Where are they finding these peeps? MOUSES!
And another one bites the dust. And another. AND ANOTHER! They're dropping like flies, my friends. DROPPING LIKE FLIES!
Um no, I'm not actually talking about flies. Not talking about fleas, either. I'm talking about political candidates in Canada's upcoming Federal election although, when you think about it, there very well might be a comparison to be made...
So this one said this and that one said that and then there was the guy who thought it appropriate to be peeing in someone else's coffee mug in someone else's kitchen before giving it a little swish of water to kind of rinse it out and then putting it back in the sink.
Need I say it again? Of course I do. MOUSES!
Makes a kitty wonder what has become of this world. When I was a kitten, stuff like this never used to happen. Or at least, we never heard about it. And we certainly didn't have to watch it on TV. MOUSES!
But it does make for pretty good entertainment.
You know what part I liked the best? I liked listening to the political commentator who tried to defend the guy who peed in someone else's coffee mug. That gave me a chuckle, for sure.
Who here can say they've never relieved themselves...
Uh, ME. I can most certainly say I have never relieved myself in someone else's coffee mug, in someone else's kitchen. My gosh, I've never even relieved myself in my coffee mug, in my very own kitchen and I'm betting my peeps can say the same. Who here can't? MOUSES!
Oh my, I'm killing myself here. I'm laughing so hard, I can barely type. MOUSES!
Oops! I need to watch my words. I probably shouldn't have used the word barely because the next thing I know, one of these candidates is gonna be showing up in a tweet or a post or something, bare naked. MOUSES!
My oh my oh my... Hehehehee...
But there is a serious side to all of this, my friends. A very serious side, indeed.
Word on the street is that if you want to have any kind of political career here in Canada, you need to watch what you do and say on social media. That stuff can come back to haunt you, for sure. Tweets from way back when can be dredged up by your political foes. Dredged up like the slime and ooze they find when dredging a river. It's stinky stuff, for sure. Stinky enough to make your allies run for the hills. After all, they don't want to have your stink all over them. MOUSES!
And that's what has been happening up here in Canada, the last little while. Potential candidates made the mistake of saying stuff they shouldn't have said on various social media platforms. Now, years later, those tweets and posts have been dug up and put on display and an awful lot of them, have caused said candidates to be dropped like hot potatoes by the political parties with which they were affiliated.
I'm telling you, it has been happening so much, it's hard to keep track. Every week... MOUSES!
Lesson number one is for the candidates. Potential political candidates need to watch what they say on social media. Remember, these platforms are public so if you don't want the public reading about stuff they shouldn't be reading, don't post it!
Lesson number two is for the parties. Political parities need to do a much better job of vetting their candidates. As one journalist so aptly asked, if opponents can find this stuff, why can't the people vetting the candidates in the first place, find it, too? It's a good question, for sure.
Of course, the more social media savvy one is, the more stuff one has put out there for all the world to see. Being a rather social media active kitty myself, I have to say it would be pretty darned tooting hard for me to go back to my very first tweets and posts and check them all out. To be honest, I'm not sure I could do it. THERE ARE SO MANY! But if someone else is able to go back through them all... Well if they can, I must, too.
But as I'm not running for political office, that is neither here nor there. Someone goes back through all my social media stuff and all they'll find is a slight overuse of the word slash expression, MOUSES!, more than a few run-on sentences and an aversion to weasels.
Oh and my nip addiction, I suppose. But as nip is perfectly legal across the land, I'm not worried about my imbibing in a nip mouse or two - or three - at all. MOUSES!
But are these the only lessons to be learned? Are these, two, the only ones? Are the lessons at paw for only those who want to represent us in our capital and those who want to help them get there?
It seems to me, my friends, that there's a much bigger lesson to be learned from all of this. A much more important lesson. And this bigger, more important lesson, is a lesson we all must learn. Yes, it is a lesson for society, for sure.
The question we must ask ourselves is this. How in the world have we ended up with so many political candidates who thought they were doing nothing wrong by tweeting and posting disparaging remarks about women, other religions, other races and the police? People who think nothing about using offensive language and publicly posting about drugs and sex? I mean, when did stuff like this become the norm? WHEN???
Okay, maybe it kind of is the norm for some but should it be the norm for those who are supposed to be of good enough character to represent us in our nation's capital? MOUSES!
Is it normal to go around peeing in other people's coffee mugs in other people's kitchens? OF COURSE IT ISN'T!
My gosh, I'm embarrassed if I accidentally pee outside of the litter box. And that time I peed on the peep? I've NEVER heard the end of that. And I only did it the once and only because I had just had a bout with the crystals so really, it was due to medical reasons and not poor judgement on my part. MOUSES!
Now to be perfectly honest, we would never have known about the peeing in the coffee mug incident had said fellow not had the misfortune to have it all caught on tape but....
BUT HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN DOING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Someone could have used that mug after he peed in it. Used it for coffee! Believe you me, that someone would not have been wanting to do that, for sure. No one would. What a complete lack of respect for his fellow human... MOUSES!
Maybe the most important lesson of all is this. If we, as a society, want people who are of good character and judgement to represent us in our nation's capital, we need to be of equally good character and judgement, ourselves. After all, these politicians will not only represent us but will be representative of us, too.
If we don't want peeps representing us who are disrespectful to others, we need to stop associating with those who are. Stop associating with them and not nominating them as candidates. If we don't want peeps representing us to use a lot of explicitly sexual or violent language, we need to walk away. Walk away and not nominate them as a candidate. We need to make it clear that such behaviour is unacceptable in any and all forums and not just on social media.
So much blame for this gigantic fiasco has been placed on social media but in my opinion, that's simply not fair. Although social media platforms do provide a certain amount of anonymity and there is certainly a case to be made that peeps will say some things there they normally wouldn't say in like... School. Or church. Or at the dinner table; I'm betting these peeps have said equally repugnant things before. After all, they didn't learn to speak on social media. No, they learned how to speak long before that and there are always patterns to be found. Patterns of indiscretions and such. MOUSES!
If we want peeps of good character and judgement to represent us as a society we, as a society, need to surround ourselves with such peeps in everyday life. That, my friends, is the REAL lesson to be learned from all of this. The real lesson, for sure.
And if that's not possible, I suggest you all let cats rule the country. We're always of the best of character. We have the very best judgement. We never lie. We may sometimes growl a little or cry MOUSES! - a lot - but never use any really offensive language. We don't pick fights on social media although many do say, cats do RULE the Internet. But as Internet rulers, we use it for good and not evil. Almost every Internet savvy cat I know has at some point used social media to help save the lives of their fellow cats, not to mention many other creatures and the planet, itself. Basically speaking, we're already what political peeps should aspire to be. So if you can't find any peeps to fill the job, I know more than a few cats who are willing and able. MOUSES!
Sivvers for Senate!!
ReplyDeletePee Ess MOLMOL Was the coffee cup an espresso coffee cup? ;)
Espresso... GOOD ONE! Nope, regular old coffee mug that happened to be sitting there, conveniently. purrs
DeleteIt has been amusing to watch the circus that is become the election!
ReplyDeleteI know! A regular ol' circus, complete with the requisite clowns. MOUSES!
DeleteHey, we could send you some of our politician. You would have enough for a major circus!
ReplyDeleteHehehehee... Circus fever has hit us all, my friend. It has hit us all, for sure! purrs
DeleteSeriously, your candidates are that bad? And I thought the U.S. humans had corned the market on political crazies.
ReplyDeleteThey really are. You've got one campaign that is pretty much all about one of the other candidate's hair and then the lesser candidates are being booted out left, right and centre. I couldn't write anything this interesting if I tried. MOUSES!
DeleteIt sounds like your collection of candidates is as much of a clown show as ours, Sivvers! How is that even possible?
ReplyDeleteI guess it really is true about truth being stranger than fiction. MOUSES!
DeleteNow I've stopped laughing at the shear truth of it, gotta say you have got to the core of the matter, for sure.... time for the cats to take over I think. purrs
ReplyDeleteYeah, we've already taken over our own houses. Next the countries. THEN THE WORLD. purrs
DeleteWait, back up to the peed in a coffee mug thing. I've never done that, unless it was in the sink. But I know better than to try to run for office. I don't want my sink escapades held against me. What on earth are your candidates thinking? -- Newton
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking that some of them weren't thinking at all. Or maybe thinking of only themselves and THAT, my friends, makes them unacceptable peeps to represent me. purrs
DeleteWe often wonder where these peeps come from.......some of them NOBODY has heard of and even the ones people know come up with some pretty scary rhetoric so it's kind of a "crap shoot" (pardon the use of the "C" word!).
ReplyDeleteHugs, sammy
I'm betting that prior to the peeing in the mug incident, no one outside of his city had ever heard of that guy. Now, he'll be forever remembered as the guy who... you know... peed in that coffee mug. MOUSES!
Deletedood....cats troo lee R takin over de werld & in just a manner oh time; we WILL bee in office, we WILL bee pee in outside in broad day light, we WILL meow how & what we want coz peepulz haz yet ta understand uz....we WILL set this entire planet on itz ...paws !!! mouses ~~~ heerz two an Australian ghostshark kinda week oh end ♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteYup, just a matter of time. Just a matter of time, for sure! purrs
DeleteI do think you should run for Senate in memory of your brother, Nissy. I am sure you would never pee in a mug- on your peep maybe, but not in a mug :)
ReplyDeleteI don't even have a mug in which to pee! MOUSES!
Deletebet'cha one of your party's candidates don't have a whole hashtag name on Twitter like our Republican Party Presidential *snicker* candidates do...#GOPclowncar
ReplyDelete#GOPclowncar? MOUSES! That's even better than #PeeGate, for sure!