Wednesday, 1 June 2016

all nice and cozy

Well let me tell you, the peep has finally gone off her rocker.  Not that she actually had a rocker from which to 'get off' as in this here multi-cat household, rockers are simply not allowed - on account of the tail thing - but if she had a rocker to get off, she would be off it, for sure.  MOUSES!

Now I know what you're thinking.  You thinking, what's new 'bout that? And to tell you the truth, you'd be making a good point.

Truth be told, I misspoke when I used the word finally.  I mean, that kinda makes it sound like it was the first time Peep #1 had fallen off that ol' metaphorical rocker of hers and that, my friends, is simply not true.  More like it was the first time she had gone off her rocker that day.  Well... maybe that week.  Yeah, that sounds about right, for sure.  MOUSES!

Let me start from the beginning.

Last night, I wandered into the family room and what did my kitty cat eyes see?  They saw Peep #1 knitting.

Was the peep knitting something useful like a nip mouse or a biff bag, you ask?  Nope.  No sirree. The peep was knitting a cowl.  A cowl as in like a round kind of scarfy kind of thing.  As in something you might wear in winter.

Now at this sight I stopped short and said to the peep, "What the mouses are you doing?  Do you not know that today is the hottest day of the year?  Got the ol' humidex goin' and everything."

And it was, my friends.  It was!  So far, yesterday, which was today when I originally asked the question, was the hottest day of 2016, here in the valley, in Nova Scotia.

Well that ol' Peepers just looked at me and said she was makin' a gift for someone.  A gift that would keep 'em all nice and cozy, she said.

That's when I said, "All nice and cozy!  Do you not realize this is the hottest day of the year? Peeps don't wanna be cozy.  What they'll want is a fan.  MOUSES!"

Of course, the peep ignored me, completely.  Instead of answering my question, she finished up the cowlly scarf - or should that be scarfy cowl? - and put it away.  Next thing I knew she was starting up something else.

So I looked in her knitting bag of tricks and saw that she was using a different kind of yarn and lo and behold, she had two balls of it going at the same time.   MOUSES!

"Oh Peepers," I said.  "You've got your yarns all mixed up and screwy.  You making a fan like I suggested, earlier?  An extra-thick one?  That why you're using two balls at once?"

Peep #1 looked at me and said, "No, now that I've finished the cowl, I'm making a tea cozy."

"A tea cozy!  MOUSES, WOMAN!  Why-oh-why would my nip tea need a cozy to keep warm?  I prefer it iced," I explained, even though she really should have known that already.  MOUSES!

"It's not for you, Seville," said the peep.  "It's a tea cozy for me.  And not for nip tea, either.  It's for black tea which I enjoy, hot."

I slapped a paw to my forehead 'cause for a brief moment there, I was speechless.  Then I recovered.

"Your tea comes hot out of the kettle," I explained to the peep.  "No need to keep it all nice and cozy. Besides, your cozy thing is gonna get all wet."

I sat there imagining that ol' peep of mine, placing a teabag on her cozy, and pouring hot water over the whole thing, making one really big ol' soggy mess.  Then she'd have to squeeze the tea out of the cozy in order to drink it, and the mess she made would get even messier.  MOUSES!

"The cozy goes on the teapot, Seville.  The tea is in the pot.  The cozy doesn't get wet."

So I thought about this for a moment or two, giving myself a good ol' scratch behind the ear, and then said, "Are you forgetting that today is the hottest day of the year?  No need to keep ANYTHING all nice and cozy.  What we're in dire need of are fans.  Why can't you knit up one of those instead of your stupid cowls and tea cozies which are clearly meant for winter.  MOUSES!"

Peep #1 just looked at me with a blank stare.  Clearly, she was trying to respond and finding herself unable.  Brain was likely trying to climb back up onto her metaphorical rocker, I suspect.

Taking pity upon that ol' peep of mine, who was obviously in denial of the summer weather, I put a paw on her hand and said, "It's okay, Peepers.  Don't fret.  If you need something cozy, I know exactly what to get.  And it's appropriate for summer, too!  I'll go find you a nice cozy mystery to read which will keep your heart all nice and cozy without making you feel like you're boiling to death."

And with that I trotted off to my office to get Ol' Peepers a nice cozy mystery to read so that she could put away her stupid knitting.

Let me clarify something.  IF the peep were knitting nip mice or biff bags, her knitting would not be stupid but as she was instead knitting wintry stuff in summery weather, stupid it was, for sure. MOUSES!

So I brought the peep a nice book to read and then I thought aloud to myself, "OH MY MOUSES!  I need to tell my readers who won the autographed copy of the amazing cozy mystery, Out of the Dying Pan, written by my pal, Linda Reilly!"  I then tossed the new book onto the peep's lap and ran into my office to write this here blog post, to let everyone know 'bout the results of the draw.

Drum roll, please...

And the winner of the autographed copy of Out of the Dying Pan is my friend, Quinn!  Quinn who writes the lovely blog, Catitude. CONGRATULATIONS QUINN!!!

Quinn, I need your address so that Linda can mail you your prize.  If you would please leave it as a comment on my blog, I'll get the peep to write it down, then delete the comment before publishing, so that the whole world doesn't know where you live.  Thanks.

And many thanks to everyone else who entered and ESPECIALLY BIG THANKS to Linda Reilly, herself, for offering to autograph a copy of her book for one of my readers to win.  Thank you Linda!!!  You really are THE BEST.


  1. My momma knits does scarves all da time. I don't get it.

  2. MOL MOL MOL!!!!!! Seville, when my Mom was still living, she did the same thing!! -- only hers was crocheting -- and she made crazy winter things in the heat of summer as well!! MOUSES!! I have zero talent for that type of stuff. But my *kids* will tell you that I'm the best Cat Mom!!

    GRATZ to Quinn!! I have already added Linda's books to my wish list on Amazon -- along with many others you have spoken about or advertised. . . *(such as the *Rescued* in the pic). . . ♥

    love,kitty kisses and head bonkies from myself and the 12 kitties of *Vegeta and the Ricciardi Clan* ♥♥♥

    Seville: if you go to Mimi the Bengal Girl's facebook page(she is one of my girls now as her Mommy passed away in January), I have posted a pic of Mimi getting a NIP BATH!!!!!!! ♥♥♥

    1. You're gonna LOVE Linda's books, for sure. I love them myself. purrs

    2. I saw Mimi getting her nip bath! Bliss.

  3. Knitting in the heat?
    We don't get it either :o
    Humans are weird and this confirms it!
    Even our mum has moments :/
    We are happy to hear our friend Quinn and her mum are winners :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. Yup, if there's ONE thing we can learn from all this it's that humans are weird, and that, my friends, is for sure. purrs

  4. I seriously didn't know that tea needed to be cozy, but nip tea does make us cozy though!

    1. How true! Even iced it makes you feel warm and cozy all over. purrs

  5. Mommy doesn't knit or crotchet. We have an almost dead lectric fan. And an a/c which will we hope be fixed by the end of the week. But seriously, we were COLD today! Even the almost dead lectric fan was way too cold!

    1. You were cold today? Here, our weather has been up and down but I can't say any days in the last week were actually cold. purrs

  6. Beans sure do silly things. Good thing you're around to take care of your Peeps.

    Concats to Quinn!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. They sure do! Seems to come to 'em naturally. purrs

  7. Humans are known to do strange things! Nothing surprises me anymore.

    1. Only thing that would surprise me is for Peep #1 to NOT be weird. That would be super weird, for sure. MOUSES!

  8. Quinn's going to be one cozy cat with that fab new mystery. Hmm, maybe peep could knit a cozy book cover for it too? purrs from your pal. Erin

  9. My Momma isn't smart enough to knit (she's tried and tried ...), however, every so often she does a sewing project (like the body-sized pillow?!?! What? I'm not a good enough snuggler now?). After a few incidents of me walking off with anything she's using, she now goes in the bathroom and starts the shower because she thinks I'll be fooled and not come to help. Joke's on her! ~Bear Cat

    1. Your peep is one step ahead of mine. She has the fabric to sew up a pillow cover but doesn't know how. MOUSES!

  10. dood....ther must bee sum thin in de "air" coz de food serviss gurlz makin "noe sew shelter blankets" for sum cats rite fabric iz temperaturez high 80's.....yea....sum thins in de air all rite.....& hay, conga rats two ewe quinn on winnin de total lee awesum miss tree book !! ♥♥♥

  11. Yes, it does sound like she is quite off her rocker. And I am very glad you do not actually have any rockers there. Dangerous type chairs, those.

  12. Concatulations to Quinns Mommy!!! Mes KNOWS she is going to loves the book! And The weasels is a pain! Who does yous thinks they is working for? They gotted my computer AGAIN!!!

    1. Well they have that whole Weasel Syndicate thingy goin'. What's that, Peepers? Oh yeah. I forgot. The peep has reminded me the weasels don't like it when I call their syndicate a thingy. MOUSES!

  13. Congratulations Quinn! I am sorry the peep was wasting time on something so ridiculous instead of making some nice nip bags for you.

    1. I know! Biff bags can be knitted AT ANY TIME of year. Wintry cowls and things, not so much. MOUSES!

  14. We're sure you will be able to teach your Mom to knit although we tried with our Mum but she kept forgetting whether she was knitting or purling and kept asking us silly questions about it! Now do we look like lady cats who knit???? Of course not as it's not anything cats do.

    1. Oh she can knit all right. Problem is, she makes stupid decisions as to what she SHOULD nip. Biff bags... good. Cowls, not so much. MOUSES!

  15. Well Seville, sometimes you gotta whip those peeps into shape, don't ya'. Me's mommy doesn't know da furst thing 'bout knittin', but she says it's really great dat your peep does. Concats to Quinn too.

    Luv ya'


    1. If ONLY she would knit more sensible things. purrs

  16. Our human is always doing stuff with yarn too... starts out small enough, next thing you know, she's covered in a blanket of yarn. And we live in Florida where it's always hot... doesn't make any sense at all. The whole knitting world has gone mad... Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

    1. Maybe that's the problem? Maybe the knitting world is in another dimension and the rules of our physical universe simply don't apply. MOUSES!

  17. we need more than knitted fans here I can tell you Sivvers! MOUSES! is right! Glad Mom L doesn't do any of that knittin' stuff

  18. Seville, I put my paw down years ago. No knitty needles allowed in my house! They make dangerous things like...bonnets for cats. Hoomons think making stuff for cats to wear is cute. But its not. It's hoomiliating! So I nipped that whole idea in the bud. Nipped it right away. Hm. Nip. Speaking of nip... Gotta run! Now where did I leave my nip mousie?

    1. Cat hats? MOUSES! Peep #1 had better not come up with somethin' like that. Humiliating is right. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.