So the other day... Well actually it was only yesterday, I decided to do just that. Keep my peeps on their toes, I mean. In particular, Peep #1. She's been slacking, lately, and I figured something needed to be done about that. MOUSES!
So I enlisted the aid of my fur-sibs and together, we formulated a plan. A plan involving an entire day of doing what needed to be done to get Peep #1 hopping.
First of all, we hired some rabbits. JUST KIDDING! Actually, they were hares. Hopping hares.
Oops! Wrong hare. Wrong kind of hare. They were hairs. Well, hair. And we didn't exactly hire them. Or rather, it. No, we didn't hire the peep's hair. And the peeps hair didn't hop, either. Too bad though because hopping hair would be quite the sight to see, for sure.
What's that, Peepers? Okay, FINE. Yesterday's festivities did not actually involve the peep's hair. I got a little carried away there, with the hopping and the rabbits and the hares and then, of course, the hair. Truth be told, there was no hair involved. MOUSES!
But there was hopping...
The day began with my wandering into the back yard only to find Tess and Mason camped out under the big old oak tree back there. Of course, I assumed they were waiting for The Crow Show to begin. Assumed they had scored some good seating for the matinee performance and were staking their claim to those seats until it began.
At least, that's what I thought when I first saw them. Then I realized that the seats they had weren't the best seats at all. Oh no. Mason and Tess were, in fact, in the drop zone. Some of the worst seats around.
In case you're wondering what the drop zone is, let me explain. The cast of The Crow Show is comprised of crows. The big old oak tree is the stage. Those actors, who are crows, spend a lot of time on that stage and almost never go backstage to uh... you know... do their business. Nope, they do it right there on the stage. Therefore, the area directly beneath the stage is - you guessed it - the drop zone. The worst seats in the house. MOUSES!
Anyway, once I realized where Mason and Tess were sitting, I knew there was no way, no how, that they had staked claim to those particular seats. I knew they must be up to something else. Something naughty, most likely. You know sisters, right? Right. So, of course, I went and got the peep.
Returning with the peep, I pointed with a paw to my sisters and then stepped back to watch what would happen next. In case you didn't realize it, although The Crow Show is the longest running Off Broadway show, EVER, with the possible exception of Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap and the probable exception of Where'd That Mouse Go? - author unknown but happening near a mouse hole near you, it's not nearly as good of a show as watching fur-sibs getting in trouble. MOUSES!
It didn't take long for Peep #1 to figure out what was going on. Tess and Mason had chased a poor little chippie up the tree.
Of course, Peep #1 was all excited to see the chippie in the first place. Since the arrival of the gargantuan-sized grey squirrels, the little red squirrels and the chipmunks have been avoiding my yard like mice avoid a house filled with cats. In fact, I don't even remember the last time I saw a red squirrel and as for chippies, the only ones I've seen in the last few years are the ones Nissy used to bring home for supper.
And when I say Nissy used to bring them home for supper, I mean that quite literally. Remember? He used to bring them home, right into the house, where he let them loose, hoping the peep would serve them supper and usually, she did. She gave them walnuts and hazelnuts and all sorts of yummy things before catching them and showing them the door. Outside, they only have access to plain old acorns, you see.
Anyway, back to the chippy at paw. So there was this poor little chippy stuck up in the tree. Not too high up. He was too scared to move, I do believe.
No sooner did Peep #1 realize what was happening but she was off rescuing the chippy. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's SUPERPEEP! Peep #1 picked up the little chippie and carried him over to the apple tree where he could rest comfortably in the nook of two branches before scampering off home, wherever that may have been.
And speaking of scampering....
Yesterday afternoon, Peep #1 decided to tackle the next portion of that stupid hedge she is trying to get rid of and while she was hacking away at it, I happened to notice my sister, Tess, scampering down the driveway. Or is that up? Hmmm.. Doesn't matter, she was scampering toward the road so I let the peep know in no uncertain terms that Tess was up to no good.
Peep called Tess back, once, and was ignored. Called her a second time and was ignored again. After the third time, Peep #1 put down her bush whackers and saw and snippery things and headed on down the driveway, herself.
She followed Tess down the road as Tess was trotting to the neighbours' house, next door. Tess walked along the road, up the neighbours' driveway and into their yard. Peep followed and just before Tess was about to step onto their lawn, the peep swooped in and snatched her up, before carrying her home. Tess, of course, complained miserably the entire time.
Peep #1 set Tess down in our yard but five minutes later, she was scampering off down the driveway, again. MOUSES!
Ignoring the peep's pleas to come home, Tess trotted down the road to the neighbours' house again. Once more Peep #1 had to follow suit. Now if you heard a whole bunch of grumpy growls and meowls yesterday afternoon, that would have been Tess. I'm pretty sure all the neighbours heard. All the neighbours for miles and miles! Yup, Tess sure does have a voice on her when she's annoyed and yesterday, annoyed with the peep, she most certainly was. MOUSES!
After the second incident, Peep #1 put Tess inside the house where she remained for the night.
But my keeping the peep hopping plan was not done for the day.
Dr. Who was on last night and Peep #1 decided to do some knitting while watching it. She hasn't been doing much knitting at all. In fact, I don't think she has knitted a single stitch all summer long.
Didn't get to do much last night, either, for a number of us cats decided to take great interest in the peep's knitting until she could knit no more.
And in keeping with the theme of Dr. Who and time travel and stuff, believe it or not, the peep had less knitting done after she stopped then before she had begun. How does that happen, you ask?
Super fickle peep. Hmmm... Super fickle peep. Try saying that ten times in a row. MOUSES!
Anyway, that's how my fur-sibs and I kept the peep a-hopping yesterday. To tell you the truth, it was a lot of work. More work than it was worth, I should think. Next time, I'm going to hire those aforementioned bunnies or hares or whaever. MOUSES!
Dang, a fickle peep is no fun at all. We did have a Crow Show here once, but the ferals chased them off MOL! Have a fun week everyone!
ReplyDeleteCouple of times I got pretty close to the crows. Then I realized just how big they really are. MOUSES!
Deleteummmm, ya know Sivvers, you all have way more patience with Peep #1 than Nissy guys better get to training her more effectively...just sayin'...
ReplyDeleteYou think I'm going too easy on the peep? You know what? I THINK YOU'RE RIGHT. MOUSES!
DeleteYou kitties are sure doing a great job of keeping your human busy!
ReplyDeleteIt's a tough job but SOMEBODY has got to do it. MOUSES!
DeleteSounds like ya keep her on her toes!!
ReplyDeleteSomeone has got to. I try to do my best, for sure. purrs
DeleteWe only get The Pigeon Show here, great audience participation but way too many trips backstage with those guys. purrs
ReplyDeleteI don't think we have pigeons here. At least not in my yard. I'm pretty sure they have them in other places. Wonder if they have any travelling shows... purrs
DeleteYou guys are training your peep well...but it sounds like there's still more work to be done.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to training peeps, there is ALWAYS work to be done. purrs
DeleteIt's a wonder your Peep managed to keep doing her knitting when she got home as she must have been worn out with all her running about.
ReplyDeleteLuv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Well she didn't last long at it. We had her making mistakes and ripping things out, lickety-split. purrs
DeleteIt sounds like hard work keeping a super fickle peep on her toes! I don't get a crow show here. They all stay in the fields eating horse poop. Dirty birds!
ReplyDeleteHorse poop? MOUSES!
DeleteMowzers, do you think you're keeping the Peep busy enough?
ReplyDeleteNot sure, to be honest. I'm thinking we could be doing more, for sure. purrs
DeleteSounds like you guys have your work cut out for you... but you're doing good! Keep that peep on her toes, for sure!
ReplyDeleteIt's an honest day's work. Hard but honest. Wait a minute... WHY AM I NOT ON SALARY? MOUSES!
DeleteOver here in the UKofGB(etc) we have places called "chippies". Now and then, staff goes to the local chippie and brings back his supper wrapped in white paper. You don't think he's eating chipmunks do you?
ReplyDeleteAnd crow poop's nothing! Come visit and experience the seagulls! They can hit staff's head from 300 feet up!
They serve chippies at your local chippy? No, that can't be right. Surely not. Maybe they're serving fried up potatoes or something. purrs
DeleteHumans are in MAJOR need of motivation and snoopervision almost ALL the time. It's amazing we have time to sleep and eat considering how much of our time is spent trying to get them to do our bidding! It's a never ending process. I feel your pain.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Sammy
Tell me about it! Just when you think you have them trained, you're proven wrong. MOUSES!
DeleteSounds like what happens at our house!!! MOL MOL
ReplyDeleteThe P.A. has to go looking for certain kitties who don't want to come in.... the P.A. has now rectified said wandering problem by instilling an indefinite curfew on 'those that shall not be named!' MOL MOL
I'm ok though because I always come back when I'm whistled.
Basil xox
Peep #1 can't whistle. She's whistling impaired. MOUSES!
DeleteWell, you know how to keep your human busy ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteI try. It's a hard life but SOMEBODY has got to do it. purrs
DeleteIt looks like your peep #1 is a work in progress that isn't really progressing!! You do have your work cut out, Seville!!
ReplyDeleteA work in progress.... That sounds about right. It'll probably take me as long to train her as it took them to build the pyramids or something. MOUSES!
DeleteI wonder what Tess was planning to do? I like Dr. Who too :)
ReplyDeleteThat Tess is always up to something and sometimes that something isn't good. MOUSES!