Sunday, 18 October 2015


At my house, the peeps have learned to respect the cat with the sharpest claws.

Okay, maybe that's not quite right.  Truth is, they respect the cat who has the sharpest wit and isn't afraid to use his claws.

And that would be me. MOUSES!

Now that we have that out of the way, let's talk some more about this thing called respect, shall we?

The other day, I heard someone say, "He don't respect me."  Now lack of respect for the English language and grammar aside, there most definitely is something to be said about the lack of respect in today's society.  As a cat and a blogger, I am faced with this lack of respect on an almost daily basis and I have to say, it's beginning to get on my nerves.  MOUSES!

Are you aware that some peeps out there don't consider me to be their equal?  It's true.

Part of that lack of respect is, I do believe, the fact that I'm a cat.  Can you believe it?  The fact that I walk on four paws instead of two, and happen to have a tail, is no reason to disrespect me. Again I must say, MOUSES!

You know, when one walks on four paws instead of two, one is far less likely to fall down. MOUSES!

For example, when I write a particularly engaging post on my blog, everyone and all their uncles assume the peep has written it.  Same thing if I happen to win an award.  Used to happen with Nissy, too.

You might find it hard to believe but it's a fact.  I've heard these people with my very own ears. "Oh, but it's really you writing," they say to the peep, winking uncontrollably like they have a whole beach full of sand in their eyes.  And although the peep always answers with, "No, it's Seville's blog," they just keep on winking.  Yup, winking up a storm.  A sandstorm, in fact.   The sandstorm of all sandstorms, to be sure.

They're trying to trip up the peep, I do believe, and it makes me worry.  Makes me worry that one day, they will trip up Peep #1 on account of her walking on only two feet.  As I mentioned earlier, walking on four paws is a far more stable way to walk.  MOUSES!

Why does everyone assume Peep #1, simply by virtue of her being a peep, is a better writer than I, Seville the Cat?  It makes no sense.  Have they actually read any of her stuff?  MOUSES!

Truth be told, the peep and I both have blogs.  At least I assume the peep still has hers.  Hasn't been updated in I don't know how long.  No, seriously, I don't know.  I'm not sure anyone does. Yes, my friends, it has been that long.  She's an incredibly inconsistent blogger.  The only thing consistent about her blogging is her inconsistency.  MOUSES!

What's more, nobody reads the peep's blog and when I say nobody, I really do mean nobody.  I could make some silly joke about a guy named Nobody being the only reader she has but honestly, even he doesn't read The Peep's Cheeps any more.  It's because she never updates it, you see.

So who's the better writer, huh?  The peep or me? Clearly, it's me.  Oh should that be I?  Hmmm... Yup, clearly it is I.  You see?  Peep probably doesn't even know that.  MOUSES!

But as a blogging kitty, I get the double-whammy lack of respect.  Not only are there those who don't respect us kitties, but there are those who don't respect us bloggers, either.  Let me tell you what happened just last week.

As you know, here in Canada, we have an election coming up.  Tomorrow, in fact.  In fact, by the time some of you read this here blog post, the election might already have been past.  What you might also already know is that in this election, peeps have to prove they are who they say they are, before they can vote.

Ignoring the whole issue that as a cat I don't get to vote which clearly indicates a great lack of respect towards the feline species...

Okay, moving on.

The other day, our weekly local paper reported that in order to vote, peeps needed to show photo ID. Something like a driver's licence.  Yup, that's what they said.  They said, well, rather they wrote, that photo ID was required.  Not helpful or useful but rather, required.

Now here's the thing.  That's not true.  It's not true at all.  Not even in the least.  And had that reporter read the blog post I had written the week before, "get out and vote," he would have known that.  MOUSES!

Some might say I'm making mountains out of molehills but to those people I would answer, molehills are mountains.  No self-respecting cat ever ignores a molehill because as cats, we like to keep track of all resident moles.

But mole counting aside, this is really serious stuff.  The fact is that in order to vote in tomorrow's election, you can use photo ID such as a driver's licence but there are all sorts of other forms of ID you can use, too.  And they don't have to have your picture on them, either.  There are well over three dozen non-photo forms of identification Elections Canada will accept, as long as one of those pieces of ID has your current address on it.  Plus, there's even a third option where you can have another voter attest to your identity.

So what happens when someone reads in the paper that they don't get to vote unless they show photo ID?  What happens to the person who reads that and doesn't have any photo ID?  I can tell you what might happen.  They just might read that and decide, since they won't be allowed to vote anyway, they won't bother going to the polling station.

Now do you see why this is such an important error?  One moment of carelessness and...   MOUSES!

For my blog post, I got my information straight from the horse's mouth.  Okay, maybe there weren't any actual horses involved.  No ponies either.  But my facts were absolutely factual.  I took them straight from the literature mailed out by Elections Canada and double-checked them on their on-line site.  The peep even spoke with an Elections Canada official although truth be told, she did that after my post had already been published.  But the bottom line is, my facts were fact and to this day, remain factual.

But back to the issue of respect or lack thereof.

Peeps naturally respect newspapers.  Read it in a paper and it's like it's written in stone. Newsflash...  Newspapers haven't been printed in stone since Bedrock's The Daily Granite went on-line.  MOUSES!

But does the public show the same respect they have for newspapers, to bloggers and more importantly, blogging kitties, too?  Sadly, no.

You see, if a blogging kitty, such as myself, publishes something contradictory to what a real newspaper publishes, it will always be assumed that the newspaper is correct and that I, as a kitty and a blogger, am not.  Obviously, this shows a lack of respect.  A lack of respect directed towards the blogging kitties of the world.  MOUSES!

When you're publishing something important, you've gotta check your facts. Check 'em once, twice and even thrice.

What do you think would happen if a Toronto paper accidentally published misinformation about the score at a Blue Jays' game?  A riot, most likely. Good thing that didn't happen. MOUSES!

And for anyone reading this blog post before tomorrow's election...  You do NOT need photo ID in order to vote! You do need identification, yes. It does not need to be of the photographic kind.  And if you have any questions at all, check with Elections Canada at or call 'em up at 1-800-463-6868,  They'll tell you what you really do need and exactly what you don't.

And most importantly of all, show respect for your country and respect for democracy by voting tomorrow.   October 19th is the big day!  Canadian citizens, 18-years-old and older, each have one vote so VOTE TOMORROW or forever hold your peace.  Or at least until the next election.  MOUSES!


  1. Same here in UK. Peeps have ceased to believe or respect anything other than headlines or sound-bites. Not sure if those bites are cheese flavoured?

  2. Great article Seville!
    It was peeps that decided peeps were better than cats.
    That makes them more trustworthy? Sheesh. Knowing our peep is lazy, we made sure she voted in the advance polls ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. Peeps deciding peeps.... MOUSES! Sounds a little like foxes in charge of the hen house, for sure. purrs

  3. I really don't see anymneed for a photo ID either. Where we live an IQ test would be nice though MOL!

  4. We believes you writes efurry word Seville. No way could a bean know all the stuff you know...cuz we all know kitties are smarter than beans. We must be 'cuz they are our servants.

    Anyway, the mom bean says she will be voting tomorrow for sure and our bean brofur will be voting for the furst time. Even if she has to drag him there by the ear. Sheesh, she must be serious.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Your brother bean still have both his ears? Just checking... purrs

  5. My human always votes in our elections - and she makes her boyfriend do it too. Plus she doesn't try to take blog writing credit away from me. So she is fairly smart for a human.

    1. Boy-oh-boy, she really is. You lucked out and got a super smart peep, for sure. purrs

  6. An impawtant post for Canadian voters Seville......I hope everyone who CAN vote does.............!

    Hugs, Sammy

  7. Well that was certainly an entertaining blog on voting. Excellent writing that I respect and so do the kitties here at The ARC, Well done from all of us, hugs and purrs.

    1. Awww.... Thanks so much, Sue. You're a wonderful pal, for sure. purrs

  8. Well, we know who we respect, Seville. And it's not the peep's silly newspapers. We respect the kitties because, seriously, they have no hidden agenda.

  9. That winking thing cracked me up!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. And if the peep were to start winking back while balancing herself - PRECARIOUSLY - on only two paws... MOUSES! purrs

  10. I know darn well you write your own blog Seville (I still love your name!!) because I was latin' in your bed as you were doing so. I was watching you.

  11. Seville, you kitties are the ones with all the respect. Just think, do you scoop our poop? No, we scoop yours so you are definitely in the lead :)

  12. So we wrote you a comment, and the dumb typist hit some key and it disappeared. We are just going to say, now that she messed it up, that we totally respect you, Sivvers, just as we did your brother Nissy. We cats have got to stick together. MOUSES! This could be something N.U.C.A.T should investigate. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Oh yes! I think N.U.C.A.T. should investigate, for sure! purrs

  13. No Peep could have it said better than you, Seville and that's why we vote virtual for you, as we are not from Canada. Pawkisses for a Respectful Week :) <3

    1. Hmmm... Next time, I'll see if I can arrange ballots by mail. purrs

  14. Very important post ! Being allowed to vote is a privilege, and everyone who can vote should do it. And of course, we know that YOU have written every single word of your posts ! Purrs

  15. To know a cat is to respect a cat. And, of course, we all know that YOU are the one writing this blog. Otherwise, why would we be reading :-)

  16. Great post Seville! Respect and exercise your right to vote, not everyone gets that ability to have their voice heard!

    1. That's true. Perhaps in the future, everyone will. purrs

  17. Great post Seville! Respect and exercise your right to vote, not everyone gets that ability to have their voice heard!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.