Wednesday, 27 January 2016

way to go, bro

Dum de dum de dum de dummm...  Dum de dum de dooo...  Hmm, I think I'll spend some time in the living room this afternoon.  Maybe curl up with a good nip mouse or...

Who am I kidding?  ALL nip mice are good. MOUSES!

Well maybe not a nip mouse a fur-sib has slobbered all over.  Heck, I'm not even partial to nip mice I've slobbered all over, never mind someone else.  Always best to let your nip mice dry out between slobberings, I should think. MOUSES!

But back to the topic on paw.  I think I'll curl up with an unslobbered upon nip mouse and have a little nap in the living room this afternoon.  Ah yes, that sounds just about perf...


What?  What the mouses?  PEEPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peepers, what is the meaning of this?  Why is this living room door closed?  I banged into the closed door, bumping my head and everything.  Ouch, that hurt.  What is this insanity that is before me?  MOUSES!

What?  WHAT?  Are you kidding me?  Really?  REALLY?  Awww...  MOUSES!

Way to go, bro.  MOUSES!

As you may remember, my last blog post was about how unfair it was that whenever I get into mischief, I get caught on account of the shedding of my gorgeous ginger fur even though my two long-haired marmie brothers get away with almost everything on account of their lack of shedding of fur.  It's true, I shed you not.  Yeah, I wrote all about it on Sunday and entitled the post, "I shed you not," and everything.  MOUSES!

Anyway, as unfair as that may sound - AND IS, something even more unfair has happened and yes, this additional unfairness with which I have been plagued is due to a long-haired marmie feline brother, too.    Like I said earlier, way to go, bro.  MOUSES!

Apparently, Peep #2 was walking past the living room door and heard the unmistakable sound of claws on furniture and saw the unmistakable sight of a long-haired marmalade cat named Anderson, making that unmistakable sound on the furniture that resides in the living room.  As a result of these unmistakable sounds and sights, the living room has been placed off limits to cats.  MOUSES!

Truth be told, the living room is often off limits to us cats on account of...  well...  scratching and stuff but this year, we've had FREE ACCESS since before Christmas.  It's true!  Both living room doors have been left open since the Christmas tree went up in December and closed only briefly on Christmas Eve so that Santa could leave our prezzies without any of us getting in there and opening them all up before Christmas morning - which, by the way, is something most all of us would have done, given the chance. The Christmas tree is still...

Oh yeah, did I not mention that?  The Christmas tree is still up.  January 27th and it's still up.  Can you believe it?  Peep #1 said something about trying to get it down by Valentine's so she still has another couple of weeks.  MOUSES!

Anyway, like I was saying, we cats have had free access to the living room since before Christmas and let me tell you, we've been enjoying it a lot.  Until today.  Until today when Andy got caught scratching on the furniture and the doors were shut up tight.  Well tightly, but you get the picture, I am sure.  And, of course, that was why I bumped my head on one of those closed doors.  I never expected it to be closed or anything.  Why, it's been open since before Christmas!  MOUSES!

You know, just because you're a long-haired marmalade cat who can almost always get away with mischief-making on account of not leaving any evidence in the form of fur that has been shed because for some weird and wacky reason your fur never sheds, it doesn't mean you don't have to be careful.  It doesn't mean you can get all wild and willy and go on a furniture-scratching crime spree.  You still have to be careful not to actually be caught in the act of doing said mischief. Peeps don't need to look for trace evidence if you're caught in the act.  Peeps around here think nothing of using eye-witness testimony, especially when the eye witness testimony is coming from the peeps.  MOUSES!

And now, all because Anderson wasn't careful enough not to be caught committing his crimes, we're all locked out of the living room.  He did the crime and WE'RE ALL doing the time.

We will not, however, be doing said time in the living room.

Had that been the case, I wouldn't have minded one bit.  'Cept, of course, for this bump on my forehead on account of my slamming into that closed living room door.  Yeah, that's gonna leave a mark, for sure.  Luckily for me, my lovely short ginger fur covers it up quite
                                                                                       nicely.  MOUSES!


  1. Uh Oh Marmelade, sounds like you are in some trouble. How could anyone so handsome get into trouble. But I am sure you will be forgiven really soon.

    1. Yeah, peeps always forgive Andy lickity-split. MOUSES!

  2. Oh crap! You mean we're not supposed to scratch the living room furniture??? MOUSES!!!

    1. I know! OUR furniture. We should get to scratch as much as we like. MOUSES!

  3. Well, that is just wrong! Kitties are supposed to be allowed everywhere and closed doors are supposed to be illegal - it's all in Sparkle's notes that she left me, and Binga vouches for this!

    1. You have that down on paper? Could I borrow those notes? purrs

  4. Not scratch the furniture??? Isn't that what it's for? Oh dear, she we be concerned?

  5. Locked out and Knocked out, Mouses! Maybe peep could install for you, Seville, a swipe card thing for access to the living room, on account of you being more trust worthy than your brothers.. purrs

  6. I am sorry you bumped your head on the door. That is wrong, you shouldn't be locked out of the livingroom, it is for living, right? I thought I was bad with my tree up until the 14th. Maybe she could get some heart to decorate it with :)

  7. What have you done Anderson? Now everyone has to suffer!

  8. dood...if we iz knot mizz door ta de room oh... all grate nezz.... can be sawed thru at sum week point....coz ya noe what they say bout wood & sawz....frank lee we dont either but we hurd itz knot a good combo....just sayin... but ya dinna heer thiz "tip" frum uz... ;)


    1. Hmmm... HMMM... Saws and wood, you say? I like it! Now should I go with the saw or just a shoe through the glass. It's a glass door, you see. purrs

  9. Wait ... scratching furniture... Dood, criminal offense.
    And CLOSED DOORS? Criminal. TOTALLY criminal.

    1. Seriously. If ANYONE here should be locked behind closed doors, it should be those criminal peeps. MOUSES!

  10. Not scratch the furniture ? Are you kidding ? Purrs

  11. What furniture isn't supposed to be scratched?

    1. That's what they say but I'm not ready to believe 'em. MOUSES!

  12. Thankfully I have my own nip slobbered on mousie that TKS dares not touch. And neither of us ever claws anything but one of our scratchers. Hope you get back in the living room Seville

    1. As do I. I'm longing for some living room time. purrs

  13. Oh no! Not the furniture!
    Then again, a cats got to do what a cats got to do...

    Noodle and crew

  14. We totally understand Seville, our mom bean gets so upset when we use the furrniture for scratching posts. But we're a little luckier as there are no doors on the living room.

    Hope you all get early parole.
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. No doors on the living room? That IS lucky, for sure. purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.