Wednesday, 23 September 2015

getting my ducks in a row

You over there, move to the left, please.  Nope, that's too far.  Move back a little to the right.  And you, You move to the right, too.  Just a smidge. Yup, yup, that's it.  WAIT, WAIT A MINUTE!  I didn't tell YOU to move.  You stay where you are.  You too.  You stay right there. No, no that's far enough. Keep still, would you? EVERYBODY STAY RIGHT WHERE THEY ARE!  NO ONE MOVE!  Okay, let's start all over again.  You, you over there.  You move just a smidge to the left.  Nope, that's too far...

What's that, Peepers?  What am I doing?  It's it obvious?  I'm getting my ducks in a row.

At least I'm trying to get my ducks in a row.  Gosh, this is harder than herding cats, for sure.

Peepers, you have any hints for getting these ducks to...


Oh Peepers, I could do with some help here...

I should have used rubber duckies.  Bet they would have stayed put and not been milling about like...


What are you babbling about, Peepers?  Oh.  Really?  Are you sure about that?  REALLY?  Hmmm...

NOW she tells me.

Long story short, I have been informed that putting my ducks in a row does not actually involve the use of live ducks.  MOUSES!

Doesn't involve the use of rubber duckies, either.  MOUSES!

I didn't know why they all had to be in a row, anyway.  It didn't make any sense to me, at all.  Now geese, I could see.  I see geese flying in rows all the time.  Flying high up in the air in two rows, converging in a letter 'v.'  Yup, perhaps that old saying should have been about putting one's geese in a V.  MOUSES!

But speaking of geese, the Canada Geese will be flying over my house any day now.  It's true! They fly south for the winter, you see, and my house appears to be on an international flight path of sorts. Every fall, those geese fly right over me and my house.  And you know when they're doing a flyby because they honk up a storm.  Why, they honk like a bunch of irate drivers in a traffic jam. MOUSES!

But like I said, although I haven't yet seen those geese this season, I'm sure I will soon because you all know what today is, right?  It's the first day of Autumn.  That means it's time for the geese to start their journey, southward bound.

I've never actually met a goose.  Don't know why. Maybe my yard isn't suitable for landing or something.  Hmmm....

Anyway, autumn is here now.  It arrived today although it felt like it arrived two days ago.  Last weekend was hot and muggy and sticky-icky.  Just like summer, in fact.  But then all of a sudden, everything got a little chilly and the humidity left us behind.  Leaves haven't started changing colour yet but the other night, the peeps had to put the heat on. Could you believe it?  One day they have fans running and the next, the furnace.  MOUSES!

Another word for autumn, of course, is fall.  Fall...  The season of falling stuff.  It's true!  Leaves fall as do acorns and guess what?  They fall in the fall.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Only thing I don't know is which came first.  Was it the chicken or the egg...  Oops!  Sorry.  Wrong saying.  I meant to say, was it the season or the act.  Do the leaves fall in the fall because they think they should fall in the season called fall OR is the season called fall because the leaves and other falling stuff fall?

One will never know, I suppose, as the leaves aren't really talking although truth be told, they do rustle a lot and the wind is always whispering secrets and stuff.  I bet you anything those darned squirrels know a secret or two.  Bet those squirrels know the secrets of the leaves and all. MOUSES!

Squirrels love fall.  Ever notice that?  It's true.  You should see those big grey ones scampering up and down the big old oak tree at the end of my driveway.  They're looking for acorns, you see. Stashing them away for the winter.

Did you know that squirrels are the most forgetful of all rodents?  At least, that's what I've observed. I watch the squirrels living around here, a lot, and while I've been watching, I have discovered that they're always forgetting stuff.  Mainly, they forget where they stashed their acorns, you see.

It's true.  Every fall those squirrels stash their acorns all over my yard, in little bundles, and then Peep #1 finds little oak trees growing, in following years.  She knows they were planted by squirrels on account of their appearance in bundles and clumps.  A clump of oak trees here and another clump there.  Drives the peep crazy, for sure.  Crazier than a squirrel making nut pies kind of crazy, if you know what I mean.

Not that my peep actually needs to be driven crazy.  Believe-you-me, she already knows that road like the back of her hand.  MOUSES!

But I bet the forgetting of where they put their nuts drives the squirrels crazy, too.  Nothing worse than not remembering where you hid something.  Not being able to find it.  Mouses that can be frustrating.  So frustrating it will drive you to frustration, for sure.

I remember that time I couldn't find my favourite nip mouse after hiding it from my fur-sibs...

To tell you the truth, I STILL remember not being able to find my favourite nip mouse like it was just yesterday.  Not yesterday when I lost it but yesterday when it was still lost.  By gosh and golly, my favourite nip mouse is still no where to be found!

I sure do hope Peep #1 didn't throw it out because one of my fur-sibs peed on it or something. MOUSES!

But back to those forgetful squirrels.  Do you know what they should do?  They should plant their acorns all in a row.  Then they would easily find the darned things when they went looking for them, later on.

And I'm betting that putting one's acorns in a row would be a heck of a lot easier than getting those ducks to line up like......

OH MY MOUSES!  I totally forgot all about those ducks.  Peepers is going to be furious, for sure.  I know she said I didn't actually need to get them to stand in a row but I'm betting she didn't want them waddling all over the place and...

Hmmm...  If I spin this just right, I'm thinking I can get the peep to take the blame on this one.   After all, she IS the one who told me I didn't need to line them all up so really, if they are ducks waddling all over the place, it really is on her.  Yup, it's all on her, for sure. MOUSES!


  1. Happy autumn, Seville! Ducks are only good for eating, as far as I'm concerned. No rows necessary.

    1. Eating? Hmmm... I don't think the peep ever gives us that kind. Oh yeah, I remember now. None of us will eat either duck or trout. Don't know why. We just don't. purrs

  2. Oh, Sivvers, you do write a good story. And I am almost certain that the falling of the leaves came before the naming of the season. Makes too much sense that way for it to be the other way. MOUSES!

    1. Then THAT must be why they call it fall! EXCELLENT. purrs

  3. dood...better watch it coz ya noe how manee times ya used de B werd bee fore yur post terned ta vizshuz forget squirrel.....??? waz a a lotta rowz & rowz of stay deeum seetz a bunch......we iz ever sew grate full ya stopped usin de B werd & meowed bout for getz full vizshuz squirrelz....manee thanx ♥♥♥

  4. I'm thinkin some roasted duck (in a row or not) would be good right bout now.

    1. And I bet tins of duck food wouldn't move about so much and cause all those problems, huh? Interesting... purrs

  5. My Peepers is trying to duck the issue all together! Hey, we have geese and squirrels in our yard lots and some ducks every once in a while.

    1. The geese land in your yard? MOUSES! Must be kind of neat, for sure. purrs

  6. Seville I will tell you the truth. You look mighty toothsome and bitable there all ornj and gingery. Would you like a small bitey?

    1. Oh my gosh, Katie... You've got me blushing up a storm. A lovely pink glow is showing through the orangey marmaladness that is my fur. purrs

  7. Oh and we have geese all OVER the place where we live. They sure do leave a lot of "calling cards".

    1. You mean they land at your house? And they uh... poop? MOUSES! They never do that here. Wonder if there's a goose eggbeater teleportation incompatibility thing going on. Needs to be investigated, for sure. purrs

  8. I don't know why the ducks need to be in a row- I agree with Summer that they are for eating. :)

    1. Hehehehe.. You and she should get together and have a feast! purrs

  9. Lovely post Seville, sounds like you had more luck with your ducks than I had with the mice. purrs

    1. Yeah, mice won't stand still in rows, either. MOUSES!

    2. Not even MY mouses here that come to share our room at night, They are in a line!

  10. Seville, you handsome dude. No, they don't land here at the house as there is nothing much for them here but me. They ARE in crowds all over town though and certainly at the Clinch River here and the lakes.

  11. It's just easier to get the ducks if they are in a row!
    Have a super Thursday...

    Noodle and crew

  12. You mean Canada geese are called Canada geese because they actually come from Canada?!


  13. Happy Autumn, or Happy Fall ! We wish we could see geese flying one time... Purrs

  14. Seville! Dude! you have so gotta get those flying chik'hens lined up...just sayin'

  15. Whiskers, Matriarch of Mischief at Mischief & Mayhem Central25 September 2015 at 12:37

    giggles. we thought Nissy gave Peep #1 a hard time but Seville, we think he was a pussycat by comparison to you! Oh, right! He was a pussycat!

  16. happy Autumn Sivvers....hehehe you do make me laugh,xx Speedy

  17. So vets, my ri bed duckcats stay lined up rather nicely. You might wanna get some. And we still have Summer hanging, hot, hot


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.