered the killin' of the nip plants part. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.